Chapter 79 - The Beginning

Stunned and bewildered, the whole stadium was shaken, the dust cloud was still there, nobody was able to see what came rushing down from the sky.

Havoc broke in the audience because the barrier of the rumbles didn't fall upon anyone but it wasn't enough to assure them that they were safe.

Niran and Ruth covered themselves in their barrier and waited to let dust simmer down, 

While professors and faculty were more startled, 

"What was that?" Huike old man stood up from the seat,

"It seems very hostile, it's reeking of murderous intent from there." Welkin raised his guard and sleep flew away.

"Is it a monster? No, they are far weaker than it, should we attack" Xin walked close to the side and halted,

"This sensation! Lady Ahren! Sir. Edward!" Xin looked up at both of them on the balcony,

They had more disbelief in their eyes than everyone…

Slowly the dust faded away, and a face came to clear, a boy somewhat covered in bandages with their ends flying in the air covered in burning black violet ink smoke, long hair, and glowing scarlet eyes, he had Tara in her arms, his chest, neck, and face were exposed with burned bandages…


"Who is that?"

"A...A demon! He is a demon!"

Most of the crowd was trembling in fear and terror, while the other candidates had their eyes and mouth wide open.

"How is this possible? Just how?" Einar was dumbstruck along with the whole student council, 

"You've got to be kidding me!" Sylvie's teacup slipped from her hand and broke. 

"Bi...Bianca is that… that? Welkin looked at Bianca, 

"This boy sure knows how to make an entrance," Bianca smirked in awe.

"Rise!" Ruth yelled in zest and jumped with a hug from the side.

"How did he-" Niran dispelled his barrier.



"Impossible! He got beaten up by his majesty, there is no way he could stand again!"

"Lie! It's a facade, it's definitely not him!" The crowd got in denial disbelief, 


"Afreen!" Ahren called her and asked her to take Tara for a check-up.

Afreen noded and two nurses ran to Aaris but halted taking a glance at him they looked at Afreen and shake their head, Afreen sighed and went by herself and took Tara, 

"Good job on waking up boy!" She held Tara and walked away as fast as she could, while Aaris was looking around at the crowd cluelessly quiet.

"Risk Kier!" Ahren yelled and Aaris raised his head, 

"I'll make it short, are you prepared for the match?" 

"What match?" Aaris tilted his head,

"Don't tell me, you just came here without knowing anything, just because Tara asked you to," Ahren spoke, 

"Well...kinda." Aaris crossed his arm, "So what match are you talking about?"

Ahren sighed, "we have decided to give you another chance to claim your candidacy, you can fight him, and if you win, you'll be accepted in the Ovyrus, so do you agree?"

"Oh ho really?" Aaris looked at Niran and smiled, "well I do have a score to settle with him." 

"His majesty, are you ready? Edward spoke, 

"Yes." Niran turned to Aaris, 

"Ruth! If you are done then move away!" Ahren shouted at her, 

"Yes, teacher!" She jumped and released his hand, and moved to side alleys, "well then Rise, best of luck!" She whispered from there.

"Well...well… well then! Contestants are here! And the crowd is here too! So shall we begin?" The announcer stuttered, "Both of the participants come close but not too much!"

They both stood there facing each other, and the crowd was shivering in excitement and weird thrill.

"How are you, Rise?" Niran raised his brow, 

"Hehe...just had a good visit to hell, want me to tell you some good places to roam?" Aaris laughed.

"Are...are you ready? 

Well then begin!"

[ AURUM ARMOR ] Niran chanted and his golden flames were back in the same manner as he used in the Throne, 

"I'll end this quickly for you." 


[ SCORCHING FIST ] The flames on his right fist started flaring vigorously, far more than it was before, it was so hot that the ground below the first started melting because of it.


"Well that's dangerous, will he survive that"

"Nope, he is grilled for sure!"

The crown muttered.


"It's dangerous even for us professors, Welkin what do you think?"  Huike looked at Welkin who was wide awake and still dumbstruck, 

"Well I already had my surprise of the decade so, I won't make any presumptions for a while," Welkin spoke.

--- Ahren - PoV --

How did this boy get up? And what is this form? Well, it doesn't matter anymore, if it's the scorching fist it'll end this scene here.

Niran was fast, he disappeared from the sight of the crowd and clenched his flaming fist right in front of Aaris's face, and a loud noise burst exploded in the ground.

That's it, I guess-

Aaris stopped his punch with a bare hand, the flame isn't burning him! The flames weren't able to reach his skin because of the smoke.

The whole stadium gasped,

"It's still lukewarm, your majesty." Aaris smiled and pulled Niran by his fist and clenched his fist and his mana surged into it, he thrashed and pounded him in the ground.

"What the hell is going on?" Tara came from behind, pinching her head, and sat on her seat.

'You tell me, you brought this hell here!' She looks like she has woken up with a stinging hangover.

"Ah! I don't remember much but, I am glad he made it!" She smirked at me.

Niran leaped from the broken ground, making his distance from Aaris, I could see the terror in his eyes.

He stood up and with his broken aurum armor, "That's what I was talking about!" He surged his fire and leaped at him again, and the rumbling of punches and kicks filled the arena. Many weren't able to see them, they were moving so fast it was thunder dancing in the stadium..


"What in the world is happening there? "

"Just flashes and after noise, who the fuck are they?!"

"Definitely not humans! We know about his majesty magia but this Rise Kier, who the hell is he to match his speed and strength!" 

"So hm not fighting back in the second trial was true?".

"Even Luke was not able to keep up with him at such speed!"

The audience was not able to hide their excitement and was awestruck.


With a punch on each other's faces at the same time, they both were thrown to the opposite side of the area.

"You are not half bad, I would've enjoyed this earlier in the Throne but I guess we can't help it." Niran laughed, wiping his blood coming out of his mouth, and as soon as he wiped it the wound vanished.

While on Aaris there was not a single scratch on him, 

Niran fully healed himself and extinguished his flames, he let out a deep breath and glared at Aaris, "Don't blame for what's going to happen next." Niran clapped his hand and pulled out an extraordinary amount of mana, the flames coming out of his body like the part of the sun that had broken down to earth.




His shoulder blazed in golden flames creating golden wings and claws.

"Woah! what is it?"  Bianca look over Niran and gasped,

"He did not use that in any of the previous rounds, what is this form?" Welkin said, he was completely into this fight right now.

"It's Dragon form but of the first level, underestimating this form will be a huge mistake for him." Huike was calmly watching their fight but inside he was more intrigued.

"Let's test your limits shall we?" Niran took a deep breath puffing his chest, his chest was glowing like it was filled with boiling flames.



Niran huffed out a huge fireball shooting straight at Aaris, 

"Ack! It's so hot! I could feel them from the barrier!" Bianca moved backward, 

"How is this possible the barrier should've blocked every effect of magic inside, just how strong are those flames!" Welkin put his cloak on him and moved back too, 

"Well only to some extent if the spells used in the barrier are close to superior to the user level, then you can feel or possibly be hurt by them." Huike tapped on the air and the waves were created again the same as before.

"Strengthen the barrier, Louis!" Ahren yelled at a professor behind her, 

"Damn I didn't think this fight would be this devastating." Louis made a fist and clapped on her palm.


She opened three fingers from her closed fist, 


And another barrier enveloped the arena.

"People outside are protected but what about him? Won't he'll be turned into a burned marshmallow?" Louis looked terrified.

"Let's see," Tara smirked.

--- Aaris - PoV  ---

Fuck these flames are no joke what should i- 

"Use a cold grip!" 

A voice echoed in my head.

"This voice again?"

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