Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 478 There is a god of Zhongshan, born with a candle in his mouth

Suddenly, Zheng Yi seemed to have discovered something. He raised his hand, and a ray of divine fire fell on the head of the huge Wheel-turning King.

In an instant, it was like a spark falling on the kerosene, and it burned violently with a 'boom' sound.

The burning flames surged directly in the space, turning the temple space into a shimmering light and shadow of dazzling red light.

The light and shadow distorted and spread continuously, covering the space. Only Zheng Yi's suspended position and the wheel-turning king were separated.

The spiritual flame condensed by the endless power of faith lights up from the lotus mark between the eyebrows of the statue of Chakravartin, penetrates above the eyes, and extends until the entire head is wrapped.

The fiercely burning divine fire caused chaos in the space, directly penetrated the barrier, and seemed to include all the heaven and earth within it.

Even in the huge and silent Temple of Six Paths of Reincarnation, the sound of constant burning spreads outward in the faint space.

The beating flames split into wisps of firelight, spread outwards, and quickly integrated into the space, dispersing the black mist surrounding them, causing the Temple of Six Paths of Reincarnation to flicker.

These burning divine fires come from the power of faith of many devout believers. The pure energy condensed in them envelopes the huge head of the Wheel King and keeps jumping.

Despite such a huge momentum, the burning of the divine fire consumes a huge amount of power of faith provided by a large number of devout believers every moment.

Fortunately, in the past hundred years, many desert believers have joined the Kingdom of God, giving Zheng Yi a huge faith foundation. These losses are just a drop in the bucket.


Just when Zheng Yi seemed to be burning the Wheel King's head back and forth unconsciously, as if he was doing useless work, his eyes suddenly lit up.

There was a huge sound, resounding in his mind, like morning bells and evening drums, deafening and deafening.

"Have you really met a comrade?!"

There was something strange on Zheng Yi's face, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. The loud voice that shook the world sounded in his mind, but it couldn't shake his mind at all.

On the contrary, Zheng Yi simply opened the floodgates, not sparing the huge power of faith and the loss of the power of incense. As more power of faith burned, the soul also merged into the statue of the Wheel-turning King.

This seems to have become a game of fighting between you and me, and the main battlefield of the struggle is this huge statue of Chakravartin.

As the burning divine fire was blessed by Zheng Yi's continuous incense power, he gradually took the initiative, and his spiritual thinking spread to deeper areas.

The whole process was not too fast. When the soul extended downwards, it encountered considerable resistance. The remaining power in the statue seemed to be resisting the invasion of Zheng Yi's soul.

The two were locked in a protracted tug-of-war.

"Got you!"

At this moment, the power of Zheng Yi's soul broke through a barrier and reached deep.

Suddenly, he discovered a cavity, where like a curled up baby, there was some kind of terrible will breathing...

Suddenly, the calm aura of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Temple suddenly surged, and a terrifying aura erupted from the dead statue, rising straight up, even pushing up Zheng Yi's soul consciousness.

If Zheng Yi hadn't expected it and had the support of a steady stream of incense power, otherwise the sudden burst of power would have directly rushed into Zheng Yi's body along with his retreating soul.

"The material of this statue is special, and there is still a residual soul inside. Is this the God's method?!"

Zheng Yi has always had a certain advantage in terms of soul since he started practicing.

But the remnant soul in the statue of the Wheel King seems to be at a level higher than Zheng Yi's soul. The blow just now gave him an unimaginable impact.


Before Zheng Yi could react, the previously silent statue of Chakravartin suddenly erupted with a terrifying impact, rising from below like a river pouring upwards, directly breaking through the sacred fire burning above, like The surging storm and waves extinguished the spreading flames.

A terrifying residual soul power emerged from it, and in an instant, a huge shadow formed, almost covering the entire sky.

A ferocious face looked down at everything that happened, covering most of the void and almost filling the temple space.

A terrifying afterimage appeared in the sky, almost filling the top of the entire temple.

The destructive aura exploded instantly, and in Zheng Yi's shocked eyes, he saw the tall statues of gods in front of him, rapidly collapsing and collapsing like the sky was shattering.

