Chapter 100 - A Shred Of Memories

– Jane - PoV –

I lived in Lotinel town and my father Edgar Walien was an ordinary baron with a small business of cotton and fabric. Our house wasn't that big but it was enough for the three of us, me, My Father and my brother.

My mother passed away with an illness when I was four, so I never had much recollection of her but in her place Bisca took care of me, she was the daughter of aunt Cassy and was like a big sister to me.

Everything was fine. My brother was training to be an imperial knight and I wanted to become a man too. My father was a sweet man, he always smiled with his round body and face, lifting his mustache a little.

When I was 9 years old, I loved to be around my father, 

'Father! Father! Look what I made?' I ran to him, in his office  with a small teddy bear which had a small chunk of black wool stuck on his face, 

"What is it jane? He stood up on his desk and crouched with his arms open wide, I ran into his arms, and a warm snuggle filled me up with spirit.

'Look! Look!' I showed him the doll, and he smiled, 

" Is this me?" He tickled its mustache, 

'Yes!' I lowered my head expecting my reward.

"Ahaha! It's very cute!" He patted my head until my hair was ruined but it didn't bother me, he picked me up and pulled his chocolate from his pocket, 

"Here is your reward!" 

I snatched it as soon I as saw it I unwrapped it and

gobbled it between my teeth.

"Father? May I come in?" A familiar voice knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He put me down on his desk, I continued sucking on his chocolate and plushing my teddy.

And my brother walked in, "of my God! Why didn't you tell me, this idiot turkey was here too!" He looked at me and sighed!

He is always like this, calling me names and teasing me for no reason! 

'You are the stupid! Idiot donkey! Go die!' I yelled at him and moved my gaze away.

"You shouldn't tease her so much, Harris." My father laughed it out! Can't he see how he teases me!

'Father you should whoop his ass' I yelled at my brother and they both looked shocked! I know they are scared now!

"Jane! Where did you learn that!" My father marched to me in worry,

'All the boys in my class say to each other! And then beat up each other! You should also whoop his-'

"Alright, I got it, but promise you don't say this again!" My father rushed to me grabbed my cheeks, 

"I'll talk to your teacher later, anyway tell me, Harris why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the capital?" My father looked at him, with his usual smile.

"I completed my duty earlier, during my mission I found out something, so I hurried here." My brother suddenly got serious.

"What? Don't tell me you're slacking off!" My father chuckled, 

"If only we had such a relaxing situation around us now." My brother put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to father.

And suddenly my easy-going and merry father's face turned grim and he looked so scared, 

"Harris, what is this? This must be a joke!" My father looked at my brother and almost lost strength on his feet, 

"Father!" My brother rushed to him and held him before he could fall, "Cassy! Bring a glass of water and father's medicine now! Father, are you okay?" My brother helped him to the sofa in his office and aunt Casey hurried in with a tray.

My father took his medicine and his breaths calmed in a while, 

"That bastard! How could he do such thing! If he succeeds even halfway through his plans, I don't know how many lives will be ruined! Harris, did you report this to his majesty?" My father grabbed my brother's shoulder and yelled at him.

"I didn't, is we took even a single step wrong, it will only lead to alteration, moreover the emperor himself is a big supporter to Diesswrin, a single mistake the table would be turned to us, I only talked about this to my captain by letter and he asked me to meet him here, he will be here anytime now." My brother say beside him and then looked at me.

"Ah! I forgot this chubby duck was also here!" He stood up and walked to me and picked me up, 

'Cassy, take her to the room and make sure she is busy with her toys for a while." He passed me to Cassey and we went to my room, though it was boring so I went to the kitchen where big sister Bisca was baking sweets.

"Little miss, you're here again! Sir. Harris will be angry with me if he finds out I help you sneak sweets from here!" Bisca pinched my nose.

'He won't! He acts so stupidly around you and you too, you just stare at each other when you meet and just hold hands! Why? Did you play a game?' 

"Ara! How about some sweets? Look, I just made some right on time! Do you want a cashew or almond one!" She pulled out two jars of cookies right away, she is acting suspiciously…

Hmm, oh I know! She is just embarrassed because she lost to big brother many times! After all, they played with each other since childhood, and he always made her laugh when she cried and she got angry at him whenever he bullied me, so he took his revenge in games!

'I see, I see…don't worry, Bisca sister, I won't tell anyone.' I pulled out both cookies and she looked so embarrassed… fufu.

After that, we started playing and went to my treehouse hidden in father godown. We went there and gathered some cotton to keep in stock for an emergency. I grabbed some cotton and fabric there and packed them in my bag.

We stayed there for a while and then Bisca stood up,

"Oh my God! The guests were supposed to arrive an hour ago, I have to hurry, shall we go now, little miss?" Bisca picked me up and we went out, but soon we opened the gate, we saw three carriages 

After a while, a guest came to our home. I peeked at the three carriages outside the house.

"Ah, they are here! Mother will kick my ass!" Bisca big sisters looked scared, 

Kicking ass….hmmm…I'll use this later.

'Big brother said his captain is coming! I want to see him! I want to see him!' I tapped on her cheeks and she sighed, 

"Let's see what they are doing…" Bisca sighed, she took me to the window, and we peeked from there and saw four unknown men and my father and brother, sitting together.

"I see, with this intel, if we tell this to his majesty we might start a spying operation against Diesswrin, good job Harris, you really amazed me this time." A person who was sitting in front of my brother said out loud.

"Hehehe…I know he is amazing! Don't you think so little miss" Bisca was grinning ear to ear like he was complimenting her, 

'He is still a donkey, but not stupid I guess.' If I tell this to my friends in my school they will be surprised and will be amazed at how cool my brother is!!

"Well then, since you have done such an amazing job and researched so well, you must be rewarded!"

"There is no need for a reward Sir. Elphan, we only want this country to be happy. I know his majesty isn't so great either but he isn't as cruel as him, his greed at least lets people live and lead a life without much problem, please stop Diesswrin as soon as possible, or there will be nothing left here Sir. Elphan." My father still looked anxious. I was worried if he was still sick.

"Of course, I will, though if only Harris researched a little bit more, you would've realized this isn't so bad as it seems!" That captain picked up his teacup and smiled and my brother and father looked scared, even sister Bisca'a smile disappeared.

"What are you saying captain?" My brother got angry and smacked the table.

"What I am saying is, all you have to do is gather humans, beastmen, elves, dwarf any race or any creature you see and sell them lord Diesswrin and help him to create the true noble haven without any filth walking around, alas I really thought you would be interested in a rank promotion so u was going to tell you about it, but looking at your reaction, I guess I disappointed lord Diesswrin." The man rested his cup on the table, 

"Don't apologize Elphan, you gathered enough comrades already since now they want to ruin our feast, we don't have any choice but to silence them here." A man in a black robe came inside my father's office and my father and brother stood up.

My brother pulled out his sword and rushed at him, "Diesswrin!"

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