"Where are the other three, Po Jun, Lian Zhen, and Wu Qu?"

Zheng Yi's voice sounded again, but it was no longer as serious as before. His tone was somewhat casual, and he clearly regarded the people in front of him as subordinates.

"Thank you for taking me in!"

These Star Lords from the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars were old foxes themselves. They understood directly from the words and quickly knelt down to thank them.

They knew in their hearts that this Big Dipper Pearl was definitely a rare treasure in the universe, but with their ability it was almost impossible to keep it.

Therefore, instead of being hunted by others, running for their lives in panic, and becoming the prey of others, it is better to directly hand over the magic beads to a powerful being who is willing to protect them.

Therefore, when Zheng Yi asked about the remaining three new magic beads, they gave the answer directly without any hesitation.

"In order to avoid being chased, we split into two, leaving three in the hands of the other team. If the Tao Master needs it, I can take them back with them!"

Zheng Yi was silent for a moment, then directly sent the Machine Master to lead everyone there.

"The Big Dipper as a whole is a special star field in itself, which can evolve the avenue of time. If I can get the complete Big Dipper orb and combine it into a whole, combining the body of all things and stars with the power of time, it will be for me Words are of huge help…”

Sensing that the Master of Machinery had left the range of the Incense Realm of the Yuhua Immortal Courtyard, and was sitting on the thirty-third heaven, the Taoist in Qingjing Heaven slowly closed his eyes and thought silently in his heart.

At this time, the four seven-star magic beads, Greedy Wolf, Jumen, Lucun, and Wenqu, were floating around him, emitting the radiance of bright stars, reflecting the 365 orifices of stars in the surrounding sky.

As the projection of the God of Fragrant Mars breathes and breathes out, it seems that the body of the Qingyi Taoist is the universe, and each acupuncture point is an independent star realm.

Its aura fluctuations have some mysterious connection with these four seven-star magic beads.

When Doumu Yuanjun asked him to take charge of the Big Dipper and sit in the Big Dipper region, he valued the time path he cultivated and could promote the movement of the Big Dipper.

Although he later left the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Stars, he was extremely skilled in controlling the Big Dipper, and that power of authority was not lost.

In addition, now that I have cultivated the body of all things and stars, I can be said to be innately familiar with the regular movements of the stars, and it has almost become an instinct.

Even though the magic beads of the Big Dipper are not real stars, they are cast from real star cores and have been nurtured by the Starlight Dou Mu Yuanjun for thousands of years. They can still exert some of the real star power of the Big Dipper.

This can promote Qingyi Taoist's understanding of the evolution path of the divine body of all things and stars, and accelerate the cultivation of the great path.


Huge waves were set off in the dark ocean of space.

Amidst the stormy waves and among countless stars, a huge battleship flashed past the universe. Its speed was so fast that it continuously passed through many stars and came to a desolate area.

This is a group of lifeless and desolate planets. Wherever you look, there is almost no starlight on the surface of these stars. They just stand in the darkness, giving people a feeling of loneliness.

The Lord of Machinery rose from the spaceship and stood tall like a metal demon.

It scanned everything around it with its 360-degree eyes, but found nothing unusual. Even when the life scanner was turned on, no signs of life activity were found.

"Is this here?!"

Now, having opened up the mechanical cave in his body, the Lord of Machinery has become a being in the entire Feather Fairy Court, whose realm is only lower than that of Zheng Yi.

As the origin and ancestor of technological civilization, the mechanical flow of Yuhua Xianting is booming at this stage, and the strength of the Lord of Machinery has increased by leaps and bounds, reaching around the middle stage of Dongtian.

In particular, Zheng Yi sent four mechanical gods to protect his subordinates. In cooperation with the four spirit warriors, the mechanical master was able to exert a combat power that no ordinary cave master could match.

In addition, the Mechanical Master himself can control machinery, and with the assistance of countless mechanical technologies and ultra-high computing power, he can face all kinds of extremely dangerous situations.

Therefore, it is not without reason that his combat power surpasses that of the Lord of Cave Heaven at the same level.

"It's near here, and the signal sent before is also here!"

