Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 520 The Origin of Stars! Using the Unreal to Cultivate the True

Of course, he did not have such a huge force as the Sea of ​​Thousand Stars, with projections of the stars in the sky arranged in a large formation.

However, you should know that the most superior point of the way of incense and fire over ordinary methods is to transform the virtual into the real and cultivate the real by using the false.

Although he could not find 365 main stars and 14,892 auxiliary stars, he could simulate thousands of stars with the way of incense and fire, and even if he could condense a trace of the original power, it would be enough for Zheng Yi to use personally.

And now, he was at the most critical moment of the simulation, so he even went through many obstacles and summoned the Dharma body of Taiyue God with the power of incense and fire to condense the surging incense and fire faith power accumulated by Yuhua Xianting for so many years.

As for the star gods of the sky and the star masters who controlled the projection of the stars, Zheng Yi also had his own arrangements.

He finally decided to use the god eggs nurtured by the Three Realms God Tree and the magic tumor formed by absorbing the Yin Qi of the underworld and the turbid air of the abyss under the tree roots as the basis to simulate the 365 big stars in the Zhoutian.

As the saying goes, the stars turn, and the world is in chaos.

According to legend, every star will give birth to a star spirit, and the reason why the Wanxinghai force has become a dominant force is that it integrates the legendary projection of the ancient stars and arranges them to form the stars of the heavens.

And the position of the star master is set up on each star, and the power of the star master and the star master is used to control the power of the star's origin.

As the Lord of the North Dipper, Zheng Yi controls a total of seven big stars, and is the core of the transformation method of the great unity of the stars of the heavens, and the key to the birth gate.

Using the power of the godhood of time to locate the mark is the core of it.

These divine eggs and tree tumors bred by the Three Realms Divine Tree just meet this point.

After all, these are all incense creations, from virtual to real, and among them are the spirits of the incense gods bred in the incense domain of the Yuhua Divine Court.

Among them, the divine eggs bred the incense gods, and the tree tumors bred the incense demon gods.

One yin and one yang, ghosts and gods confront each other, but they also cater to the different attributes of the stars in the Zhoutian constellation.

The confrontation between yin and yang attributes and the mutual cause and effect are the truth of heaven and earth. This is the way of balance and the role of the law in the dark.

Now, Zheng Yi uses his special incense method to simulate the evolution method of the Zhoutian star array with his own chaotic domain void, and uses the incense spirit to evolve the star spirit of the star.

At the same time, with himself as the main body, the entire virtual process of the transformation method of the great unity of the stars in the sky is carried out.

He originally thought that this method was just a deduction of the conception by burning incense, and there might be a possibility of failure.

However, he did not expect the previous experiment to be so smooth.

Looking at the divine egg and the tree tumor floating in the chaotic black dragon cauldron, the golden flash and the chaotic dirty magic energy blended with each other, and the confrontation between each other, floating and sinking, was like a heart beating.

Zheng Yi's will extended into it, intertwined with the entire Chaos Black Dragon Cauldron, and he could gradually feel the life pulse of the spirit nurtured in the divine egg and the tree tumor.

For him, this was a deep admiration, as if they were connected by blood. The life forms in the divine egg and the magic tumor sensed Zheng Yi's will, as if they saw the Father God, and cheered.

This is indeed the case. As the creator of the Xianghuo Divine Kingdom, although Taiyue Divine Venerable is the foundation of the entire Divine Kingdom.

But as his Shinto Dharmakaya, Zheng Yi also has the Shinto authority of the Xianghuo Divine Realm to a certain extent, and his control over the Xianghuo Divine Kingdom can be said to be profound and subtle.

Especially the Three Realms Divine Tree, which runs through the Zhoutian, is entirely his hard work.

It has been nurtured in the long period of growth, affected by the power of sacrifice, and his own nurturing, and is even more closely connected than the so-called natal magic weapon.

The Three Realms Divine Tree, as the innate mother womb that breeds the incense gods, can be regarded as the center and foundation that controls all the incense spirits in the Three Realms.

In a sense, Zheng Yi, as the creator of the divine egg and the tree tumor, can even replace it in a moment and directly deprive the divine egg and the tree tumor of their will.

Or he can put the wrong hat on the wrong head, occupy the magpie's nest, wipe out the consciousness in it, and let other foreign consciousnesses settle in it to replace its power.

