Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 420 Dragon and Phoenix Thunder City! The all-powerful magic treasure seizes the good fortune

Zheng Yi pointed to a certain position in the void, and suddenly, above the space and the giant sword, four clear figures sat cross-legged on it.

Taoist Qingye, Taoist Honglian, Taoist Baiou, and Taoist Huangquan were respectively listed in the four directions of earth, water, wind and fire.

Zhuxian Great Array, completed!

With the body as a sword, condensing the rules as power, evolving chaos, creating the world, and based on the Four Absolute Array, creating the terrible Zhuxian Four Swords.


Amidst the huge roars, the giant sword fell from the sky until it was inserted into the Strait of Death. The sword energy contained in it directly shook the silent sky.

It destroyed the power of the blood moon in it, and the blood-colored light in the sky was isolated. The terrible sword energy kept hitting the entire space, and the destructive breath penetrated from the foundation, destroying the blood moon's plan from the foundation.

As the Zhuxian Sword Array was fully unfolded, the four giant swords suppressed it. In an instant, this space where the blood moon was boiling was directly shrouded by countless terrible sword energy.

Even the light of the blood moon that descended from the sky was collided, isolated, torn apart, and rubbed wildly together by the terrible sword energy.

The light of the blood moon collided with the sword energy, and the mutual power constantly disturbed this space, and most of the blood moon power that was originally rising was wiped out again.

Not only that, with the arrival of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the Death Strait was completely separated from the blood moon in the sky, so that the Scarlet Queen could not get the blessing of the external source power for a while, and her power to destroy the isolation law barrier began to weaken. Although the internal turmoil was violent, it was calm in the outside world and gradually stabilized.

Finally, with the arrival of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, this space returned to a calm state.

The originally vibrating space cracks were also shocked by the terrifying pressure, and everything calmed down.

Zheng Yi looked at the blood moon in the sky, which was still bursting with bloody divine light, and tried desperately to resonate with the ground, but it was blocked outside the Zhuxian Sword Formation and the world barrier, and lost the connection with the original will.

No matter how powerful the body is, it cannot penetrate the isolation of the Zhuxian Sword Formation. The surging blood moon power is directly annihilated by the terrible sword energy and finally completely destroyed.

Looking at the Zhuxian Sword Formation distributed in the air, Zheng Yi nodded slightly.

With the suppression of the four great Taoists Qinglian, Baiou, Honghua, and Huangquan, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is amazingly powerful and fully meets Zheng Yi's requirements to block the complete arrival of the Scarlet Queen.

But in order to completely solve the harm of this blood moon, he must obtain more powerful power to destroy it.

Thinking of this, Taiyue God directly sat here to prevent other accidents, and Zheng Yi's body stepped into the core of the incense and fire divine domain.

This is also the place where the three realms of heaven, earth and man meet.

Back to the core of the divine domain, Zheng Yi prepared for his next step and prepared to build a powerful dragon and phoenix thunder city.

Thunder City has been wreaking havoc on the road to transformation, devouring a large number of ancient beasts including dragons and phoenixes. Many powerful cultivators and powerful races killed by Zheng Yi have left their images on the city walls.

Totems of ferocious beasts are engraved on them, each of which is lifelike, as if it can come alive at any time, exuding a terrible breath like a tide.

As the thunder flashes, the surging storm continues to release unimaginable terrible power.

As the top beasts in the Xuantian Xiuxian world, let alone the descendants of top beasts such as dragons and phoenixes, the blood contains rare divine power. Even the flesh and blood of those powerful marine beasts in ancient times are extremely precious resources.

This huge Thunder City has been spiritualized after several sacrifices in Zheng Yi's hands.

With the incorporation of a large amount of ferocious beasts' flesh and blood, as well as the more precious flesh and blood of the descendants of top beasts such as dragons and phoenixes, the Thunder City has begun to undergo an indescribable transformation.

Today's Thunder City is like an active volcano suspended between heaven and earth, constantly surging with surging breath. With its constantly gushing breath, perhaps in the next second, there will be a direct explosion of terrifying energy.

The terrifying breath has formed a structure that is stored but not released as the Thunder City continues to operate. The waves that fluctuate like the tide are still expanding. Once this active volcano swallows enough power from the outside world, its origin will also evolve.

If it were in other places, it would be difficult to promote the continued evolution of this Thunder City.

But once you enter the doomsday world, this is Zheng Yi's divine domain and his home court.

With the blessing of countless faith powers, this ancient Thunder City will usher in new changes.

When Zheng Yi descended to the center of the God's Domain on the Thunder City, the space layers above the void separated layer by layer, and began to merge into the Thunder City bit by bit as his will surged.

Zheng Yi stretched out his hand and three fragrant incense sticks appeared between heaven and earth. Incense was burning, smoke was curling, and the invisible power of faith condensed into substance, turning into three huge golden light pillars, shining on the Thunder City.

Between heaven and earth, countless strong auras gathered into a furnace, and under the blessing of invisible power, they surged from all directions and were controlled by Zheng Yi's will, as if an invisible big hand was controlling everything, with a surging aura like a tide, and merged into the Thunder City all at once.

In an instant, the entire Thunder City shook violently, and countless resources from the incense God's Domain were integrated into the Thunder City.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the height, thickness, and width of this city are all increasing rapidly. Under the sacrifices of countless people, it seems to have suddenly come alive and transformed into a larger appearance.

Even the shadow formed above the void has reached a very terrifying level, just like a huge mountain suppressing the sky, undulating, with thunder and lightning that will never fade on its surface, dark clouds and wind and rain, like an ancient city of destruction.

A breath that covers the sky and the sun surged from the Thunder City and quickly covered everything.

At the same time, I heard a huge roar in the entire God's domain.

Just like the clouds above the nine heavens were thundering, believers everywhere looked up at the Thunder City that towered into the clouds above their heads, like the palace of the gods, and the countless lightning reflected in their eyes shocked them.

The area around the Thunder City seemed to be trapped in a huge vortex. The floating thunders around formed lifelike thunder dragons, which were circling and spinning, and constantly making loud dragon roars.

Immediately after the flames burned, huge fire phoenixes appeared from the void in a trance, and hundreds of birds were paying homage to the phoenix.

The dragons and phoenixes sang together.

In an instant, in the thunder, the dark void seemed to turn into daylight, constantly releasing a grand atmosphere.

All the believers knelt on the ground in worship.

In this city covered by thunder, which continued to emit the noble dragon roars and phoenix calls, who else could reach the top except the great gods? !

In an instant, in the huge doomsday world, countless creatures and many believers around the world saw that the thunder city above the void shuttled through the clouds and mist, showing unimaginable style.

Countless figures knelt on the ground, looking up at the Thunder City standing above their heads. Their faith turned into golden light, completely enveloping this towering city.

As the Thunder City continued to improve and become more majestic, the aura of a large number of ferocious beasts contained in it was constantly refined and extracted, becoming the foundation of the entire Void City.

A circle of invisible thunder and lightning wrapped around the space, expanding the covered area outward.

Each of the ferocious beasts engraved on the inner city or on the city walls became clear.

After another tempering, the countless marine beasts destroyed and devoured by the Thunder City, as well as the phantoms formed by the descendants of the powerful dragon and phoenix races, appeared in the air one by one, revolving around the Thunder City, almost completely covering this space.

Everything was shaken by the boundless fierce power.

Especially in the sky above the Thunder City, the nine silver imprints became brighter and brighter, rising up one by one and turning into nine rounds of shining silver moonlight.

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