Star Master Wenqu had a slight hesitation on his face. As old partners who had lived and died together for thousands of years, they had some understanding of each other's methods.

They are completely friends of life and death!

The meeting place agreed upon by both parties was here, but now something went wrong. It was empty without even a single person.

This can only mean that things have changed and created bad associations in their minds.

There was no trace of the other team, as if they had never appeared.

"Where have they gone?!"

Subconsciously, Wenqu Star Master and the others looked at each other.

In this situation, they had to take precautions. Even, if it's more extreme, they should retreat directly, thinking that something unexpected has happened to their companions.


Suddenly, the cold mechanical voice of the Machine Lord sounded.

A huge mechanical sensor covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, and a pair of blood-red mechanical eyes illuminate and scan. The powerful mechanical flow deduction brain is calculating crazily, and it senses that something is wrong with the surrounding situation.

As long as the other party has been here, no matter what, there will be certain traces left in the universe.

But now there is no breath left around, which is really weird.


The remnants of the Wanxinghai suddenly turned around and saw a terrible aura gushing out of the Machine Lord, sweeping around.

Their hearts sank one by one. Wenquxing and others had a deep impression of this Machine Lord under the command of Zheng Yi, the Lord of Yuhua Xianting.

The Machine Lord suddenly took action, probably because he discovered something.

Just as they were wondering why the Machine Lord suddenly exploded, a terrible aura swept across the four directions like a storm.

Suddenly, a large formation appeared on the edge of the interstellar in the distance, and the other team they were looking for was trapped in it.

"Master Machine Lord, Pojun, Wuqu, Lianzhen, they are them! Our companions are them!"

When he saw the few people trapped by the formation clearly, Wenquxing Lord couldn't help but get excited and was happy that the other party was still safe for the time being.


Before the Machine Lord spoke, a terrible aura suddenly rose from the opposite side.

A blazing flame burned above the universe, and the fiery red heat wave swept around, colliding with the breath of the Machine Lord, restraining each other.

"My friend, isn't this a bit too much!"

"We finally caught the prey, and you didn't say a word, are you going to rob it!"

Several figures appeared out of thin air above the universe, just blocking their way to the formation. The terrible breath burst out from the strong man in the lead, firmly controlling the breath of the Machine Lord outside, making it impossible for him to get close.

It can be seen that this person should be a master of immortal cultivation.

His immortal aura continued to surge, and the terrible aura formed a huge phantom of a divine beast behind him that seemed to be a scaly beast.

The divine beast had a prominent head and horns, was domineering and violent, and the surging aura also reached the level of the cave realm.

While this person was talking, he waved his hand lightly, and the men went directly to the formation, occupied the surroundings, and continued to increase the output of the formation, wanting to completely solve the few people trapped in the formation.

"Lord Master of Machinery, please lend us a helping hand, they can't hold on any longer!"

Looking at the old brothers who were suffering terrible destruction in the formation, Master Wenqu, Master Tanlang and others looked a little anxious, and they asked in a low voice while holding back their fear.

In fact, it seemed like just one sentence, but they were under great pressure.

In this universe, strength is respected.

In front of the strong, the weak don't even have the qualifications to speak. One sentence is to challenge the majesty of the strong, which is an act of courting death.

The power of the Lord of the Cave Heaven is so strong that it is far beyond the reach of a virtual realm, even if it is an existence like the Lord of the Big Dipper who has already crossed the old virtual realm.

If the old brothers were not in a critical situation, they really wouldn't dare to cross the line. If they encounter a violent strong man, they will face a catastrophe at any time.

Looking at them indifferently, the Lord of Machinery's eyes flashed, and the depths of his eyes shot out a completely different light like lightning.


The beam of light shot out, generating a powerful impact force, directly hitting the cultivator on the opposite side. The terrifying force instantly lifted him up, causing him to move and directly knock him out.

Then, the Lord of Machinery pointed his finger at the void, and a laser directly cut through the space, directly poking a hole in the perfect formation.

With a "bang", the complete formation exploded directly. Several immortal masters who were setting up the formation were directly rushed out by the shock wave of the backlash of the formation, screaming and flying away.