This is the terrible thing about the incense god. The so-called incense is poisonous. From top to bottom, as the source of the power of the god, it can control all the holy spirits under its command who enjoy its incense sacrifices, gather the great power, and breed a virtual world by itself.

Zheng Yi used this method to let these tree tumors and divine eggs replace the position of each star in the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array.

And use the incense bred in it to sacrifice the gods and the incense turbid world demons, evolve the star spirits of each star, and finally turn into the so-called star gods.

In this way, although it was evolved with the power of virtual incense, it did build a virtual Zhoutian Star Array.

This is his grand goal, but it is not easy to achieve this goal.

The most important thing is that the evolution of stars requires time accumulation, which is the condensation of countless years of space and time in the universe.

Not to mention how much rule power is contained in it, the trace of original power that has been condensed over countless years is not so easy to imitate.

But Zheng Yi is not worried about this, because he can't really evolve the original star from the spirit of the void, but he still has a chance to imitate the pulse of the star's origin with the way of incense.

After all, he is now the Lord of the Big Dipper, the master of the Big Dipper. With the backdoor left in it, he can plunder the Big Dipper and simultaneously update the star soul power of the other 358 Wanxinghai Zhengxing.

Although it cannot be said to replace it, it can still be done by imitating its context.

Feeling the divine eggs and tree tumors that were constantly beating in the chaotic black dragon cauldron, emitting a sense of joy, Zheng Yi's will spread over them, comforting them and saying: "Don't worry, I will ask your brothers and sisters to come down and accompany them." you."

He held the Seven Treasures Tree and pointed it toward the void, and immediately the Three Realms Tree shook again.

This time, the tree god eggs exuded a sacred luster, and the tree tumors were squirming and hideous, carrying rolling demonic energy, like rain, turning into meteors, falling hard into that In the heaven and earth contained in the chaotic black dragon cauldron.

This time, because of previous experience and practice makes perfect, Zheng Yi's movements obviously sped up a lot.

One by one, the divine eggs and tree tumors fell, intertwined, yin and yang were in opposition, and they all fell into the chaotic world.

For a moment, in the mouth of the chaotic black dragon cauldron that was originally dark as if it contained a huge black hole, three hundred and sixty-five dazzling lights flickered and shone brightly, just like the three hundred and sixty-five stars in the sky suspended in the sky and the earth. Evolution has begun to take shape.

This is the only thing he can do. As for the so-called 14,892 auxiliary stars, Zheng Yi's authority cannot simulate them, let alone detail them.

But there are three hundred and sixty-five big stars in the sky that have completed the backbone. They are like the core chapter and general outline of a martial art, which can cover everything.

As for other details, they can only be penetrated, understood and transformed slowly in the future.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi looked at the chaotic black dragon cauldron floating in front of him, stretched out his hand, and along the center of his eyebrows, a bloody divine pattern was imprinted on it.

Then suddenly the entire void began to twist, Zheng Yi's power of the Eye of Time was fully activated, and the invisible power of time gurgled.

At this moment, with Zheng Yi's body as the center, it seemed to have turned into a stream, flowing out from an unknown place.

Faintly, there was a loud rumbling sound in Zheng Yi's ears, as if the Yangtze River was roaring crazily.

The turbulent waves that rolled eastwards and never came back shocked him.

At this moment, because his mind and will merged with the virtual stars in the Chaos Black Dragon Cauldron, Zheng Yi once again felt the shock from the legendary void time mother river.

But he immediately realized that the opportunity could not be missed, and it would never come back, so he calmed down.

In order to imitate the secret method of the Great Harmony of All Heavens and Stars, he had already harvested almost all the divine eggs and tree tumors on the trees of the Three Realms.

In the short term, no more incense gods will be born in the Incense Dharma Realm, but in order to open up your own path to immortality, all this is worth it.

The cost of evolving and simulating this mysterious method is huge, and Zheng Yi himself may not be able to bear it, so he directly relies on the power of the Eye of Time, which contains the flesh and blood concept of ancient gods and demons.

It is a terrifying existence with countless Dharma eyes all over its body, capable of controlling the power between distorted reality and illusion. Its original will is also somewhat similar to Zheng Yi's consciousness of turning reality into reality this time, borrowing falsehood to cultivate reality, and simulating virtual heavens. .

This was Zheng Yi's greatest confidence in finally resorting to such a trick.

And now let's see if the flesh and blood eyeball in this pupil of time is no longer powerful.

