Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 472 Condensing the Godhead and the Mother River of Time

These flashing spots are the locations of Zheng Yi's followers. Through these coordinates, Zheng Yi can easily cross over.

Through the coordinates of so many followers, he has woven a huge network throughout the world, connecting everything together and ultimately affecting deeper areas.

Just as Zheng Yi continued to release divine light, the final transformation was also taking place in his soul space.

In the originally solid space, the surging spiritual power flowed in the space like a stream of water. An invisible pressure came from all directions and suppressed the spiritual river.

The surface of the river, which was originally flowing smoothly, suddenly erupted in violent shocks. The surging wind gradually stirred up waves of water on it, and the ripples kept jumping above.

The splashes burst out with brilliant brilliance, and the colorful light kept shining, as if to engulf this space.

As the flowing silver river slowly solidified and the system shrank, over a long period of time, the long spiritual river gradually turned towards solidification.

A thousand years in a glance, constantly compressed and collapsed, as if a black hole gathered into a point.

Finally, a hexahedral crystal shining with golden light appeared in Zheng Yi's soul space.

"Is this... Godhead?!"

With the continuous improvement of strength and realm, finally, after perfecting the entire Jiuzhou Divine Kingdom, he received the gift of the universe and the recognition of the Great Dao.

Zheng Yi's control over the entire Three Realms Divine Kingdom was once again enhanced, and he completely turned this place into his private property.

With the recognition of the universe, his own faith power also transformed, and finally became what it is today, condensing the legendary Godhead.

In an instant, his already powerful soul power surged again, and Zheng Yi's soul power solidified and evolved into substance.

It condensed the core rules of the Divine Kingdom and evolved into this hexagram crystal suspended in the air, flashing endless divine light, gorgeous and dazzling!

The brilliant divine light fell on Zheng Yi, and along with the complete perfection of the whole world, the power of rules was like a flowing river, constantly absorbing the power of the surrounding void and bringing it into the flowing river.

Standing on the river bank, Zheng Yi raised his head, and the brilliant godhead like a hexagram was suspended above his head. In his eyes, countless lights and shadows changed. It was a hexagram pattern formed by the powerful regular power. Looking through the phenomenon to see the essence, in an instant, the whole world changed in his eyes, stripped of the gorgeous appearance, and turned into countless silk threads interwoven.

The rolling river penetrated the void of heaven and earth, and billions of rivers gurgled, converging from all over the world, and finally rushed away along an unknown direction and unknown location.

In the deepest part of the pupils of the eyes, countless triangular stacked patterns rotated crosswise, just like a pyramid, as if seeing the changes of heaven and earth and the passage of time.

It seems that the changes of time are all flowing in this great river. No matter whether it is the millions of creatures in the mortal world or the gods and immortals who are high above, they can't escape the baptism of time and the shackles of time.

Countless waves are jumping, carrying an extremely vast breath. This wave of time is like a magnificent road, passing all the way.

"Is this... the long river of time?!"

At this moment, the brilliant godhead of the six-pointed star above Zheng Yi's head suddenly emitted a dazzling brilliance, and it seemed to produce some strange ripples.

A transparent silk thread extended from it, and it seemed to have some indescribable connection with the rolling torrent of time. Although it was very slight, it touched a trace of the essence of the mystery of time.

The whole world suddenly stopped. Even though the chaotic airflow outside was still rushing and the sea of ​​​​the universe was vast and boundless, the area where Zheng Yi was located seemed to be solidified in a translucent crystal and never moved again.

Thousands of dust particles were fixed in their original positions, with Zheng Yi as the center, forming a huge field of infinite light.

In this field, only Zheng Yi seemed to be able to move. He raised his head, and his pupils became larger and larger.

The breath of time was sprinkled on him, as if he was covered with a hazy gauze. The light was like the reflection of water waves. Although it was as thin as sand, it was dazzling and noble, like a ripple of time torrents sprinkled on him.

Along the way, Zheng Yi was well-informed. No matter how bizarre and incredible the mysterious power was, it happened under his nose.

However, when he really felt the gurgling streams flowing in every corner of the world, and saw the thousands of streams converge and finally merge into this surging torrent of time that was rushing at the top of the world and penetrating countless planes, he still couldn't help but take a breath.

At this moment, he seemed to see through the essence of the world.

Such a huge change gave Zheng Yi an unprecedented strong impact.

The surging river water, with the traces of years and the boundaries of time, kept rolling in the flowing river water.

The little splash of water flickered in the void, reflecting the traces of time, and some flowing images were preserved in it.

Following these images, it was a connection between his godhood and the entire world's torrent that produced a trace of reflection. Although it was extremely weak, it allowed Zheng Yi to see incredible pictures.

This was the life and death struggle of a large number of cultivators and mortal spirits in the Jiuzhou Divine Kingdom.

It was their short life, for survival, for life, in the choice of fate, and at the crossroads of time.

Or, in other words, in the process of time flowing, everything they experienced is contained in this long river of time.

It seems that this vast river is composed of drops of water, but in fact, each drop of water represents a person's fate and life.

However, even if this image of countless lives converges, it is just an insignificant wave compared to the majestic and roaring torrent of time.

Zheng Yi looked up and looked at the end of the river of time. He could only see the surging fog, tightly covering the end, like a layer of gauze, covering the future years tightly.

For a time, facing this vast and ethereal universe, he was just a dust, unable to see the changes in the future years with his eyes. At the end of the flow of the river of time, there are all the changes and causes and effects that may happen in the future.

The fate of time, the future represented by it, is constantly rushing and changing all the time, just like the jumping water, which is just one of the thousands of destinies.

Therefore, there will be a fog and the future is not clear.

