Chapter 65 - Outnumbered

And Hence the Game begins.

--- Aaris - PoV --

With now four of our team members together, we could now move forward in the game. 

"So shall we go?"  Niran cracked his neck and we three got prepared also.


| Second Trial -› Kings Domain Game |

| Time Elapsed -› 001 Hours 08 minutes |

| Total - Points -› 000 Points |

| Team -› Team First North | 

| Status -› King | 


'Niran, from where should we start-?' We started walking toward the Throne, and we needed a plan but, I don't think this is going to be easy, sigh.

"You insolent brat! How dare you address your majesty by his name! Know your place peasant-" Crius turned enraged and grabbed my collar.

"Leave him, Crius! I told him to address me by my name and the same goes for you too, there is no need to be reserved, it is for the better for the game.' Niran looked around and calmly talked, 

"How can I, your majesty? You are the next Emperor, how could a low life such as me do this kind of arrogance." What an ass kisser! He unhanded me and ran behind the crown prince.

"Your Majesty… where would we start from?" Melvi was walking idly and scared. 

"The plan is simple: in our region find teams, attack them, take their points, hit another region, find teams, defeat them, and then move to the Throne," Niran explained and smirked and the plan really sounds good to me.

'So, yeah I was saying where do we start?' I looked around and there seemed to be no team around us.

"Don't worry about that, they are here." Niran looked above on the tree and then, 

One by one, many candidates came down from the trees, some emerged from the ground and a few of them walked straight to us.

I counted there were 25 candidates total surrounding us, which makes all six teams of the north region here.

"Looks like we are a bit outnumbered." Niran turned to them and the rest of us took direction.

So, there 5 teams, that makes 10 extra kings Points and 25 eliminating points, we could obtain a good piece of land in Throne after a single haul from here,

"We are sorry your majesty but until you are in the same region as us, no other team could make it to the Throne, and we had left no choice but to join hands and take you on by advantage with number please, don't bear any ill will for us we also-" 

A boy among candidates spoke, he looked nervous and afraid, well it's obvious because all of them are kinda playing dirty with the Crown Prince.

"I don't mind, it is also an ancient war strategy, to join hands with the enemies of the enemy who can't be taken down easily, don't worry, I am actually impressed you all really pooled together to take us on, despite knowing you have to fight later in the end." Niran laughed, he was much more excited than anybody else.

"We'll settle the matter between us after defeating you, so get ready." The boy and the rest of them activated their magic and several magus circles appeared around us.




several summoning mages were there,



At least 11 summoned beasts came forth.





There are many elemental users also, and there were few Lineage Trait users too, this ain't going to be easy.

'Hey, Niran, wanna make a bet?' I came up with a little entertainment while this,

"What?" Niran replied,

'Whoever gets the least points in the end, has to buy the winner a good and expensive dinner' he must be loaded, maybe I could use some of it for a good cause, hehe…..

"Hun? Sounds good to me! You're on!" Niran smirked.

"Don't get cocky, you bottom ranker! If it wasn't for the Crown Prince, we wouldn't even be bothered to take your point." Another boy yelled at me from the side.

Man, it kinda hurts.

"Haha! Well said! This low life is getting on high horses after getting teamed up with the mighty crown prince!" There goes Crius, kissing ass again.

"Well then commence the attack!" The first boy yelled!



A girl yelled from the sidelines and 

suddenly black walls enveloped us completely.

"What is this?" Crius panicked.

"It's a Translucent Magic barrier, neither we can see or hear what's going on outside, nor our magic will work outside but they can see us and attack us from outside." Suddenly Melvi became serious and gained confidence.

"Nice plan but…" Niran radiated a strong aura, it was massive! 

For instance, many elemental fireballs, water bullets, stones boulders, and such projectiles came at us. 


Niran chanted, and the mana radiation coming from grew many folds stronger and so destructive that the attacks the black walls broke down.

"You should've chosen the avoid and flee strategy."

'Woah...sweet!' We were out of the orb. The strength he just showed was really impressive but I stopped getting surprises on such things a while ago, you can't expect anything normal here.

"Well, then shall we" Melvi and Crius activated their magus circle but were left astound, not just them but me also.

Everybody and all of them were knocked out of their senses and were lying on the ground unconscious.

'What the fuck? What happened to them? Did we win? Was that you Niran?' I went up to their bodies and checked them, they were real and breathing, no clones or illusions or anything like that, all of them fainted at the same time! 

"….as expected of your...your majesty! He is all-mighty! Really Strong!" The surprise was too great for Crius maybe, he even forgot words from his buttering dictionary.

"Niran, did you do this?' I looked at him, and there stood relaxed and eased with no sweat on him.

"Yes, now don't try to excuse yourself from the dinner." He grinned at me.

"Ping!" A chime came from our pockets.

"What was that?" Melvi got scared.

"It's our G.S.C card, the ping came from them." Niran pulled out his card, I took mine and checked its back.


| Second Trial -› Kings Domain Game |

| Time Elapsed -› 05 Hours 49 minutes |

| Total - Points -› 025 Points |

| Team -› Team First North | 

| Status -› King | 

—» Team First North can enter the Throne now «—


I see, the points are updated automatically after we defeat other teams.

'Niran what's your score?' He was the one who took the Kings also, 

"Hmm? Mine? It's 35 points." He slipped his card back into the pocket.

'I see so in total we have a total of 110 team points, that's good then shall we head to the Throne now?' It's better to occupy a good spot in the Throne while we can.

"I was thinking of going to other regions, but I think it would be better if we rested and waited for the other teams there." Niran walked to Melvi and Crius, " But before that let's find some food and stay here for a while." 

"Thank you so much, your majesty, I was starving!" Melvi broke into tears again.

"Your wish, my command, your majesty!" This Crius bastard! He acts like he is an imperial subordinate for him!.

"I told both of you to call me Niran, didn't I.." Niran Sighed.

"Melvi go find some freshwater for us and Crius could look for some fruits or meat?" Niran tapped the shoulder of Crius and both of them walked away to find water and food.

"Rise!" When both of them were gone he marched to the unconscious body of the team.

'What?' What's he gonna do with those knocked-out candidates, he halted close to a girl on the ground and leaned at her, he grabbed the arm of a girl and…

"Woah! What the fuck are you doing?!' I need to stop him.

"Calm down I am doing nothing" he picked up the girl in his arms,  "Help me to carry them to the beach."

'Beach? why?' Isn't the beach a red zone for the players?

"If we leave them here, other teams could later attack them or possibly all of them get in a fight among themselves, besides it's better for them to get treated first my attack earlier destroyed all of their senses and disassociated their mana circulation if they don't get treatment fast they could slip to temporary coma, it would be for few days but in between of forest that wouldn't be good."

Niran pointed at the boy close to me, telling me I should pick him up.

'I see but why the beach?' Aren't the faculty going to take them after they get eliminated?

"Did you forget this is a survival game? They aren't going to take any of us until we are in the forest. Every candidate has to stay inside in the forest until the game ends, but if somebody stays at the beach for more than 2 minutes they'll be transported back to the academy automatically, also I can't ask a better man than for the job." Niran spoke while I picked up the boy on my back.

'Why me?' 

"I saw you running on the tree, and jumping from it you ain't weak, I realized." Niran dashed and vanished into the forest.

'Wait!' I followed him, 'by the way I was curious, what's your magia?' 

"Mine? I am…"

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