Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 482 The mastermind behind the manipulation of the forbidden land of reincarnation

Although this desert planet has many believers, if you are willing, it is not difficult to manage it well for hundreds or thousands of years, cultivate a group of devout believers, and completely make this place your own.

But after all, it is an ancient planet, and it can only be regarded as a corner after entering the upper starry sky. Zheng Yi wants to pursue a higher level, a wider world, and a wider world, so naturally he cannot stay here forever.

According to the order of Taiyue God, the Four Emperors and Three Spiritual Masters led their troops and a group of newly joined believers to evacuate in an orderly manner and returned to the Divine Ark of Creation, and then arranged the believers in the Kyushu Divine Land. department.

The swift movements of the Divine Cult attracted the attention of many deserters. They all raised their eyes to the sky. They saw the Shenzhou of Creation, which was almost as huge as a planet. The expressions on their faces did not know whether they should cry or laugh.

If this group of outsiders hadn't come in force, they wouldn't have been able to survive the demonic tide.

However, their appearance brought the power of religious belief into this planet and became the object of faith for many deserters, which greatly weakened the strength and power of the nobles and ruling class among the deserters. .

During this process, they, the upper class, did not choose to resist, but the result was cruel, the process was bloody, and they were all brutally suppressed by the cult.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy or conspiracy is just playing with fire.

As a result, the divine sect took action, and hundreds of large ethnic groups with a long history disappeared, causing other clans to not dare to move.

They thought they would never succeed again, but they never thought that the Divine Cult would gather together in such a short period of time and prepare to leave. Such a quick action caught them off guard.

Some people even thought that if the black mist of reincarnation comes again in the future and they encounter other terrible disasters, what will they do if they lose the protection of the divine religion? !

"Set off!"

It's just that the progress of the Shenzhou of Creation cannot be shaken by their wishes at all. With the order of Taiyue God, the huge Shenzhou, as huge as a planet, flashed across the universe and disappeared without a trace.

Perhaps even ten thousand years from now, legends about the divine religion and the creation of the Shenzhou will still be spread in the deserted corners here.

After all, the belief of Taiyue God has taken root here and has been deeply transplanted into the hearts of many desert people. It is almost impossible to erase it.

As long as civilization is still passed down, the incense of Taiyue God will burn forever.

Because we have accurate time and space coordinates, we can travel all the way without any obstacles.

Following Zheng Yi's previous steps, the Creation Shenzhou quickly broke through the image of light and turned into a torrent, arriving at the place where Zheng Yi was buried.

The originally majestic Temple of Six Paths of Reincarnation was turned directly into rubble and debris, a messy ruin.

Taiyue Divine Lord personally took action and checked Zheng Yi's status. After finding no other abnormalities, he directly brought the reincarnation fairy fetus back to the core avenue outside the thirty-third heaven, into the Pure Sky.

After confirming that there was no problem, Lord Taiyue set his sights on the ancient map of the starry sky.

Following the changes in the land of reincarnation, after all the blue star seas were completely absorbed by the immortal fetus of reincarnation, the vast ancient map of the starry sky that had been scattered on the continent finally condensed together and turned into an ordinary piece of land covering an area of ​​several meters. A huge starry sky slab measuring 10,000 meters.

All the movement trajectories of the nebula are recorded on the star chart tablet.

As a precious starry sky map, it indicates the direction of the void, allowing Zheng Yi to find his way there.

But there's more to it than that.

Suddenly, Lord Taiyue spread his hands and grabbed the star map slate and threw it towards the void.

The calm void shook violently, and suddenly the stars changed and the universe emerged. Numerous planets' silhouettes appeared one by one and appeared on top, as if they had turned into a clear cosmic pattern.

"This is the forbidden land of reincarnation?!"

Taiyue Divine Lord was suddenly a little surprised. He didn't expect that the place where he was was clearly marked on the star map, and with it as the center, extending outward, looking at the stars that kept emerging, his eyes Then it extended outward.

Just as Taiyue God was paying attention to the changes in the star map, suddenly, the center of the star map twisted and bulged, turning into a starry sky altar, floating in the sky.

