Chapter 39 - Mana Degree Test

"Rise Kier!" A man in a long coat and writing board yelled Aaris name, 

"Rise Kier where are you, attend your mana screen test now!" The man yelled again, 

The whole chamber was looking at each other, wondering who this guy is, ignoring the teacher's call in the grand selection.

"I heard this name before who is- wait that's me!

It's me, sir!" Aaris shouted, ran toward the man making his way through the mob with all eyes fixed on him, close to a platform with an engraved magic circle.

"I have been yelling your name for quite a while, are you deaf or forgot your name or something?" He fixed his glasses and stabbed daggers with eyes on him.

"Hehe kinda!" Aaris averted his eyes, 

"Anyway, I am Ross and I will be the invigilator for the test, hold this crystal ball and stand on this circle." He handed Aaris the ball, 

"Now we will check your mana degree as a prerequisite for the selection-"

"Wait... wait mana degree? But why?"

Aaris started to sweat, obviously, if this is one of the criteria for selection, he will be eliminated on the screen test.

"Yes, since they're too many candidates this year and the difficulty of the selection has also been increased this test is taken as a measure to avoid any unnecessary casualties, so since you were not aware of the mana screen test you must also be not aware of its standards, let me explain,

Seven colors are taken to measure the mana degree of a person, 

We all there are 5 general classes of mages, which have 5 tiers respectively except class Zero which only have one tier, 

They go as,

1. Class Mortal 10th - 6th

2. Class Knight 6th - 1st

3. Class Zero - 0

3. Class Saint 1st - 5th

4. Class Celestial 5th - 10th

Zero class is a special class or a level for mages because it is the most difficult level to cross. It takes a long time, hard work, and experience to advance to The Saint class.

And also there is one class that is so rare and naturally impossible for any mage to achieve,

The Emperor, 

Like Zero it also has only one tier, and only the Emperors of kingdoms and hand few mages in the world have conquered this class,

You'll learn more about them later, for your assessment,

If the ball glows White then you are below at 

Mortal 7th, and you won't be eligible to enter the contest, 

If it glows light yellow to yellow, 

You will be at Mortal 6th to Knight 2nd

For Yellow to Light orange,

Your tier will be at Knight 1st to Zero, 

If we get colors other than these which is unlikely for younglings like you, but if you do you'll probably ain't normal mages, but still my job is to explain as a teacher,

The colors other than these are Light Orange  - orange, 

For Zero to Saint 4th

And Orange to Pink-red for

Saint 5th to Celestial 2nd

Meanwhile Red is still controversial for 

Celestial 1st or The Emperor class, 

As many Celestial 1st mages declared themselves as The Emperor class, challenged the kings in the past but died by their hands later, so these are bars on which your eligibility of the selection will be done.

You understand?" Ross completed with a proud smug on his face.

"Hmm… I see, so I am totally fucked"  thinking Aaris sighed and took the ball and stood on the circle, 

"Well then let's begin!" Ross lifted his right hand and chanted 


"Hmm?"  Ross stared at the crystal ball with curiosity and concern, 

The ball was flickering in a dim white hue, 

"Wait that's impossible, to have such color like it's not even shining in white, even some of the common people have a light yellow glow at the test,

Umm- I think it's my fault don't worry let me do it again" 


and the result was the same again, the chamber was in distress and confusion after seeing this,

they thought it's the assessment that's difficult but the reason was… Aaris's condition.

"I think the crystal ball is broken-" Ross took the ball,  to replace it with another one but Aaris interrupted, 

"Sir, it's not the Crystal that's broken, it's me. I don't possess any mana." Aaris smiled tried to not make eye contact, 

"What?" Ross looked at him with his eyes wide open,

"As I said, I don't have any mana" Aaris went on again, 

"Pft...ahahahaha" the whole crowd began to laugh in unison, 

"This guy came for the grand selection… hahaha'' the echo of laughter filled the whole chamber.

"Silence! That's impossible, every living being possesses at least Mortal 9th level of mana but how?" In the awkward silence, Ross closed up to Aaris and spoke again, and Aaris replied,

"I don't know it's just always been like this-"

"Quite a character we got here Mr.Ross, bring

Mr. Rise to the High Room of North tower, and you Mr. Rise, please cooperate with him." A stranger's voice echoed in Aaris mind, 

"Excuse me, Mr.Ross, what was that?" Dumbfounded Aaris looked at Ross, 

"That was Sir. Edward, he called us by telepathy magic, nobody except us heard him, now let's go"

Ross looked at the rest of the students and shouted, 

"Students! I have some business to attend with Mr.Kier, so the rest of the test will be taken by Miss Lucy here," he pointed at the lady at his right who appeared out of nowhere.

"Shall we go?" Ross snapped his fingers and they teleported in front of big wooden a hallway, 

"So Mr.Rise behind the gate it is a room of the Trident of the Academy, so, please be mindful of your behavior, I'll wait here until you're done now go inside."

"The room of the Trident of Magus Academy? Are you kidding me, why did they call for me?" Thinking this Aaris pushed the gate and went inside,

And the big wooden table, where he saw a tall old man with a long beard in pastor-like attire standing close to the bookshelf at the right, an old woman sitting behind the table, and a young girl sitting on the table.

"Good morning sir and ma'am" Aaris tried to not show his nervousness, along with his shaking voice, and the young girl on the table gave him an annoyed look and said, 

"A very good morning to you too, Mr. Rise Kier or

Mr. Aaris Ralkier!"

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