Chapter 54 - A New Name

-- Aaris - POV --

It's so dark, where am I? The last thing I remember is me and Luke were late for the assembly before trial and he grabbed me and then… jumped in the sky and then… then….

Ah yes, I crashed and died, 

I feel like I can my eyes open again, what a bright light when I opened my eyes a shaded feminine figure was in front of its eyes, 


"OH MY! if you want it I can become your mommy master Rise! " The woman had a familiar voice and she grabbed my head and snuggled it close to her breast.

'This sensation misses Uru?' I opened my eyes wide and found Miss Uru hugging me and the candidates gathered around her.

"Yup! It's me, you passed out so I used a basic healing spell! I was really worried, you know!"

If she doesn't relive her hold I'll pass out again!

"Now get up! It's already 12:30! Since you passed out the scholars put a hold on the assembly before the trial, now don't make more trouble for others and join in!" She relieved me and gave me a hand to get up, after a few breaths I was back to normal.

I thanked her and she wished me luck and walked away, as soon as she left it started.

"What a scum!"

"Isn't he a dog!"

"He is! Absolute worst, we even got all of us late!"

"That's the Ruined Prince for you"

"Why is he even here? Still in the academy?"

The candidates around me started muttering again, all of that was just like before but what is this Ruined Prince?

"Are you okay now?" Styrmir got behind me, his words may seem concerning but his face was clearing and was telling otherwise, I probably know why.


"What Mr. Lucky pervert?" His veins were popping out of his forehead, 

'I don't want to hear this from you, though, can I ask you something?' 

After a horde, the candidates finished cursing me in their breaths as they scattered away.

"Spit it out!" He claimed down as from expressions, 

'What is this Ruined Prince thing? Who is he?'

"Hmm? You don't know?"

'Know what?'

He grinned and kneeled before me, "The Ruined Prince is none other but you, your majesty!" 

'What? What are you talking about? Me prince and get up!?'

" don't be angry my lord" he was barely holding back his laughter, 

'Just answer it already, what in the world is this Ruined Prince thing?' I don't know how long I will hold back myself from punching this guy's face.

"Well when the previous test ended there were two guys who were the center of everybody's attention, first the Crown Prince Niran, who cleared the first test in unbelievable time, and now everybody knows him with a new name the Reigning Prince, the one who rules the prime!

who is loved and looked up to by everyone!" 

Well, it was obvious for him to earn a name or two in the academy but why me though?

"The other one who got the attention was you, everybody was already jealous & bit afraid of you because Miss Tara backed you up but when the news of you coming at last rank spread through the Academy, they were surprised and angry too, why a worthless guy like you have madam Tara behind her back! I also heard some news that you failed your Mana screen test. Is it true?"

'I did! I don't even possess equal to a child, though-'

"Woah I thought it was just a rumor to defame you but man! Who knew you were such weakling! All of this added up and soon after you became famous with a new name,

The Ruined Prince! The one who lingers at the lowest!" And he finally broke into laughter and the candidates who still were around me joined him.

I need to endure it! Not now! I will clear the Grand Selection by getting in the top 10 until then I have to endure it!

"Alright… attention now all of you! Stand properly and listen carefully!" A woman formally dressed in a black coat and skirt with a pink band on her waist, she was very beautiful and her open sorrel pink hair swirled in the air like roses kissing brisk winds.

Behind her, there was a gloomy-looking man who looked tired, and his hair was not done and his bangs covered his face. He had worn an unironed black coat and trousers, but he was a bit different. On his coat, there was a white mark with a grey dot on it.

"I think I found a reason to live, but who is that rude man beside her, is this how you stand beside a goddess? Fucking lucky guy! " Styrmir beside me teared up and was drooling.

'Can't you just act normal for once?'

"Ahem! My name is Bianca Rollins, Scholar of Florencia Trait and Professor of this Academy also. The man here is Welkin Denzin. He is also a professor like me. Also, don't be afraid, he may look gloomy, aloof, lazy which he is, and weak. I assure you he is a teacher here!" 

She said all that with a smile to all the candidates, almost every candidate felt sorry for the guy.

The guy walked up to her and stood at her left, 

"My name is Welkin Denzin. I am pleased to meet you all." He waved his hand at us.

That's all!? 

"So, I welcome you all in the 'technically' first trial of the three of Magu's Academy Grand Selection, I will explain to you the first trial will be a written exam but as you know it won't be as simple as that, also since we are already behind the decided schedule I'll make this quick…

All the best!" A thumbs up with a big smile she stood there, every candidate who was nervous for the trial hoped this would ease us but!

"What!!!! Ma'am, please tell us something, at least a hint!" The crowd of candidates became restless and panicked.

"I am really sorry but we don't have much time!" joined her hands and bowed, and got off the stage.

Everybody was looking at me and menacing, I could feel them stabbing me with their eyes, but I am the one who is in the worst situation, please forgive me!

"Now, now! Everyone there is no need to be afraid, follow us to the exam hall and take your G.S.C cards in your hands. Your rank is also your roll number and you can find your seat too."

Walking for a while we reached in front of a huge horseshoe hall, it had more than enough space to fit in eight hundred students.

"Everyone take your seat!" 

Everybody hurried into the class and found numbers glowing in front of every seat, I looked around and found the number 800 glowing topmost in the left corner and raced to my seat and sat down.

"Everybody in their place? Hmm… now it's 12:55 and the exam will begin at 1 o'clock at the bell of the clock tower and end at

2 o'clock bell, the exam paper, and the sheet will appear in front of you once when the exam starts, 

But before we start I want to tell you that cheating is absolutely prohibited and it will not be tolerated, though don't forget to gel your fellow candidates too! Me and prof. Welkin will be your invigilator now it's only one minute left before the beginning all the best!" They both sat behind the teacher's desk.

In a moment the minute passed a loud bell rang and the trial started!

Three pages of question paper appeared in front of me. I picked it up and took a look.

What the fuck? There were a hundred questions and none of them was an easy one, we have to answer them all in just one hour? How?

As I turned the pages a sheet of paper fell down on my desk I took a good look at it & on the top, it was written, 

| Answer sheet,

Please remember no supplement sheet will be given |

"Madam Bianca!" A girl raised her hand from the middle of the row, 

"Yes?" She answered, her smile was as stoic as always.

"There are a total of a hundred questions!" ° ( ° the girl )

"I know!" * ( * Bianca )

"and we have given only a single sheet of paper!" °

"I know!" *

"It says no supplement will be given!" °

" I know!" * 

"I looked at the questions, neither of them has a short answer!" °

"I know that too!" *

"Then how will we write all of the answers in a single sheet? " °

"That I don't know!" *

Her smile remained on her face, and all of the halls gasped, my feet and started trembling.

"I would advise you not to waste your precious time on silly questions and start already! You don't have much time!"

And paper too! you fucking bitch!

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