Chapter 43 - Stranger Of The Life - II

"Madam Cara is dead?"

Daunted, he was on his knees & eyes wide open, he stayed like that for moments, when his head nodded down and he rubbed his eyes, he took a deep breath & looked at me. It took a while for him to accept it.

Then I narrated everything that happened so far, what happened to me, to her, how I became a criminal and fled the country patiently. He listened to the end & when I fished he stood up pushing his knees.

"You really went through some real hard times kid,

And here I was still waiting for her like a fool, wasting all these years in this hell hoping she would call for me again, but we can't change the past now huh?."

He turned his back and treaded to the counter.

'How do you know my mother?'

"Really you wanna know?" 


"Well it goes back a long time when you weren't even born, she was my… wait, You said she never told you anything about the past right?" She 

'Yes, she told me, she'll tell me everything when it will be the right time.'

"Well, then I also have to keep my mouth shut then!" Shrugging his shoulder, he opened his desk and grabbed a book.

'What? why?'

"It's for your good kid, didn't she teach you to respect your elders! Well knowing her she probably wouldn't"

'She did teach me and what are you hiding?'

"There is a reason behind every secret kid, so since she decided to keep that secret then I must too." Turning pages and pages of the book he was looking for something.

'Okay then! At least tell me what kind of person she was.'

"You seriously wanna know that? What kind of person is she to you?" He flapped closed his book and was quite amused with the question

'Well, when I was with her, she was always gentle, caring, always putting on a warm smile and being cool!'

Drawing her again with my memories somewhat felt soothing. I don't know whether I am happy or gloomy but remembering somehow feels necessary to me. He must also have felt this way but when I took a look at a hard cringe expression on his face.

'Hey! What The fuck is wrong with your face?!'

"Are you really talking about Cara? Gentle? Caring? Warm smile? Seriously?" I don't know whether he can't accept what I said or whether he is taking pity on me like a child who was always kept in the dark.


"Wow, people do change with time huh? Hehe, sorry sorry anyway anything else about her?"

'Well, she had a hobby of writing books. She always made some notes and wrote books for me to learn and study and she also scolded me if I didn't complete them in the given time.'

"Now that sounds more like her! But really going away like this, this isn't like her, so boy how do you end up here in the Garden huh? You could've chosen a better place to hide!"

'Well- i- '

"Well, I kinda like the idea that you wanted to grow strong, You must've had some big resentment for your teammates to abandon you like this."

'I don't'


'Well it was my fault at the first place to be weak so it makes sense-'

"Are fucking kidding me? I can't believe a woman like her raised a wimp like you! What did ya say? Was it your fault for being weak? Listen here kid it's true that in this world it's 'eat or be eaten' works but that doesn't mean you have to blame yourself for being weak!

Seriously don't tell me you forgave those Tresguys' for what they did-"

His voice became much more hoarse and veins swelled upon his forehead.

'I didn't! I would never forgive them but she asked me for it! She asked-'

"What did she ask for?" He yelled at me.

" revenge" my voice was trembling & his intimidation grew stronger and more intense.

"Hmf… time really changes people huh? But tell me kid what do you want to do? I am not saying that you seek revenge! but living carefree like this isn't great also, so what is your goal?"

"I-  I- I want to change this world-"

"Pft...hahahahahahahaha...what a fucking cheesy line! Hahaha!" Why is laughing so madly?

"Don't laugh!" I yelled but I knew he wasn't wrong, anyone would've laughed I know! I know but!

"Alright...alright I am sorry but how do you plan to do it?"

'I don't know.'

"Well with an ideology like yours you can't even change a village by yourself!" He swiped tears from his eyes when he laughed.

'What do you mean?'

"Recall your mother's words again, she asked you to not seek revenge, but she also didn't ask you to become a hero!" He slammed the book on the floor & grabbed my collar.

'I also don't want to become a hero!'

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