The sacred monument that rises from under the temple is the sacred object left by the Sun God Clan. It is the object of worship for believers on the entire Buccia planet and is also a concrete symbol of the Sun lineage, the descendant of the Sun God Clan.

"Great Son of God, your loyal servant begs you to bring our pious faith to the noble God of the Sun!"

High Priest Xicomodo knelt down on the ground with a pious look on his face, put his right hand on his chest, closed his eyes, and prayed to Zheng Yi.

In an instant, the entire square, and even the entire planet, echoed with the voice of High Priest Sicomodo.

All the believers knelt on the ground and dedicated their most primitive faith power to the great existence.

However, the next moment, Zheng Yi felt that the world was turned upside down, and a strong suction force poured out directly from the monument.

A terrifying aura enveloped him, and he felt as if his whole body had sunk into a boundless, unfamiliar time and space.

This sacred monument directly sucked Zheng Yi away, and the whole person disappeared.

However, the sound of sacrifices did not disappear. Instead, high-pitched and pious prayers echoed throughout the planet.

A solemn and majestic sacred atmosphere spreads continuously in the space, covering every corner.

Zheng Yi looked at the scorched earth-like space around him and was slightly surprised. The entire world was obviously burned.

This kind of burning trace is not unique to one place, but expands in all directions. It seems that at a certain moment the whole world fell into the furnace, burned to ashes by the terrible flames, and fell into the boundless burning hell.

"This is the inheritance place of the Sun God Clan?!"

Feeling the aura in this space, Zheng Yi's heart moved secretly, and he received complex information immediately.

It is hard to imagine why, as a place of inheritance for the Gods, such a terrifying scene would be encountered.

Obviously, the complete disappearance of the entire Sun God Clan is not simple, and it involves very terrifying secrets.

Even the place of inheritance has been burned to scorched earth. Seeing this, Zheng Yi felt even more fearful.

Everything in the Sun God Clan was destroyed, and the burning flames burned the entire space.

"This is the so-called...Great Sun Tathagata Purifying Mantra?!"

Suddenly, Zheng Yi noticed that above the space that had been burned by the fire, a group of flickering things were hovering in the sky, just like burning black flakes floating in the ashes, sinking and scattering in the space.

Zheng Yi waved his hand towards the void, and suddenly the flickering wisp of flying catkins fell into his hand.

Suddenly, a huge wave of information swept in like a storm and rushed directly into Zheng Yi's mind.

After suddenly receiving such a huge flow of information, even Zheng Yi felt a little dizzy.

If it were Zheng Yi's previous body and his level of strength, this information would be like water dripping into the river, and he would naturally not feel any discomfort.

But now that we are in this world, our body is composed of a ray of remnant soul, and we are directly reincarnated. Naturally, it is impossible to completely bring over the complete cultivation of our previous life.

Therefore, he will feel that the huge amount of information is overwhelming to his mind.

"This Great Sun Tathagata Purifying Curse! It is not just a secret of the Sun God Clan, it is more like a prophecy, which has foreshadowed the destruction of the entire Sun God Clan."

Zheng Yi cleared the information inside and frowned slightly. He felt that it involved a lot of secrets, but often at critical moments, it seemed as if it was directly erased by some mysterious force.

Perhaps because it was too long ago, or because the power of the Sun God family suffered huge damage, a large amount of the information hidden in it disappeared, and it was impossible to completely and accurately sort out the truth involved.

This information is also a small part of what Zheng Yi pieced together by combining facts and his own understanding.


A flame flickered, and there was only a small section of information left, which turned into nothingness and scattered in the space.

For Zheng Yi, this land of inheritance really hides too many secrets.

Before entering this place, he exchanged a large amount of information about the Sun God Clan from the Void Temple. He only knew that the Sun God Clan rose in a mysterious small plane, and finally the entire race broke through the limit and entered the big universe.

Even among all the spirits in the universe, they are one of the most powerful divine races innately.

