Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 576: The king does not meet the king! Void Dragon Worm

Obviously, the four fallen angel kings like Lucifer were born by chance.

Otherwise, ordinary angels, even at the level of half-energy dark matter, could not reach the terrifying level of the twelve-winged archangels all at once.

That was already close to or even beyond the realm of chaos.

However, after inheriting the gene secrets of the Zerg, the growth limit of the angel main gene far exceeded that of other races.

Angels who seemed to have only two wings could continue to practice with the help of the endless power of faith, and continue to improve the wings behind them step by step.

That was the ultimate representation of their status.

The first moment, above the abyss.

The four fallen archangels -

Lucifer, the angel of war and darkness, Cecia, the angel of plague and charm, Xila, the angel of killing, and Abraham, the angel of death and distortion, were all in the list.

But they all knelt on one knee and prayed to the infinite sky.

"Supreme Lord, on behalf of the ruler of the other side of darkness, the God of Creation, your most pious and humble servant asks you to allow this darkness to turn into the abyss hell."

The fallen archangels who have reached the mixed hole realm all looked solemn at this moment, and prayed to the sky with serious expressions.


After a long time, a majestic voice echoed in the sky, obviously agreeing to their request.


The next second, the fallen archangel no longer hid his strength.

The terrifying darkness fell from the sky, carrying the destructive power of the sky, swallowing the entire abyss hell.

Special abyss rules emerged in the sky, like a series of strong chains that vibrated and expanded from all directions, like a huge spider web, covering the entire abyss layer by layer.

The power of darkness sank into every corner of the space.

In the originally dark magic pool, the fallen angels revived and appeared, floating in the air, spreading their dark wings, swallowing the destructive power around them, and their own aura continued to rise.

In fact, the black demonic energy surging in the abyss comes from the most essential power of the abyss.

It is extremely corrosive and harmful to other species, but it has great effects on the fallen angels born in these local demon pools.

After swallowing a large amount of demonic energy, they all gained huge benefits, and some even added a pair of dark wings.

In the shadow behind the Yuhua Xianting Temple, there is a corner that no one noticed, and four sculptures of fallen angels appeared quietly.

They represent the dark side of the moon and belong to the dark place covered by the shadow of the temple.

Unless you are a believer in darkness, you can't see it, let alone go deep into it.

But Yuhua Xianting controls hundreds of colonized planets, and countless creatures reproduce.

Naturally, believers with the same characteristics are attracted, walk into the dark temple, and are bewitched by the power of darkness.

The dark fallen angel Lucifer and other angel kings who represent war and darkness also attracted the worship of many believers, and suddenly generated a lot of faith power and injected it into the abyss of hell.

On the thirty-third heaven, Zheng Yi witnessed everything that happened, but did not intervene.

Whether it is light or darkness, they are all under his control in the end.

As the supreme ruler of the Shinto system, he does not differentiate between the Angel King who represents light and the Fallen Archangel who represents darkness.

All the Holy Spirits are just sharp blades in his hands, used to pierce all the light that threatens the Lord.

Being able to do this step now is enough to satisfy him.

With the establishment of the Mountain of Light and the Abyss Hell, the angel clan was divided into two, one is light and the other is dark.

But the two belong to the same source, the angels of light and the fallen angels are the two poles of darkness and light, and their strength is also extremely powerful.

Whether it is the Angel King Gabriel or the four fallen archangels headed by Lucifer, they have surpassed the level of the twelve-winged angels, and their strength is comparable to the mixed hole realm. They have become a powerful existence in the surroundings of this chaotic star field.

So far, the angel clan is just the beginning.

With the help of the endless power of faith, whether it is the Angel Reincarnation Pool or the Abyss Demon Pool, more angels will be born, enough to build the most powerful family in Zheng Yi's heart.

Especially the Angel King Gabriel, as the source of endless light, once he uses the power of light, the increase for all angels will be extremely terrifying, just like the worm mother, standing at the top of all pyramids.