Looking at the dim starry sky altar, Taiyue God's eyes widened, divine light surging in his eyes, and then he stretched out his hands, palms facing outward, facing the direction of the starry sky altar.

For a moment, surging incense power surged out, and pure spiritual power flew directly across the space and poured into the starry sky altar.


The starry sky altar, which was originally dim and calm as water, began to shake violently. An invisible force surged out from the center of the altar, and the brilliant light lit up little by little until it filled the entire starry sky altar.

The Supreme God of Taiyue opened the altar with the divine power of the incense in the incense kingdom, and used its energy as fuel to burn, quickly igniting the starry sky altar that had been silent for countless years.

"If you want to leave here, you need to pass through this altar!"

Just when Taiyue Divine Lord was thinking in his mind, suddenly, a bright beam of light shot out from the Starry Sky Altar, which turned into a huge vortex, emerged, and enveloped the altar.

And at the very center of the vortex, a dark entrance appeared, which seemed to lead to the next star domain time and space.

The opportunity that appeared, Taiyue God Venerable naturally would not waste it. He came all the way to find a new world.

He came here only because he accidentally drifted into the ancient star field, and this reincarnation forbidden land was too strange. The longer he stayed, the greater the danger. Through this starry sky altar, Taiyue God Venerable knew that hope was in front of him, and he naturally could not give up.


Watching the vortex in the sky turning bigger and bigger, Taiyue God Venerable directly issued an order, and suddenly, the Creation Divine Ship docked in the void moved instantly, like an arrow from a string, rushing straight into the depths of the vortex.

For a moment, the Creation Divine Ship opened the maximum speed. The huge Divine Ship, with incredible acceleration, directly passed through the obstacles of space, rushed into the huge vortex entrance, and sank into it.


At the moment when the Creation Divine Ship disappeared at the entrance of the vortex, the sleeping Samsara Continent seemed to come alive, and the entire continent began to shake.

The first thing that started was a strong breath that suddenly rose, and the will from the ancient times revived.

The violent vibration was as if some terrifying ancient creatures were buried under this samsara continent, and they were awakened at this moment. The terrible breath kept impacting this space.


Along with the terrible breath that attracted this world, those pieces of meat that originally exuded a strange breath and were scattered around suddenly merged together at this moment, quickly gathered towards the center, and grew together, forming a huge palm.


The big hand condensed from these strange pieces of meat flew directly from the ground under the urging of the revived ancient breath, and flew to the huge vortex deep in the starry sky altar.

Perhaps it was because Zheng Yi took over the reincarnation fairy fetus, opened the starry sky altar, and left this reincarnation continent, causing the back-up left by the ancient power that cultivated the reincarnation fairy fetus to completely fail.

The remaining ancient will revived, and gathered the pieces of meat that exuded a strange aura into a huge palm, and grabbed the "escaping" Creation Divine Ship.



Just as Taiyue Divine Venerable was driving the Creation Divine Ship and rushing towards the gate of the deeper universe and starry sky, he suddenly felt a terrible aura surging like a tide in the space behind him.

He turned around and saw an extremely huge palm that almost covered half of the starry sky, forming a huge shadow that covered the sky and the sun, grabbing towards the Creation Divine Ship.

"I didn't expect that it would still attract the attention of the ancient great power?!"

Taiyue Divine Venerable naturally knew that the existence that could arrange such a vast project and cultivate the reincarnation fairy fetus was by no means an ordinary existence.

Therefore, he was so eager to take the body that had taken over the reincarnation fairy fetus and quickly escape from the strange reincarnation continent, but he still didn't leave easily and was discovered by the other party.

The flesh-and-blood hand that covered the sky and the sun behind him was not only strange, but also had a shocking aura.

The aura emitted by the hand alone had already surpassed the realm of Taiyue God. If it was grabbed by it, it would definitely not be able to resist its strong grasp, and even the Jiuzhou Divine Kingdom might collapse because of it.