The center of his brow slowly cracked, and the candle burning inside began to burn fiercely. Tears from the candle continued to flow and drip, and evaporated into nothingness in an instant.

The consumption of time power was far beyond Zheng Yi's expectation.

"We must hurry up, otherwise I am afraid that this virtual starry sky has not been fully simulated, and my own original power of time will be drained."

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi's heart sank, and he began to use his own will to seize the power of the Big Dipper. With the Big Dipper Palace as the base, the invisible veins expanded towards Zhou Tian.

At the same time, the outside world was already in chaos.

Countless monks from the Seven Star Lords of the Big Dipper family suddenly discovered that their use of the power of the stars suddenly dropped to close to nothing, and each of the seven Star Lords looked shocked, wondering what their immediate boss was doing.

But at this moment, Zheng Yi had completely used the power of Lord Beidou, and it was no longer up to them how things would develop.

As Zheng Yi completely let go of his authority, the seven stars of the Big Dipper shined brightly at the same time, forming a line and forming a giant spoon.

The invisible power of time twisted and spread, and along some unpredictable channel, it immediately communicated with the 365 stars in the Great Formation of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars.

The steady stream of resonant frequencies spread into Zheng Yi's heart through the authority of Beidou Shenjun.

In an instant, Zheng Yi's whole body began to shake violently, and the chaotic starlight cave in his body seemed to be about to fall apart, shaking continuously.

And in his ears and mind, it seemed that countless ancient stars were rolling around for a moment, roaring and roaring from the source of the stars.

Just for a moment of contact, Zheng Yi felt that even with his cultivation in the middle stage of the Cave Heaven Lord, he could not withstand such a terrifying power of the stars.

He was like a small boat, sailing on the turbulent sea, surrounded by 365 huge star kun whales like aircraft carriers. A random swing of its tail would stir up terrifying waves.

He could only grit his teeth and persist, and unknowingly, traces of real blood seeped out from the corners of his eyes and ears.

One can imagine how much will Zheng Yi endured at this time.

Carrying the origin of the ancient stars in a human body is a huge oppression even for the Lord of the Cave Heaven.

If Zheng Yi had not opened up the Chaos Starlight Cave Heaven long ago, and the Chaos Starlight Cave Heaven is a top-grade cave heaven that combines the power of chaos and the power of starlight, it may not be able to carry it for such a short time.

At this time, with the Big Dipper as the fulcrum, the consciousness fluctuations extending to the 365 main stars, although weak, can be concealed from others, but it cannot be concealed from the Starlight Dou Mother Yuanjun, one of the Twin Saints of the Ten Thousand Stars Sea.

She stood high on the top of the stars, on the supreme starry throne, the figure of the Dou Mother Yuanjun slowly emerged with a trace of outline.

The eyes that seemed to contain endless starlight looked into the distance, as if passing through countless scrolls of time and space, pulling closer to countless void boundaries, and seeing the location of the Big Dipper Palace.

Eighteen black dragons roared, covering countless dazzling golden lights, forming eighteen huge golden locks that locked the void around the Beidou Palace.

Even though Starlight Doumu Yuanjun was so far away, she couldn't see through it at the first time.

"What is this little guy doing? But nothing can change the final result. Anyway, it's the last bit of time, so let him toss."

After a casual glance, Starlight Doumu Yuanjun lost interest.

There was a trace of worry on her beautiful face. She waved her hand, and a huge coffin immediately emerged in the starry sky hall condensed by the vast time and space.

The coffin was completely crystal transparent, and endless star power emanated and rotated around it, as if it was a miniature Zhoutian Xingdou formation.

And in it, a majestic middle-aged man wearing a purple star robe and a golden flat crown was lying.

Although the man closed his eyes, the rolling breath emanating from his body shook out like a torrent, passing through the crystal coffin, and the endless star power gathered, as if it caused the entire Starry Sky Hall to vibrate.

The next moment, the body of the Starlight Doumu Yuanjun came close to the crystal coffin, and her delicate jade hands touched the surface of the crystal coffin, as if through the refraction of the crystal coffin, she touched the face of the middle-aged man in the star robe who was sleeping.

She murmured to herself: "Star Emperor, it's almost there."

"Ten thousand years of planning, exhausted the foundation, as long as you wake up, then everything will be settled."

Her voice echoed slowly in the Starry Sky Hall, but was shrouded by the ruthless starlight and never transmitted to the outside world.

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