Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 453 Incredible existence! The true origin of the blood moon

"The Ship of Fortune!"

Zheng Yi opened his eyes, and from the depths of his eyes, two strong lights shot out, like flashing lightning, shooting straight into the void. A terrifying storm rose from the horizon of the world, and an extremely huge warship slowly appeared above his head.

In an instant, the Ship of Fortune rushed out from the interior of the Kingdom of God, and its speed became faster and faster, and its power became stronger and stronger. At first, it was just a small dot, but when it came to the front, it had become as huge as a world, overwhelming the mountains and seas, breaking the void, and its solid bow ram pointed directly at the will of the isolated and suppressed Scarlet Queen.

An unparalleled force rushed straight into the sky, competing with the scarlet source power, not giving in at all.


As Zheng Yi pointed to the void, the surface of the Ship of Fortune was suddenly covered with brilliant divine light. In an instant, the golden light lit up the entire giant ship, and at the same time, it was like an invisible big hand, pushing the tail of the giant ship fiercely from behind.

Suddenly, it disappeared from the world in front of it and rushed directly into the depths of the void. In the vast universe, the God of Fortune, driven by divine power, passed through at an extremely terrifying speed, which seemed even more terrifying than lightning.


Just as Zheng Yi widened his eyes and waited for the changes in the world, the red light above his head suddenly trembled.

In an instant, a seemingly shrunken giant ship hit the will of the Scarlet Queen in the depths of the endless space.

The terrible impact force, even though the distance was far, Zheng Yi also clearly felt that the incomparable terrifying impact force directly brought the God of Fortune into the entire void.

The terrifying power exploded in an instant, causing a huge mushroom group to rise in the dark universe.

The brilliance of the explosion, even though it was far away, still shone, making Zheng Yi unable to open his eyes.

According to the position of the Scarlet Queen, the beacon of the impact of the Creation Divine Ship has been set, just like setting a target in the vast starry universe, so even if it is far away, it cannot be avoided.

The Creation Divine Ship carries the power of the Kingdom of God and directly crashes into a scarlet continent with unstoppable force.

The scene of the explosion appeared faintly in Zheng Yi's mind.

It was a terrible bloody world built with blood. The bloody energy contained in it was an extremely terrifying existence. The power it nurtured was ancient and wild, revealing an extremely cruel taste.

Once a world is captured by this scarlet continent, then the whole world and the endless lives in the world will undoubtedly become a delicacy sent to the mouth and be swallowed up directly.

And this time, Zheng Yi used the power of the Creation Divine Ship, which also contained the power of the plane, to directly smash the sky, smash the source of the blood power contained in it, and pull it back to a primitive state.

All the rules were completely crushed, leaving only the original rules. The will of the Scarlet Queen and her immortal body lacked a foundation and began to disintegrate. They were captured by the plane power contained in the Creation Divine Ship.

In a sense, the will of the Scarlet Queen is also an illusory world of the end of the law.

The collision of the Creation Divine Ship was too fierce, causing the Scarlet Continent to return to the end of the law. It is unknown how many tens of thousands of years it will take to recover.

Of course, this is no longer important.

The Demon Buddha Kingdom, which originally swallowed up half of the Xuantian Xiuxian World, now has the plane power of the self-conceived space system. All of this kind of world origin is the best food and coveted resources for the Creation Divine Ship.

At the same time, Zheng Yi looked up and suddenly found that the endless red mist in the sky began to slowly dissipate. He finally saw clearly what the blood-red sphere as big as a planet, hanging above the celestial body like a blood moon, was!

It turned out to be a scarlet red planet.

To be more precise, Zheng Yi saw it clearly. Even with his current status and strength, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. For the first time, the Supreme Forgetfulness Way produced a trace of trembling emotion, which was the fear from the Heavenly Dao.

He saw it clearly, finally saw it clearly. It was not a red planet at all, but a huge scarlet eye.

Imagine a huge blood-red eye like a planet, hanging on your head and looking at you, looking at the whole world, and dropping countless scarlet lights representing disasters and sinking. This perception is so shocking and despairing.