Suddenly looking back, Zheng Yi clearly saw that the time behind him was constantly disintegrating and disappearing, turning into a black hole that was constantly extending and swallowing everything, opening its mouth from the void, wanting to suck everything into it.

Representing the destruction of the past, the tranquility of the present, and the changes of the future.

In this river of rules, everything is constantly changing. An invisible force of rules is above this world, guiding this river of time rules, quietly passing through the void.

From the past to the future, from destruction to the unknown...

"The Mother River of Time... is actually real?!"

"No wonder the White Bone Bodhisattva fell into the devil's barrier when he forcibly practiced "Xumituo's Sutra of the Future Stars and Thousand Buddhas". The attributes of this time rule are changing, unpredictable, and indescribable. If you need to comprehend it by force, even a cultivator in the Void Realm may not be able to guarantee his safety?!"

Zheng Yi stood for a long time and woke up again, but he felt dizzy and confused. It took a long time to recover.

Looking up again, the hexagram on his head had dimmed, as if it had consumed a lot of its original power. There was no rushing river in front of him. The great and indescribable mother river of time disappeared without a trace, as if everything he had seen before was just an illusion.

That level was too high, it had surpassed all the material foundations of the real world, and was completely disconnected from the material level of the entire universe, but it was omnipresent and omnipresent.

But Zheng Yi understood that what he saw was the rule road of a long river of time under the rules of this space.

It is no exaggeration to say that this time, being able to see this long river of time with the attribute of time rules was a godsend for him.

It may be because Zheng Yi had traced the cause and effect many times before, and because of the "Sumitra's Sutra of the Future Stars and Thousand Buddhas", his godhood had changed a little and had a little time attribute.

This situation is like the enlightenment mentioned by the immortal cultivators, but the level is much higher.

That was a change in the depth of the soul caused by the connection of cause and effect in the long river of time. If the rules of the Jiuzhou Kingdom were not completely perfected, he would not have such a good fortune with the foundation of the power of the whole world.

Fortunately, Zheng Yi really glimpsed a trace of the attribute of time and seized a chance in the long river of time or the mother river of time.

"Now my godhead has solidified a trace of spiritual light caught from the mother river of time, or the reflection of the breath of time..."

"This is a rare opportunity. I am afraid that countless powerful people and gods and demons may not have such an opportunity. Although it is only a projection of the waves of the mother river of time, it is a rare opportunity for me!"

After repeated confirmations, Zheng Yi understood that glimpsing the changes in the mother river of time made his hexagram godhead undergo a thorough change, and found a trace of the true meaning of time from it, thus becoming a proxy of a certain power of time.

This is considered to be a real touch of the existence of the mother river of time, and from the changes in the fate of the years, a trace of the true meaning condensed by the change of time can be explored.

This has nothing to do with cultivation, race, or blood. It is purely a coincidence and the favor of the Mother River of Time.

In other words, when Zheng Yi stabilized the projection of the waves of the Mother River of Time with his divine nature, he had laid a foundation for peeping into the long river of time.

It must be said that Zheng Yi had gained a great deal in the whole process.

In the vast universe, between the vast heaven and earth, the power of rules is spread throughout all aspects of the world, and all the strong men, whether they are on the path of the gods, the method of cultivating immortals, or even the various invincible paths of concentrated blood, their ultimate goal is to perceive the power of rules from the power of matter, and with the help of the cycle of heaven and earth, they have the energy to destroy the world and even transcend space.

The most basic and easiest to perceive are the various origins represented by the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. In addition, there are also changes such as magnetic fields and yin and yang.

And higher levels are chaos, destruction, creation, destiny, etc.

Time is king, space is supreme.

Compared to the perception of the power of space, the power of time is more unpredictable and incredible. Even for creatures with powerful attributes, it is not easy to sense even a little bit of it.

As Zheng Yi improved the entire incense world, as the Lord of the Kingdom of God, after he condensed the godhood, the true meaning of time was slowly condensed and refined in Zheng Yi, and constantly repaired, and gradually evolved from virtual to real.

If he could truly reflect a complete wave in the mother river of time, for him, it would lay the foundation for being able to comprehend the great way of time rules!

Of course, this process takes a lot of time and requires great efforts.

As the most special basic force that maintains all kinds of changes between the universe, even Zheng Yi doesn't know whether he has good fortune or not, and how long it will take to master it.

The whole process is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

But he at least has a little chance and a possibility.



The God of Fortune carries the complete world of the Kingdom of Kyushu, and shuttles quickly in the vast gray void.

This vast void is vast enough, boundless, and seems to be expanding all the time.

However, the God of Fortune shuttled upward along the bottom layer, and eventually it could cross the middle distance between the small world and the upper universe. The various storms and dangers experienced during the process could only be overcome by the indestructible artifact of the state, the God of Fortune.

Driving the God of Fortune, the incense world continuously provided the source of faith, and coupled with the convergence of the rolling chaotic airflow, the concept of time and space seemed to have disappeared, and only a flickering light was seen, as if shining from the distant end.

This flickering light undoubtedly pointed out the direction for Zheng Yi to move forward, giving him more confidence.

You know, in the void between the cosmic seas, the entire space is almost gray, filled with endless chaotic airflows, and there is no clear road at all. Only the coordinates of time and space can guide the direction.

Looking into the distance, the entire cosmic sea was wrapped in a layer of gauze, black fog, and various reefs, void traps and void storms were countless, extremely dangerous.

Zheng Yi was generally cautious, not seeking speed, but only ensuring the safety of the entire cosmic sea.

But the coordinates ahead were getting closer and closer, which made Zheng Yi realize that after so many years of traveling, his destination was about to be reached.

Zheng Yi was very satisfied with this, and even more excited. The Creation Divine Ship accelerated and flew out of this damned vast nothingness.

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