The once grand and spectacular Temple of Six Paths of Reincarnation was unable to support itself under the impact of this terrifying force and completely collapsed.

Facing the appearance of this afterimage, the terrifying aura was directly suppressed, giving Zheng Yi extremely heavy pressure.

It also made him feel a little frightened. He could not imagine that after so many years, in the desolate and dilapidated Temple of Six Paths of Reincarnation, there was still a remnant soul hidden in the tall sculpture of the Wheel-turning King.


Suddenly, shrill screams echoed in the sky.

What surprised Zheng Yi was that the object of the scream turned out to be the afterimage attached to the statue of the Holy King of Chakravartin. In those red eyes, there was actually a kind of fear and uneasiness.

The feeling didn't seem to be a state of surging and galloping with divine power, but rather the feeling of falling into some kind of desperate situation and about to be swallowed up by the swamp.

This emotion is obviously wrong!


Under the collapsed statue of the King of the Wheels, a dark hole was revealed. In the hole, there were bursts of low roars. The terrifying roars filled every corner of the temple. The terrible breath continued to condense, giving people an unprecedented extreme pressure.

"No, this remnant soul is not the culprit. On the contrary, it is just a scapegoat. It was locked in this statue and used as an energy supply to suppress the horrible existence under the temple..."

"It seems that I am getting closer to the truth? Could it be that the reason why this Six Paths of Reincarnation Temple was built here is to suppress the horrible things under the temple?!"

Different thoughts surged from Zheng Yi's mind in an instant. He felt that he had caught some kind of spiritual light, but it was not very clear.

His eyes were fixed on the black hole that was constantly emitting a cold breath. The flickering light outside could not dispel the darkness in the hole.

It was as if in the deep and dark cave, the so-called light was completely useless.


Along with the low roar gradually sounded towards the dark and lightless cave entrance, the crisp sound of the chain dragging gave people an unprecedented feeling of oppression.

"What is being suppressed?!"

The harsh friction sound echoed in the ears, and the sound of the cold chain was like a storm, quickly spreading to every corner of the temple. The cold breath was constantly condensing, as if the terrible monster suppressed by the temple was about to come out of the cage again.

A huge black snake head poked out from the black hole. The huge head was like a vertical hill, and the long snake core exhaled a cold breath, making the surrounding air covered with a layer of chill.

What surprised Zheng Yi the most was that the huge black snake head had a third eye growing between its eyebrows, but the eye was horizontal and tightly closed, and at the front of the snake core, stood a burning white candle.

The candle flame on it did not go out, but flickered and swayed as the snake core spit out, keeping a steady state of burning.

Then it slowly opened its eyes, and a pair of huge vertical pupils reflected a cold chill. This terrifying ancient beast was full of terrible resentment.

"To the north of Chishui, there is a god with a human face and a red snake body, with straight eyes and a straight ride. When he closes his eyes, he is dark, and when he sees, he is bright. He does not eat, sleep, or rest, and he is visited by wind and rain. This is Zhu Jiuyin, called Zhulong."

"Zhu Jiuyin?!"

Zheng Yi was shocked. The appearance of this monster that revealed its true form was too obvious. Whether it was the huge snake head, the tightly closed horizontal third eye, or the candle burning on the snake core, all indicated its identity.

A terrifying beast that only existed in ancient records and was contemporary with many ancient gods and demons.

Zhu Jiuyin, also known as Zhulong, is the legendary god of Zhongshan Mountain. It is a monster that no one can tell whether it is a snake or a dragon.

This is a true spirit, and it is the true spirit that controls the rules of time in the legend!

Notes in "Poetry Containing Divine Mist": "The sky is insufficient in the northwest, and there is no news of yin and yang, so there is a dragon holding a fire spirit to illuminate the gate of the sky."

Among them, the so-called "fire spirit" refers to Zhulong.

Born with a candle in its mouth!

This is the most significant feature of Zhu Jiuyin. In addition, this ancient mythical beast, in addition to its huge size, is most special in that it is born with a special law of time and possesses a terrifying ability.