The gap is too big. It is absolutely impossible for the universe of the small world to give birth to such a terrifying existence.

Zheng Yi even doubted that even in the starry sky of the upper realm, there really existed such a terrifying life form? !

This was beyond his cognition. Even the Heavenly Dao was probably just a larger loach or earthworm in front of such a life form.

Even a being at the level of God Transformation, seeing this scene, was filled with only a feeling of horror.

In comparison, the Lord of Darkness who was rampant in the Xuantian Xiuxian Realm was once a descendant of the ancient gods from the starry sky of the upper realm. He was really weak. The difference between the two levels was too great to make a normal comparison.

"Is this a Taoist weapon left by the ancient gods?! It really is an incredibly powerful life form, with an eyeball on its body..."

When Zheng Yi noticed this huge blood-colored eyeball, his facial expression changed. At this time, the will of the Scarlet Queen collapsed. Without any obstacles, he clearly felt the terrifying aura that was being nurtured, as well as the red bloodshot in the eyeball.

These bloodshots are the true source of the fall of all things and the source of this scarlet power. This huge eyeball seems to have been severely damaged, and some kind of collapsed tissue has been produced, just like the rotting of human flesh and blood.

The pervasive bloodshot is the real source of the fall of the entire doomsday world, the distortion of the will of all spirits, and even the fall of the rules of the entire small world.

As for the will of the Scarlet Queen, which Zheng Yi found extremely difficult before, it was nothing more than the residual will that was newly nourished in the bloodshot in the eyeball.

That's why Zheng Yi felt so strange at the beginning. The level of the will of the Scarlet Queen was ridiculously high, beyond the restrictions of the rules of heaven, but like a robot, cold and ruthless, and would only act according to the instinct of its own will.

Now it seems that because it is not a complete life form, it cannot even be called life, but the evolution of a residual weird thought, it wants to capture the power of the Heavenly Dao of the entire world plane, and finally completely assimilate it, be absorbed by the blood-colored eyeball, and become a part of it.

In fact, although the blood in the eyeball has been corrupted and deteriorated, it is dirty blood, but because its existence is too high, it is still a kind of divine blood, but it is corrupted divine blood.

The speed of decay is accelerated, and more and more dirty blood accumulates. When the surface of the eyeball is filled with blood, the will of the Scarlet Queen can directly transcend and become a new god.

It is for this reason that the Scarlet Queen is so willing to radiate the entire world, constantly pollute all spirits, and drag the Heavenly Dao to fall together. She even went down to the world in person because of the bait of Zheng Yi's divine flesh and blood, wanting to strangle Zheng Yi.

Because the existence of Zheng Yi's incense kingdom separated the boundary between heaven and earth, and essentially blocked the pollution of the blood moon, it had already angered the Scarlet Queen and shaken the foundation of its existence.

So no matter what, he had to go down to the world in person. Qingzi and Zheng Yi had a fight!

Unfortunately, Zheng Yi hid deeper, planned more strongly, had greater ambitions, and was backed by another immortal world.

In the end, he continued to expand his own strength, possessed more powerful power, and even refined the two incredible artifacts of the state, the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the Creation Divine Boat, and won the final victory.

In this level of battle, the winner takes all, and the loser has nothing.

Everything that the Scarlet Queen planned was eventually lost by Zheng Yi's hands, and the body was completely smashed by the terrifying Creation Divine Boat. The will of the Scarlet Queen generated by the entire virtual continent also collapsed directly under this impact and was completely destroyed.

"So that's it?!"

Zheng Yi's soul flashed with pictures, and soon the entire origin of the Scarlet Queen was reviewed in his mind.

Finally, everything calmed down, and he clearly understood the past of the birth of the Scarlet Queen.

Of course, facing such an enemy of the Great Dao, no matter what the other party's origin is, Zheng Yi would not hold back, let alone be polite.

The Great Dao is lonely and walks alone. This level of confrontation must devour everything of the opponent to complete one's own Dao.