But their bloodline is not obvious, and their population is thin. Even at the most prominent time, the entire race only had a hundred people.

Now, it has completely withered.

But with such a small number of people, the Sun God Clan had an extremely strong position among all the races in the universe, and could be regarded as the overlord.

When Zheng Yi walked into their inheritance place, he had a clearer understanding of the power of the Sun God Clan.

"This is a wisp of the true meaning of the sun. After countless long years, it is still filled with an aura that can only be found at the World Lord level!"

Along the way, Zheng Yi left the initial area and moved towards a deeper area, walking through the ground burned by flames.

Looking around, all that comes into view is a scorched blackness, as if this is the only color left in this space.

Everything in heaven, earth and everything is one, and no changes can be seen.

Just as Zheng Yi was walking through a mountain range, he suddenly noticed a bright light radiating over the mountains, like a sun hanging in the sky, emitting brilliant luster and brightness.

This is just a flash of light in the black, but the aura given off by this bright light makes people feel a little frightened.

A kind of palpitation suddenly rose in Zheng Yi's heart, and an unstoppable breath came over him.

It was just a bright light source in the air, and even after a long time, it still maintained the uneasy breath that made Zheng Yi feel from the bottom of his heart.

"This breath has definitely reached the level of the master of the realm!"

If it is said that the time when Zheng Yi was closest to the realm of the master of the realm in these years was when he met Dou Mu Yuanjun.

The abyss-like, endless breath on his body is still fresh in his memory.

Even now that he has advanced to the mixed cave realm, Zheng Yi still finds it difficult to define the power of the master-level life form.

It is a nearly conceptual creature.

The master of a realm, mastering the extreme of the plane, you can imagine how terrifying it is.

Now, Zheng Yi feels the power of the master of the realm more clearly.

This is the inheritance land of the Sun God Clan, which has already burned everything and destroyed the desolate land.

The breath emitted by one of the light sources has already surpassed Dou Mu Yuanjun back then.

It is no exaggeration to say that this surging breath was left over from countless years ago, but it is still like a centipede, dead but not stiff, constantly condensing in the void, constantly emitting a breath of terrifying power that shocks people's hearts.

Even Zheng Yi felt a sense of awe and shock in his heart.

"This Sun God Clan is indeed a race favored by the universe. It is a powerful force that humans and other life forms pursue throughout their lives. Every Sun God Clan has their limits from the day they were born. It is so terrifying and unreasonable."

"Just a wisp of breath left, the breath in the light source that has been weakened over a long period of time, has surpassed Dou Mu Yuanjun."

"It is really unimaginable. If the real Sun God Clan stands in front of us, what kind of horror will it be?!"

Zheng Yi's eyes flashed, staring at the light and shadow that kept flashing in the air, and his heart was shocked.

Inexplicable thoughts kept emerging around him, iterating and reorganizing quickly, and began to calculate the strength of the breath.

This is his heartfelt words, completely from his feelings.

A true Realm Master, who can control the huge power of one or several galaxies, is considered a truly high-level existence even in the Void Temple.

Now he can feel the vastness of the universe.

When a race reaches adulthood, all of them are Realm Masters, how terrifying is that?

"I really can't imagine it!"

"There is a huge gap between the life forms in the universe after all."

"Nature is unfair. In addition to the Sun God Clan, there are also many races in the universe that are favored by the laws of the universe."

Zheng Yi couldn't help but sigh at this time: Some people are born as ants, but some people are born as real dragons in the sky.

The disparity of life forms in the universe is even greater than the difference between ants and humans.

When he was still in the lower plane, he had never thought about what the concept of the God Clan born in the sun was like.

Zheng Yi continued to walk forward. After passing through the breath left by the terrible sun mark, he did not feel relieved, but his expression became more and more serious.

As Zheng Yi continued to move forward, feeling the breath left by one sun mark after another, a breath of the realm master realm condensed and floated above the space, like a little light dotted in the dark night.

