Their bodies were bent and in a very awkward state, as if they were being pressed down on the ground by an invisible hand.

Even if these people tried their best to muster up the power of their superpowers, their shoulders were so heavy that they couldn't even move.

Immediately, with fear in their hearts, beads of sweat oozed from their foreheads.

Only the old team members had made preparations in advance, and looked at the confused and frightened superpowers with a smile on their faces.

"There are eight superpowers in the gathering place now, all brought here!"

"If there are any new tasks, please tell me, sir."

Seeing that the time was almost right, Jin Wuqian hurriedly took a step forward and spoke again, this time with a louder and louder voice.

Zheng Yi gave them a small warning, and with just a trace of breath, he directly overwhelmed these new superpowers, leaving them without the power to resist, lying on the ground in an awkward state like a few dogs.

This not only demonstrated his strength, but also taught these newcomers a lesson.

If they fight, all the superpowers present are nothing but chickens and dogs, and will definitely not be opponents, so let these people put away their little thoughts.

"Jin Wuqian, I'll give you a task."

Under the black robe, Zheng Yi looked through the black robe and gave orders directly without caring about what all the superpowers present were thinking.

The gathering place needs a large-scale training. In addition to the necessary defense forces, the remaining superpowers are ordered to lead the guard team to hunt zombies and bring back flesh and blood.

Jin Wuqian did not hesitate and directly led the guard team of the gathering place to set off in a mighty manner. A row of heavy vehicles was followed by empty trucks, and ordinary people who were responsible for carrying corpses stood.

It must be said that Jin Wuqian has a lot of means to manage the gathering place. A roaring tank led the way in front, followed by armored vehicles and patrol cars.

The raised muzzles and gun muzzles all show that this is a powerful militarized guard force.

With the arrival of Zheng Yi, a large amount of resources were allocated, the gathering place developed rapidly, the strength was greatly improved, the guard force was increased several times, and the force value had developed to an extremely high level.

In the past, Zheng Yi relied on himself to clean up the zombies in the surrounding towns, and then sent people from the gathering place to search for supplies.

But now, the strength of the gathering place has been cultivated, and more supplies have been obtained. Ordinary people have begun to equip themselves with all kinds of hot weapons, tanks, armored vehicles, and patrol cars. There are many, enough to deal with the attacks of the strongest zombie groups around.

This is the strong confidence of the gathering place now.

Zheng Yi has been busy for so long, and it is time to give back. He also knows that as his cultivation level increases, it is impossible for him to do everything himself. The task of collecting zombie flesh and blood and capturing evil spirits will eventually be handed over to these ordinary people.

As for how to improve their strength, Zheng Yi has already made some plans in his mind, but it is not time to start yet.

Now the gathering place takes the initiative to attack and kill more zombies to cultivate blood and flesh gourds.

About two hours later, trucks full of zombies returned to the gathering place, unloaded the goods, and drove away.

By the evening, there were dozens of trucks carrying zombies back from the gathering place.

According to Zheng Yi's request, all the zombies were transported to the zombie flesh processing plant in the core area of ​​the gathering place.

This time, he opened a small blood supply array in another area not far away.

This array was invented to quickly cultivate some of the magic plants that suck blood and flesh in the magic way, just like the blood and flesh gourd.

If it is allowed to grow at its own speed, it will be too slow.

The blood supply array collects a large amount of blood and flesh materials and provides the environment needed for the growth of the magic plants on a large scale, so that the magic plants can develop and grow faster.

Dozens of trucks of zombies were poured into the blood supply array. On those key array operation nodes, there were piles of zombie crystal cores like small mountains. As the entire array was activated, they began to glow and heat.

Providing energy, so that the entire array began to operate.

The flesh and blood of the zombies in the formation, under the blessing of the powerful power of the formation, were like being crushed by two huge millstones, turning into balls of blood and water, flowing along the direction of the formation and converging to the blood and flesh gourd seed area in the center of the formation.

With the addition of carloads of zombie flesh and blood, the blood and flesh gourd seeds, which were originally just shriveled seeds, quickly became plump and round, like a blown-up balloon, and quickly became full and round, bright red and dripping.

Then, it took root and sprouted, and grew vines, growing rapidly along the iron frame little by little, and quickly formed a dense gourd vine forest at a speed visible to the eye.

Dozens of carts of zombie flesh and blood were poured into it, and the blood and flesh gourd seeds had grown into a behemoth.

The emerald green gourd vines stretched out huge leaves, which were curled like open blood mouths, swallowing and digesting the zombie flesh and blood on the ground.

At the same time, countless white rhizomes also stretched out from the ground, madly absorbing the endless flow of zombie flesh and blood.

This demonic plant cultivated by the Blood and Flesh Sect grew vigorously, and obtained sufficient nutrition from the zombies' flesh and blood.

Zheng Yi also cultivated this kind of demonic plant for the first time. Looking at this bloodthirsty demonic plant that looked like a plant but also had animal characteristics, he had a big question mark in his mind. He wondered if he could cultivate a high-level blood and flesh gourd with these zombies' flesh and blood.

Is the sword embryo bred from it perfect enough? Sharp enough to be nurtured smoothly.

"During my absence, continue to replenish the zombies' flesh and blood here."

Calling Jin Wuqian over, Zheng Yi once again emphasized the basic requirements of the gathering place, and then asked everyone to retreat first.

The entire zombie flesh and blood area fell into silence again, with only Zheng Yi standing there quietly.

At this time, he took out precious ores from his storage bag, which were the materials Zheng Yi had recently collected for refining sword embryos.

A large part of them came from the Qi family's treasure house and the caravan trade.

On the other hand, they came from Qi Shengyuan's storage bag. From those metal material resources, it can be seen that this guy is also collecting forging materials for the Five Poisons Soul-Slaying Sword.

But now, all of them were accepted by Zheng Yi with a smile.

Qi Shengyuan has been striving to reach the seventh level of Qi training in the past two years, preparing to refine an excellent natal flying sword, so he collected so many materials. Unexpectedly, all of them are cheap for Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi wanted to call him a treasure-giving boy.

In fact, this round of sudden wealth came entirely from the gifts of the Qi family, which gave Zheng Yi the opportunity to get so many high-quality sword-making materials.

Especially the best sword-making material, Gengjin Essence, is a pleasant surprise. Even the foundation-building cultivators will be jealous.

At this moment, having absorbed enough zombie flesh essence, the flesh gourd vine continues to grow and has produced seven or eight small flesh gourds.

Each one is made of special materials and is not an ordinary gourd. Each one is like a red lantern, warm and emitting a faint red light.

Touching it with your hand is like touching human skin, warm and elastic.

Through the red light, you can even see the fine blood vessels crawling inside the flesh gourd.

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