In his mind, this time the active attack of the Creation Divine Ship not only destroyed the Scarlet Continent and the will of the Scarlet Queen hidden in it, but more importantly, it took the blood moon source power contained in it for itself and swallowed it all up.

He mastered the innate source divine body and was familiar with this kind of thing. In addition, after devouring the Demon Buddha Kingdom, the parasitic Dao fruit of the Demon Buddha Xumi Buddha Lord was also in his pocket.

With these two things, the power he could carry was undoubtedly increased again.

The true body of the blood moon he was planning, the eyeball of the unknown supreme being, could be used to implement the next plan.

With the Scarlet Queen being completely resolved, the external factors threatening the Kingdom of God were also completely eliminated.

Zheng Yi began to study how to get the blood-colored eyeball that was still hanging in the sky like a huge planet.

The true body of the blood moon was actually an eyeball.

For him, it was really a fatal attraction.

No matter what its origin was, whether it was an eyeball of the ancient immortal, or a flesh and blood organ of the innate gods and demons, or even a top-level magic weapon refined by the supreme being, for him, he wanted to take it for himself, which was a huge temptation.

"Everything is finally over!"

Zheng Yi looked at the blood moon planet and said slowly.

After a long struggle, the huge threat that had always been there was finally completely eliminated, and the history of the previous sinking of all things also became a thing of the past.

However, now is not the time to lie down. Zheng Yi plans to integrate the Nine Provinces Kingdom into the Creation Divine Ship. Relying on the plane power nurtured by the Creation Divine Ship and the continuous sacrifice power of the Incense Divine Kingdom, one day, it may be possible to breed an original world that belongs to Zheng Yi.

And that world, as the foundation of Taiyue God, exists with him.

As for the remaining half of the Xuantian Immortal Cultivation World, he plans to take only one area of ​​land and move it to the Creation Divine Ship first, as the base camp of the Heavenly Palace Immortal Court, and as a place for the development of the immortal believers who worship him as the main sacrifice.

One is the kingdom of Taiyue God, which is full of devout believers.

The other is the team and foundation formed by Zheng Yi after he occupied half of Xuantian Xiuxian Realm. Although all forces and races have surrendered to his suppression and become the people under his control.

But when he ascends to the upper realm, he will only take away a small group of fanatics who have the deepest faith and are most loyal to Tiangong Emperor.

As the saying goes, when a fairy ascends to heaven, all chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Zheng Yi wants to achieve his goal, make everyone like a dragon, and establish a huge divine domain, and even the Tiandao Immortal Court.

These two spaces are undoubtedly the foundation for the rise of the starry sky domain after his ascension to the upper realm.

Whether it is the Jiuzhou Kingdom of God that he controls or the half of Xuantian Xiuxian Realm that he occupies, in fact, they are now completely in his control.

Of course, compared with Xuantian Xiuxian Realm, Jiuzhou Kingdom of God is undoubtedly a more secretive existence. The believers from the kingdom of God can be sent to the Xiuxian Realm to hone their skills and improve their strength.

However, the people of Xuantian Xiuxianjie, who were under the command of Tiangong Emperor, could not enter the Kingdom of God. Only those who completely abandoned everything and only had devout faith and worshipped Zheng Yi could be qualified and become his true confidants.

Time passed like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, several decades had passed.

After decades of hard work, Zheng Yi finally connected the Kingdom of Jiuzhou with the Ship of Creation with divine power.

He was ready to move his foundation, the Kingdom of Incense and Fire, which belonged exclusively to Taiyue God, directly onto the Ship of Creation.

It was like the legendary Noah's Ark, which encompassed the entire world and formed a self-operating system, a place suitable for the survival of all living things and rich in resources.

But now there is another problem, that is, it is not a simple matter to directly move the Kingdom of Jiuzhou to Noah's Ark.

It requires a lot of faith power as the basic power to support the entire operation of Noah's Ark, and even the self-circulating system, and to be able to carry the terrible power of the Kingdom of Jiuzhou.

The Kingdom of Nine Provinces was originally a fallen world on the verge of collapse. Although it was only a low-level world on the technological side, it had a complete heavenly way and system.

The weight of its world was unimaginable.

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