According to legend, its third eye cannot be looked at directly, because it holds a divine candle in its mouth. When the third eye is opened, the world will shine brightly, and when it extinguishes the third eye, the world will fall into darkness.

"It's started!"

When Zheng Yi noticed that the third eye between Zhu Jiuyin's eyebrows was trembling slightly, the terrifying divine power roared out, surrounding him from top to bottom, and the next second a bad feeling surged in his heart.

In an instant, the third eye of the Candle Dragon opened, and the temple suddenly became bright. A strong light fell into the temple. The bright sunlight seemed to penetrate the endless darkness, and directly sprinkled down the indescribable bright light.

The golden light directly reflected on the dark scales, and the reflected light echoed on the walls of the temple.

And Zheng Yi finally saw clearly. He clearly saw that the huge body of Zhu Jiuyin, who was constantly crawling out of the dark cave, was actually wrapped with thick black chains.

On the chain, a fragile force was still maintaining it.

"Sure enough, the establishment of this Six Paths of Reincarnation Temple should be to suppress this Zhu Jiuyin!"

The questions that were still flowing in his mind just now finally came together and became a clear conclusion.

Especially when Zheng Yi thought of everything he had experienced before, he realized the true meaning of this Six Paths of Reincarnation Temple, and he was even more certain of his guess.

But who on earth is so generous as to detain the remnant soul of an extremely powerful and mighty being, and integrate it into the statue of the Holy King of the Wheel, suppressing Zhu Jiuyin and preventing him from coming out into the world.

Zheng Yi was even more keenly aware that the long black chains that bound Zhu Jiuyin seemed to be the legendary dragon-binding chains. They looked ordinary, but it was because these chains completely suppressed the innate laws of Zhu Long that his time magic could not be used.

This dignified time-related true spirit, the legendary god of Zhongshan, was like a monster that had completely lost its intelligence. It had been suppressed here for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, otherwise ordinary metal chains would not have been able to trap it.

Bang Bang!

A crisp sound of breaking, accompanied by Zhu Jiuyin shaking his huge body, continued to break and shatter.

Without the suppression of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Temple, the suppression force formed by the powerful residual soul in the statue of the Wheel King, and the blessing of the terrifying formation, the power maintained before became extremely fragile and could not withstand the terrible power erupted by Zhu Jiuyin.


The world changed again. When Zhu Jiuyin's third eye closed again, the candle in his mouth trembled slightly, and the whole temple suddenly fell into endless darkness.

It seemed that in an instant, the light above his head completely disappeared, and the endless darkness once again enveloped this space.

In the dim temple, only the candle in Zhu Jiuyin's mouth was burning, emitting a little light, and even the surrounding darkness could not be dispelled.

"One light, one darkness?! This Zhu Jiuyin is indeed a divine beast that has mastered certain time rules."

Looking at Zhu Jiuyin's rapidly changing alternation of the sun and the moon, the change of time, and the alternation between light and darkness in a short period of time, the shock brought by it, only those who witnessed it with their own eyes can perceive the incredibleness of it. This is a power system that is extremely difficult for human powerful people to practice.

Even Zheng Yi was deeply shocked when he saw this scene.


Zhu Jiuyin swung his huge body, and with terrible power, he constantly destroyed the chains that bound his body, wanting to completely get rid of the fate of being suppressed and wanting to struggle out of it.

In fact, at this point, Zhu Jiuyin should thank Zheng Yi. If he hadn't accidentally broken into the land of reincarnation, opened the powerful residual soul detained in the Wheel-turning Saint King, destroyed the entire arrangement, and alarmed the sleeping Zhu Jiuyin, he would not have been able to wake up from his coma.

It is even more impossible to break free from the shackles of the Wheel-turning Saint King's statue and the dragon-binding chain, and struggle to climb out of the abyss.

However, when its huge vertical pupils discovered Zheng Yi, it shook its terrifying head, and its cold snake mouth opened like an endless abyss, swallowing suddenly, as if a black hole had opened, and the strong suction force was about to suck Zheng Yi into it.

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