The Lord of Machinery took advantage of the situation and pulled back the people trapped in the formation, bringing them back to his side.

"The God is willing to take us in?!"

"What else? Otherwise, you are waiting to die now, how could anyone come to save you?!"

"By the way, this is the Lord of Machinery under the God, coming to pick you up!"

After escaping death, the few people hurriedly talked for a few words, then told the whole story, and understood the situation they were facing now.

"By the way, the three beads are not lost, right? Are they all on you now?"

While speaking, the Greedy Wolf Star Lord spoke first, looking a little nervous.

He knew very well that he and others were like dogs that had lost their homes. The reason why they could hold on to the thighs of the current Yuhua Xianting and get the protection of the former Beidou Shenjun was not because of the relationship and friendship between the two sides, but because of the existence of the seven-star beads.

If three of them were taken away by others, I am afraid that the next thing would become very difficult.

After all, the seven-star beads are a set of magic weapons, and all seven are indispensable, not just four.

Moreover, as powerful people in the Dongxu realm, these people are naturally unwilling to be buried from now on. Surviving safely is only their minimum goal.

With Yuhua Xianting as a backer, they naturally have to start planning their own path of cultivation, wanting to be discovered again, rise again, and become an indispensable member of this huge cosmic force, so that they can obtain more resources.

After all, they have Zheng Yi's backing and have experienced the Big Dipper for hundreds of years. There must be some affection between the two sides, otherwise they would not join Yuhua Xianting so easily.

But the premise is that the seven-star magic beads offered are really important to Zheng Yi, the Taoist master of Xianting.

They also took a risky move. Offering the seven-star magic beads at once will naturally gain more attention, but if Zheng Yi has bad intentions, I am afraid that none of them can walk out of the chaotic star field alive.

That’s why they split up into two groups. On one hand, they went to seek refuge, and on the other hand, they could observe secretly and test the truth so as not to be wiped out.

Now they have received a satisfactory response from the Taoist Zheng Yi, and they are naturally holding back their anger and have a big plan. Now there is another wave, so they are so nervous.

“Don’t worry, brother Tan Lang.”

The star master Lian Zhen was trapped in the big formation, and he was listed in the three talents formation with the star Po Jun and the star Wu Qu. He replied without panic: “That is the thing that our brothers rely on for survival, so naturally they are well preserved!”

They released their magic power at the same time, and three mysterious beads flowed out of their bodies, emitting a mysterious luster, as if they were covered by three huge stars.

“If it weren’t for these three beads, the other party would have been a rat-casting machine, and the three of us brothers would have been killed long ago, but we couldn’t wait for your rescue...”

Although they have been hiding here and there for the past hundred years, they were once the overlords of the Wanxinghai, and they have the foundation and strength.

With the help of the three Big Dipper Divine Pearls, Wu Qu Pearl, Lian Zhen Pearl and Po Jun Pearl, they formed a star body protection formation. Even the violent attacks from all directions could not shake them at all. They were like huge planets, and they could not be shaken for a while in the void of the universe by the wind and the cracks.

Hearing this, both the Greedy Wolf Star Lord and the Wen Qu Star Lord could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Wen Qu Star Lord clasped his fists towards the Machine Lord and said, "Please help me, the treasure that the Taoist Master got is in our brothers' hands, and it has not been taken by the thieves yet."


"Friend, we should pay attention to the first come first served when doing things. Isn't it too much for you to rush to snatch the person in my hand!"

The immortal strongman looked at the Machine Lord with a gloomy face, and his eyes were filled with a terrible murderous intent.


A terrifying roar echoed in the sky, and the huge phantom of the beast was ferocious and terrifying. The surging aura directly broke through the shackles of the starry sky and swept across the four directions with unimaginable impact.

"If you don't give me a break today, you will be an enemy of my Baoxiang Sect! We will fight to the death!"

The aura of this immortal master continued to surge, revealing a dangerous signal.

Baoxiang Sect came from a large sect in the immortal world in the vast universe. There were countless strong men in the sect, and it was also a dignified cave-level force.

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