Looking at the huge hand, Taiyue God completely activated the power of the preserved incense and fire divine way, and even ignored the problem of whether the high-speed flight would cause damage to the Creation Divine Ship. He directly controlled the Creation Divine Ship, using the incense and fire divine way as fuel, and continued to speed up.

Like a flash of lightning, it flashed through the star field space light gates one after another, and with the transmission power of the starry sky altar, it continued to accelerate and flee outward.

However, the huge hand followed closely behind, and its speed was not inferior to the Creation Divine Ship at all, but even faster, constantly narrowing the distance between the two, and approaching the Divine Ship little by little.

"Still can't get rid of it?!"

After crossing several star fields in a row, there was no way to get rid of the tracking of the huge hand, and Taiyue God had no better solution.

The speed has been turned on to the maximum power, and the Creation Divine Ship has no way to accelerate. It has reached the maximum speed. Secondly, rushing out such a long distance at once, the consumption of the incense and fire divine road is also huge.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that after one or two star fields, the huge hand that covers the sky and the sun will directly cover the Shenzhou completely.

Just when Taiyue God's face was uncertain, suddenly the vortex that escaped in the distance stopped rotating, and the entrance shrank a little bit, as if it was about to be completely closed.

This made Taiyue God smile. After all, the starry sky altar had been silent for too long and had insufficient carrying capacity. Even if it was ignited by the incense and fire divine power, the energy was quickly exhausted, and the space light gate of the void jump was about to close.

Suddenly, the huge hand that covered the sky and the sun suddenly shook, and the will of the revived ancient mighty seemed to have sensed something was wrong. The hand that continued to chase wanted to retreat.

"After chasing all the way, how can it be considered a courtesy if you don't leave something behind?!"

Taiyue God looked at the flying hand and his eyes became fierce. He not only turned the bow of the Creation Divine Ship and chased in the direction of the retreat of the hand.

Moreover, he sat in the sky above the Creation Divine Ship, with chaotic air surging around him. He threw one hand into the void, and four sword lights of different colors flew out.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian!

The flying Zhuxian four swords flashed four different colors, cut through the void, and transformed into four light gates.

The four light gates stood in the air, and there was a clattering vibration, forming four chains of different colors, one end of which was inserted into the void.

The other end, with a swish, was directly wrapped around the big hand that wanted to retract.

Originally, the space jump light gate of the starry sky altar was about to close, and the huge palm also felt the crisis and wanted to retract, but now it was locked tightly by the four chains, and the two sides were directly deadlocked in mid-air for a while.


A shocking roar suddenly came from the opposite side of the vortex, as if the remaining will of the awakened ancient power became angry, and the sky-covering big hand wanted to retract the light gate, and the pulling force became greater.

Even the chain wrapped around the finger could not stop it from retracting back. The Zhuxian sword formation was suspended in the sky, and the four sword gates were deeply embedded in the space, and began to twist and deform under this terrible pull.

For a moment, the power that erupted was so terrifying that even the four swords of Zhu Xian were slowly deformed and had the intention of collapsing.

"You've come here, and you still want to leave? It's not that easy, stay here!"

Even in the face of the remaining will of the ancient mighty, the indifferent voice of Taiyue God still echoed between heaven and earth.

He was not afraid of the remaining will of the revived ancient mighty at all.

In fact, there was no need to be afraid.

At least for a short period of time, the transmission was blocked, and the remaining will could only stay in the reincarnation forbidden land, and it was impossible to cross the star field and rush over directly.

Moreover, the star map slate had begun to collapse. Without the guidance of the star map, it was simply a fool's dream to find this place in the vast universe.

However, Taiyue God raised his hands directly, and the vast spiritual power of faith erupted immediately. The power from the incense and fire god directly turned into a burning flame, which covered the chain directly and spread to the big hand that covered the sky and the sun.

With the help of this surging incense power, the four swords of Zhu Xian transformed into four chains of different colors, burning into four fire dragons, and the pulling force became even more terrifying.

Even if the huge hand that covered the sky and the sun continued to struggle, it could not be completely withdrawn in a moment. (End of this chapter)

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