Similarly, the four fallen archangels of the dark clan, all four of them have inherited the powerful genes of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, plus each of them has condensed a dark rule of the abyss, and their combat power is extremely terrifying, with the terrible degree of destroying a world.

Next, what the angels need is to recuperate and cultivate more and more powerful angels.

Whether it is the angels of light or the fallen angels, the hatching principle of the two clans is the same.

The Angel Reincarnation Pool of the Angels of Light and the Abyss Demon Pool of the Fallen Angels, both of which can swallow a large amount of faith power and starlight power, with the help of the transformation and evolution of the half-energy body and half-insect gene, constantly evolve new angels and join the angel clan.

In order to support the reproduction of the angel clan, Yuhua Xianting directly tilted the energy towards the angel clan to prepare for the future war of faith.

In addition, Zheng Yi also personally took action and directly attracted the stars in the universe, and injected the surging star power into the Angel Reincarnation Pool and the Demon Pool like a tide.

In just a few decades, the entire angel clan has cultivated an astonishing number of troops.

However, as a hidden surprise force, Zheng Yi has always concealed it well, just to hide their identity and suddenly make a decisive move at the last moment.

After all, a new race like angels is probably the only one in this area. Zheng Yi will not reveal this trump card until the necessary time.

During the time when Zheng Yi carefully cultivated the angel clan, the external situation changed drastically.

Although the war between the Apocalypse Clan and the Void Temple was mediated and both sides gave up the plan of a full-scale war, small-scale conflicts have never stopped.

Especially here in the ruins of the mother nest, after the complete fall of the Apocalypse Four Horsemen, this branch of the Apocalypse Clan, almost angered the main vein of the Apocalypse Clan.

They sent out a large army to destroy all the strong men who were besieging the war fortress of the Apocalypse Clan. In the end, they seemed to be still unsatisfied and directly attacked and severely damaged the Zerg army of the Rift Emperor.

However, the Apocalypse Clan ended their revenge here and left with the war fortress and the remaining branch clansmen.

The changes in this war were too huge. No one could see clearly what the final result would be before, and it ended in such a hurry.

A war in which the Apocalypse Clan came to wipe out the Zerg of the Rift Emperor came to an end.

This war caused a lot of losses to the surrounding forces of the entire star field, and a whole batch of forces, large and small, were destroyed.

In front of the Zerg army like the Rift Emperor, or the huge forces that resounded throughout the universe like the Apocalypse Clan and the Void Temple, they seemed to have a certain amount of power, but in fact they were just a small stone in front of them. They could kick it out directly without even doing anything.

Just when everyone thought that they could have a period of peaceful rest and recuperation, another powerful Zerg army suddenly broke into the ruins of the mother nest.


A giant dragon with a body length of 10,000 meters hovered over the universe, not only circling and twisting, but also making a suffocating roar.

This dragon is different from the known dragons. There are many upright scales on its body, and pairs of small wings cover its back.

The most different thing is the three rows of fangs in its mouth, showing an absolutely different bloodline origin.

This is a void dragon worm, a terrible Zerg with the blood of the universe dragon, and its combat power is not inferior to the real universe dragon.

And around him, there are densely packed dragon worms.

As a powerful dragon Zerg, its noble genes make it instinctively disdain the insect beasts born under some extreme circumstances. Its powerful combat power comes from devouring various dragons and cultivating insect beasts with dragon genes.

His target of this trip was the Rift Realm Sting Emperor who originally occupied the ruins of the mother nest.

Originally at the peak of the Chaos Cave, the Rift Realm Sting Emperor, who was ready to find a chance to break through the realm master level with the ruins of the mother nest, has been under constant attack since he occupied the ruins of the mother nest.

First, it was the coalition forces of various races, then the mysterious forces, then the war fortress of the Apocalypse Clan, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and finally directly suffered a devastating strategic blow.

Several consecutive wars almost completely consumed the foundation of the Rift Realm Sting Emperor.