"Why would such a powerful and terrifying Sun God clan be destroyed?!"

Zheng Yi was depressed in his heart. He saw the power of the Sun God clan and felt the horror of the power that destroyed this race.

His eyes flashed with brilliance. As he continued to move forward, the breath left by the Sun God clan after its annihilation gradually appeared in the empty inheritance land, suppressing all the rules.

The breath revealed gave people a terrifying illusion of being on the edge of the abyss.

The space burned by the flames was turned upside down in the sky, and a terrifying pressure like a tide fell on the soul.

This world was dead silent without any sound. Even the sun mark flashing in the sky was just flickering, like a light, adding a bit of incredible feeling to this charred world.

Passing through the mountains and valleys, Zheng Yi continued to move forward in one direction.

He had never been here before, this was just the first time.

But Zheng Yi clearly felt that somewhere in front of him, there was a faint but eternal breath that was constantly guiding and attracting him.

His mind kept sending out warnings.

"Come here, just in front..."

"Come quickly..."

It was a kind of inspiration from the soul, and there seemed to be a murmur in his ears.

The charred space gave people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Walking in this seemingly unchanging space, Zheng Yi's strong state of mind played a role, allowing him to gradually break away from the influence of this kind of willpower.

This was a hint from the mind, as if this space was in a distorted and abnormal state.

"If I hadn't come, maybe at some point in the future, this place of inheritance would have completely sunk and disappeared, just like the original Sun God Clan."

Zheng Yi was extremely vigilant.

This seemingly peaceful place of inheritance conveyed a voice, as if after everything was extinguished, some mysterious existence would have revived.

All silent and invisible changes surged in Zheng Yi's heart and mind, but Zheng Yi did not stop and continued to move forward, step by step in the direction that summoned him.

He vaguely felt that those voices or soul fluctuations were not the true will of the inheritance place, but were being distorted by another strange force.

"There's something not right about this place."

"It's getting weirder?!"

Zheng Yi walked forward, his will was detached and he was not bewitched by those silent and invisible auras.

Although this reincarnation did not really bring the original Shinto golden body, but at the current level of Zheng Yi, his will is as strong as iron, and even the turbulent space and world cannot shake his soul.

Perhaps after a long time, or perhaps just a few seconds, when Zheng Yi's consciousness gradually became trance-like, as if everything was about to sink into this land of inheritance, a bright light shone directly into Zheng Yi's consciousness. Yi's eyes.


A bright light caused a slight change on Zheng Yi's calm face.


Zheng Yi raised his head and saw a sun-like light hanging above his head.

In the phantom of the sun, which exuded heat and majesty like a blazing fireball, a broken scripture appeared there.

Especially the shining big characters above were constantly changing in front of Zheng Yi's eyes.

"Sun Mother Sutra!"

This scripture floating in space, hanging like the sun, is the core treasure of the Sun God Clan.

"Sun Mother Sutra"!

According to legend, the divine scriptures of the Sun God Clan are some kind of regularized concrete scriptures that appeared innately after the birth of the Sun God Clan from the Great Sun.

It is not only a divine code, but also represents the origin of the Sun God Clan.

Later, it was continuously repaired by the Sun lineage, and it contained all the magical powers and secrets of the Sun God clan.

"Did you...summon me?!"

Looking at the "Sun Mother Sutra" wrapped in endless sun essence fire in mid-air, Zheng Yi asked.

As his voice sounded, the "Sun Mother Sutra" floating in the sky actually responded to Zheng Yi.

The luster on its surface kept flashing, as if answering Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi reached out and made a move towards the void, and the "Sun Mother Sutra" actually dispersed the flames burning all over his body, like a mysterious light, falling directly from the sky and floating in front of him.

"You choose me?!"

Zheng Yi opened his palm, and the "Sun Mother Sutra" fell into his hand without any surprise.

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