Chapter 68 - Hunting The Hunters

"Rise stop!"  As Aaris shoved them into the ground, Melvi yelled!

"You woke up! How are you feeling?" Aaris pulled both of their hair and thread tossed them aside like dolls.

"Give me a minute Melvi, first I finish my business with them." Aaris's smile changed, his warm and calm aura disappeared and now he was like just a few seconds away from becoming a mad beast driven by vengeance.

"Wa… wait! Rise Kier! We are sorry we are sorry for what happened, I admit we did wrong to Melvi and promise we won't do it again! So let's forget-" 

Boris crawled back and stood his guard up, but 

Aaris just leaped at Boris in flash and thrashed a punch and Boris crossed his arms to block the attack but the force was too brute, Boris was sent flying and crashed down with many trees and grazed the ground before stopping.

"Damn it! He's way too strong if it weren't for my Rubber Gum magia, the force would've broken down every bone in my body, I need to get out of here as fast I can." Boris turned lied on his stomach, he landed far in the forest,

"Are we playing tag now?" Aaris crouched in front of him.

"When did he-"  Boris started trembling I fear when he saw Aaris sitting in front of him, in his eyes the only thing he could see was blood lust.

-- Boris - PoV --



As he heaved an ax kick upon my head, I could block it with crossed rubber arms.

My bones turned into rubber, now they can absorb shock and can store it for a while and release it at my will, like a living spring.

When his kick landed, I realized how monstrous this guy's strength was. My straight leg bones were squeezed down to a few inches to absorb the shock, but it's all good!

' I'll put your force to good use!' 

While leg bones squeezed down like spring with a small change in foot angle, I could shoot myself like a catapult, I released the stored elastic force and dashed to Delano who passed out.

I need to get away somehow! This idiot!

'Wake up you asshole!' 

"He won't, not for a while!" Rise! He was running side to side with me!


-- Aaris - PoV --

'You thought you could escape huh?' So, he used my kick force to shoot himself.

Even though he is fast as a bullet I could still catch up to him! 

'Well then let me finish this with-'

"Kill him! Kill him!" That strange voice again! 

Ack! My head! It hurts! My whole body was thrown on the bed of burning coals.

I lost my balance and fell to the ground, that's it I'll finish this in one shot!

I filled my fist with mana and prepared for the last attack, any more of this I would probably pass out! I need to make sure that they are out of the game before that!

Boris reached Delano and picked him up, and again started compressing his leg bones like a spring.

'That's it for you!'

"[ STICKY TALISMAN ]! " Melvi yelled and scattered Talismans in the air, and the Talismans turned into sticky slime.

"What the-" Boris's whole body was covered in that slime and stuck to the ground.

'Good job Melvi now I can-' I took two steps but I wasn't able to pick my foot up for the third one, I looked and saw, the whole land was now covered in that sticky slime.

'Melvi what is the meaning of this?' I looked at her and she flinched in fear, 

"You… you would kill him if I won't stop you!" Melvi's voice was shaking, 

'Will I? I guess maybe ' damn I can't stop my smile! 

"Calm down!" For some reason, I recalled my mother's voice.

'Tch!' I took a deep breath and ceased my mana, 

It won't do any better if I kill somebody here. I need to do something about anger. Every time I use the circulation of this weird mana, my anger goes berserk with it & then great pain envelopes my body.

2 years of training and the best I can pull 10 minutes of sanity, I need to work harder, before I kill someone, 




"Let us go! We give up! Don't hurt us! We'll give you guys our point so let us go!" Boris screamed, he was desperate to run and was struggling in vain.

"Did you call down, Rise?!" Melvi ran at me but didn't get too close.

'I am, forget about me are you okay? Did these guys do anything weird to you?' I saw her body but didn't find any serious injuries.

"I am fine, but I don't remember much, the most I can recall Is finished peein-," she cleared her throat, 

"What I wanted to do then suddenly I blacked out and when I opened my eyes again, I was on this snowy plain and you three were fighting." 

Guess these things matters to a lady, I should 

pretend I didn't hear what she said before but, 

'You also don't remember anything about your stockings?' Looked at her leg and realized the stockings she wore when we were together isn't there anymore.

Melvi looked at her and let out a deep breath, 


She dispelled the Talismans beneath my feet, and I was free now, I looked at her and she went silent all of sudden.

She walked close to me and tapped on my shoulder, and raised her gaze.

"Give them a painful death!" The bloodlust in her eyes was far more fearsome.

'As you say my last.' I guess that's it for them…

I feel sorry for them.

"No! It's a misunderstanding! We didn't do anything! I swear on my name! It was Delano's hound! We both are gentlemen! Delano used his Familiar hound to pull up her stocking but they tore up, and then we removed them." Boris started struggling for his life!

"We never laid our fingers on her dignity I swear!" Boris started crying.

'But you did peek at her, didn't you?' After all, they kept on her for a while and waited for the right time.

"Fuck! I forgot about that." Boris's face went blank,

Melvin walked up to him and stuck some Talismans in the slime over Boris's body, 

"Rise, move aside." Melvi held my wrist and took me aside, 


She mumbled and they started glowing when they were struck with strong electricity and smoke rose from their body.

Well, that must've hurt.

"Let's go now! Where is our camp?" Melvi asked and I pointed in the direction where I came from. Melvi turned and started walking toward it.

I should head out too-,

Wait before that…


In a few minutes, Aaris joined Melvi in her way, 

"Where were you?" Melvi was marching fast toward camp, 

"Just finishing up some work!" Aaris smirked, 

After a while, they reached the camp where Niran and Crius were waiting for them.

"Where were you all this time? You got some nerves to make his majesty wait for" Crius started yelling at as he saw them but got interrupted by Niran

"Both of you! Are you okay?" Niran stood up, 

"We are fine, we apologize for making you wait, we are really sorry!" Melvi started panicking again.

"I see, well then shall we go?" Niran extinguished the fire.

"It's quite dark! But since his majesty is here, then I don't-" Crius went again on butter Niran up, though Aaris interrupted him again.

"Guys! Check your cards!" Aaris got fired up.

"Hmm? Why?" Niran grabbed his card and checked its back, 

"Oh! 37 points! I guess you weren't really lost." Niran smiled, 

"Seriously, what do you take me for?" Aaris let out a long sigh.

After a small rest, they started walking toward the Throne, 

"So what happened?" Niran had a vague idea of them getting into some trouble but he still wanted to know what happened.

"Well first I was resting peacefully then Melvi asked me to" Aaris started explaining but Melvi swung her wand on Aaris's head.

"Well, I wanted to talk to Rise for a bit so I took him to the forest and…." Melvin explained the whole incident to both of them.

"Why the hell did you go alone?! You are the king of our team! If something would've happened to you all of us would've been eliminated!" Crius started yelling again.

"Well, I am glad that both of you are safe and Crius let me tell you something. We are playing this as a team, so it's better for all of us if we start to trust our team" Niran gave Crius a cold shoulder.

"Oh yeah! Hey, Niran, check this out!" Aaris got smugly excited.

"What?!" Niran looked at him,

Aaris pulled out his card and showed, 



| Second Trial -› Kings Domain Game |

| Time Elapsed -› 10 Hours 03 minutes |

| Total - Points -› 220 Points |

| Team -› Team First North | 

| Status -› King | 

—» Team First North can enter the Throne now «—


"What the fuck?!" Crius screamed in shock.

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