Not only were the precious Zerg cultivated by his command slaughtered, but his own injuries were also aggravated again, making it difficult to recover, and his realm also dropped a lot, now only equivalent to the high-level realm of the Chaos Cave.

As for whether the combat power can be released 100%, it is also a question.

Taking advantage of this time, the Void Dragon Clan forcefully killed into the ruins of the mother nest and pushed forward directly, like a storm, ready to block the Rift Realm Sting Emperor directly in the mother nest and strangle it.

In the universe, dense black shadows flickered under the starlight, like a passing locust, covering the entire world.

Looking down from the sky above the universe, you can see that the target of this piece of black shadows is the direction of the mother nest ruins, and the intruder is the invading void dragon worm.

The powerful void dragon worm led the worm tide and rushed straight to the mother nest ruins.

This war came too suddenly, and even the surrounding forces did not react.

The mighty army of void dragon worms crossed several star fields in succession and rushed straight to the core of the mother nest.

Although they are all Zerg queens, if there is no more powerful Zerg master to control them, once these queens meet, it will be a brutal fight. This is entirely caused by their internal genes.

However, there is a sense of induction between Zerg queens.

When the void dragon worm broke into the control range of the Rift Realm Stinging Emperor, it was immediately sensed by the Rift Realm Stinging Emperor.

"Hiss!" The low and rapid cry suddenly echoed throughout the mother nest.

After being severely damaged by the Apocalypse Clan's strongmen, the World Rift Emperor withdrew his army back to the mother nest to guard.

After several wars, the Zerg army suffered heavy losses, with only one in ten surviving, which greatly reduced the ability of the army under the World Rift Emperor to launch wars.

With the roar of the World Rift Emperor's mother insect, the entire mother nest ruins shook.


The sky collapsed and the earth sank, and countless overwhelming black shadows emerged from the various layers of the Wanxinghai ruins.

In just a moment, it was as if it had received an absolute command, forming a terrifying effect that made people's scalps numb.

The Zergs that were hiding in various places rushed out from their hiding places, countless wings flapped, and sharp hisses tore the void.

The originally empty ruins were instantly swallowed up by the tide of insect beasts.

At this moment, the army of void dragon insects has also approached the mother nest ruins.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, the void dragon insect directly ordered a surprise attack on the mother nest.

With a sharp roar, countless void dragon insects surged, and their winding and twisted bodies were like flying dragons, making sharp cries, unceremoniously, ready to attack.

On one side is the Zerg army with cosmic dragon genes led by the void dragon insects, and on the other side is the elite Zerg that survived after many wars.

There are all kinds of creatures in the universe, and even the Zerg have their own ways of evolution.

Although they belong to the same category, they are completely two different races.

However, due to the natural habits of the Zerg, it is not surprising that they devour each other.

Moreover, the controllers of these two Zerg armies are both top-level mixed hole-level Zerg Queens.

The cosmic Zerg under their command devours everything, and when they evolve to the top, they are all extremely terrifying Zerg armies.

When the two collided, the collision was like Mars hitting the Earth, and the terrifying force instantly caused the entire universe to shake violently.

With the remote control of the two Zerg Queens, as elite Zerg armies cultivated by different queens, the fighting styles of both sides are different, but the fighting will is equally terrifying.

This is the most terrifying part of the Zerg.

The lower-level Zergs are not good at thinking, but they have a strong body to survive in the universe. They are like cold war killing machines that only obey orders, and they seem to fight each other without any consciousness.

The blood and limbs kept falling, turning the entire space into an extremely terrifying death purgatory.

As the saying goes, "kings do not meet kings", the queens themselves will fight to the death when they meet.

Moreover, both sides seemed to want to devour each other, so as to gain more powerful evolutionary abilities and give birth to a more terrifying Zerg army.

Therefore, the fighting became more brutal, even more brutal than the previous war.

The terrifying war continued, and both queens deployed their most elite forces on the battlefield.

Even the spiritual will power of the two queens continued to collide in the universe, forming a terrible shock wave that could even be seen with the naked eye, forming an absolute barrier between the two sides.

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