Chapter 133 - On Verge

"How the hell are you still alive?" Jeremy both hands were in the air, while Styrmir grabbed his face, there was blood from Styrmir filling the cracked ground, blue spots were all over his body.

And yet he was smiling, 

"You bastard-" Jeremy pulled his punch back again, but stopped trembling, his face went blank, when felt it, 

'What is this feeling? This aura? Is it going out of this guy? 

It feels like….I am in the mouth of a beast!' Jeremy tried to stop shaking and calm his breaths, his right forearm swelled up and the crystals on it got hardened, 

"This will be enough to put you to sleep!" 

'It's all blurry, I can't see, that fucker is really annoying isn't he geezer, so you won't mind me going all out?' 

Styrmir closed his and took a deep breath, and suddenly, 

His veins started popping, from his body's tremendous amount of aura started taking the form of stormy winds.

The gravel around him started floating and shooting everywhere, and the dust-covered Jeremy's eyes, 

"What the hell is this guy trying to pull?" Jeremy peeked from his half-opened eyes, 

"It's time to fly…." Styrmir smirked, 

Styrmir clenched his skull, and a gentle cold breeze came out of the hollow gap between his palm and Jeremy's nose, and slowly he eased his grip.

"Have you gone -" Jeremy threw his punch, and Styrmir closed his pinky, and that small circle blasted, shattering Jeremy's exo-skull.

Jeremy flew in the air while bleeding from his basted eyeballs and ears,

'How did he do that without chanting?' Jeremy smashed the ceiling and fell to the ground.

He tried to get up but realized that his hands were shaking, and coughed out blood, he felt his face swelling up.

"That fucker! If it weren't for that crystal skull my head would've been into pieces!" Jeremy raised his gaze but only pitch darkness was there, Styrmir standing up, his stormy aura was getting intense.

"What the hell did you do?" Jeremy shouted, he couldn't see anything, he was moving his head like crazy, 

"Calm down! You are lucky your head is still in a single piece." Styrmir walked to him, with his bleeding hand, the skin on his right arm was completely shredded, 

The tendon was completely exposed to his muscles, but his palm and closed pinky were still in the fixed mudra.

Styrmir was panting, his body didn't recover from the stress and pain, 

"What did I use?" Styrmir huffed and stood in front of Jeremy, 

"Who do you think I am? Have you never heard, don't share your secrets of strength and weakness!" Styrmir grabbed his head, 

"You fucker! I will kill you-" 

Styrmir shoved his knee on Jeremy's into the wall.

Crushing his skull again, 

"Now, let me teach you what it means to beat the shit out of someone."




The dungeon shook for a while, Historia felt the unsettling mana of Styrmir, 

"What the hell is wrong with that boy? His mana has been irregular for a while now, and suddenly it busted out… what is going on with him?"

Historia rushed and reached the hole Jane and others echoed through, 

"Now, who did this?"  Historia jumped in the hole and landed on her knee, 

When she touched the floor, she felt the floor shaking, her eyes gaped, the whole passage looked like a whole war was held in it.

She slowly treaded in the direction of Styrmir's aura, she looked at the floor which had blood-splattered and shaved walls.

Then she saw him, a boy with a glowing blue aura, pounding a man like a toy, the walls were shaking and the ceiling was dusting, the man was completely holed up in the wall, with blood flowing out of it, 

Historia sprinted to Styrmir and held both of his hands, 

"Steam! Calm down! Calm down! You are really injured! Just stop now!" She was struggling with him, but Styrmir wasn't stopping, her voice wasn't reaching to her, 

All the adrenaline in his body was driving him like a hungry beast chomping on its prey.

"Steam!" Historia cried out and hugged him from the back, 

He suddenly jerked, his fists halted with his breathing loosening up, he felt a gentle warmth on his back, 

"Who's there?" Styrmir mumbled, at this point, only words were reaching, 

"It's me, your captain, you've done well, now you can rest!" 

She patted his head, leaned on her, and fainted.

Historia put him on the floating cloud and looked at Jeremy, 

"Just what the hell you did to him?" She mumbled, 

He averted her eyes when she saw him, his half of the upper body was completely minced, all his bones, muscles, blood everything was completely crushed with his fists.

Historia stepped on the cloud, and it started floating above, she flew outside, even her mana was on the verge of exhausting.

She took a glance at him, and couldn't help but watch him struggling with his breaths, 

'This boy! His body is incomplete ruins! Most of his body is now either broken bones or blood clots! I don't have enough strength to heal him! What should i-' she moved her gaze and saw a chain of bubbles escaping from the mansion's territory.

"What in the world is-" she glared at them, saw some nuns healing wounded inside that bubble, 

"Bingo!" She grinned at them, and clapped her hand, 




"Gemis, hurry up! We still have many pati..ents-" a nun moved her gaze to her left, and cold ran through her spine, she started shaking, her face turned blue, she rested her hand on the nun beside and shook her…


"What?" The nun wasn't flinching her whole focus was on healing the injured, 

"GEMIS!" She cried out,

"What?!" She yelled at him and glared at her,  she saw him pointing at the south, with fear-filled in her eyes, 

"Why are you so scared-"

She moved her gaze slowly and saw a woman riding a cloud, approaching them at an inhuman speed, that woman had blood on her hands, her eyes were glowing in that dark of that night, 

She was smiling and getting closer to them a bit by bit!

"MISS JANE! SPEED UP! SOMETHING IS COMING! WAY MORE SCARIER THAN THAT MONSTER!  MISS JANE!" The nun started crying out, everyone looked at her, and started crying too.

Jane jumped into her place with sudden chaos, 

"What the hell-" she took a peek and a smile spread throughout her face.

"Miss Historia!" She shouted, and everybody looked at her startled, 

"Do you know that monster?" A nun whispered, 

"Hey! She ain't a monster! She is the captain of the person who saved us all!" Jane's wide smile assured everyone and they looked at each other and nodded.

They halted the bubble chain and Historia caught up to them, 

She picked up Styrmir and jumped in that bubble, she was looking at Styrmir and took a deep breath,

"Hey, if you don't mind can you-" 

"No worries, lady Historia!" Jane crouched down, 

"Jane!" Historia's eyes widened with a glint, she finally took a breath of relief, but suddenly Jane's eyes caught a glimpse of Styrmir, and her heart almost froze.

"Styrmir! What happened! Open your eyes! Styrmir!" Everybody gathered around Styrmir and couldn't help but to stare at him with hands-on their mouths.

Historia rested his body on the bubble and nuns rushed around him, 

"Just how! Did he…did he los-"

"Nah he won." Historia ran her hands in his hair.

"Don't worry! You are also but injured, you three start healing her, and those who have enough mana in them, start healing him!" 

Three nuns gathered around Historia, they started healing her, 

While others were focusing on Styrmir, 






Everyone chanted together, encircling Styrmir, and then healing began, 

"Will he be okay? Especially his hand-" Historia frowned, 

"Don't worry! This is the strongest healing spell that uses our collective strength, it could even regenerate the organs to some extent! He will be alright!"  The nun uttered, she was sweating and panting.

"By the way, what is it? These flying bubbles?" Historia looked around, 

"Ah, this! This is the spell developed in our church! It was used as the means to carry injured persons to church in emergencies! But its durability is enhanced by lady Jane magia!"

"I see…" Historia took a breath of relief, 

"Well now, can you hurry up, there is also another place I should be at…"




Meanwhile on the first floor, 

Melvi and Clove were facing each other, 

"Tell me Melvi! Why did you betray us? Why!" Clove screamed out,

Melvi irked with her voice, 

"Everything I did, it was only for my sister!"

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