Chapter 87 - Just A Metal Cube

-- Aaris - PoV --

Just what the fuck is this? I almost got sucked in the spirit realm for a metallic cube with weird markings on each side!

'Lady Hez, what is this thing?' I looked at Historia, she was more dumbfounded than me, eyes and mouth wide open, she was sweating like hell.

"Wait, wait… let's not to conclusions" she muttered to herself and glared at the cube, 

"Aaris, the ritual is not complete, maybe that's the reason it looks like this." She tapped on my shoulder and consoled me.

'Like this? you mean?' I showed her the cube,

"I told you! let's forge the contract first!" She cranked at me.


"Yes! For us the contract and to them, their mortal world soul, it also serves as a gate to them to travel between the realms. Now repeat after me, remember to use your real name in the invocations, got it?" 

She looked at me and then gave the cube back to me,

"Then, give it a name, the spirit's existence is rewritten in this world, with a new name their last master gave them. Once you name him, your contract will be completed. Remembering his name will also be a strong aspect to it, so choose carefully!"

She marched slowly forward and backward in concern.

'What about its previous name?' This spirit has it hard too I guess.

"They have none, in the spirit world, only high ranking spirits have a name and even they are changed once they are summoned, moreover the case is quite different with origin names, let's not waste much time, think of a good a name and pour your mana into it then recite after me." She looked at me and stepped back again.

I looked at the cube and sighed, what should be a good name for a chunk of metal?!

How about Lenny? Or maybe Bob?

'Well then, let's get over it.' I looked at Historia and nodded.

She started reciting the spell and I repeated after her, 






I surged my mana into the cube and it started floating in the mid-air, rotating between a huge and majestic magus circle, with the same color of mana's aura, in the shade of black and violet.

"What the heck is this? Don't waste your time, hurry! give it a name!" Historia yelled at me.


The horrible pain again surged throughout my body and head, the same hoarse and dreadful voice echoed again and for some reason, I repeated after it, 

* RUDRA! *


I screamed out because of the wrenching pain, going through every inch of my body, and the magus circle faded away in a flash and the only thing that was different now, was that the cube has more markings now.

"Well done! now-" Historia yelled and ran to me but stopped once she noticed the cube, which was still metallic and silent.

'Ma'am I think something is not right.' I sighed and crochet down, but suddenly Historia snapped, 

"Not a single thing is right here! How is this possible for a spirit to manifest in elemental form and doesn't talk or move! It's impossible! Moreover, it's not even radiating mana. How is it even possible? What was a cube doing in a spirit realm?! 

This doesn't make any sense!"

'Nothing new to me, but what's so shocking about this?' I recalled all my past experiences and my head drooped down.

"Everything you fool! As I said, a familiar is the reflection of their master's soul, so how can someone summon a lifeless spirit? It doesn't even look like a spirit!" She grabbed my hair and started spinning my head.

'Ow! Ow! You tell me! but don't mages summon weapon spirits?' I cried out, and she eased her grip,

"But they fucking talk! They also have a mortal-like manifestation too, either they look human, animal, or like other races when they change their appearance! And are you calling this a weapon? What is this?!" 

Now she was shaking my head more vigorously!

She was getting more and more irritated and angry. After a long pause, she released me and she mushed her eyes and picked up the cube, and handed it to me.

"Just what in the world happened to you Aaris?" Historia looked at me with a clear concern in her eyes.

'Lady Hez, I was wondering for a while now, how do you know my real name and I am sure that you also know about the reason I changed my name too.' 

I need to able sure that she is an enemy or ally,

She looked at me and then abruptly turned her back.

"Lady Tara, it was Lady Tara who told me about you, on the first day of the Grand Selection, moreover I-"

'Oh that's right, are you the one I was supposed to meet?' I recalled about the talk I had with Rodriguez.

"What? What the hell are you talking about?" She stopped and looked at me,

'Wait! Lemme show you!' 

I pulled the emblem Rodriguez gave to me, when she glanced at It she halted and stared like she saw a ghost.

"Where did you get this?" She marched to me and snatched the emblem from my hand, and started gawking at its every nook and cranny.

I was scared looking at her like this. She kinda reminded me of my mother when she was angry.

I told her about my encounter with Rodriguez and everything that happened before that. She stood patiently and listened to me carefully till the end. Her face was frowned upon and depressed and looked as if she was barely holding back her tears. 

"I see, so she is dead huh? It's hard to believe but watching you going through so much, I trust you, but-" suddenly her grieve-stricken face changed to a sinister expression, 

"That son of a bitch Rudy! That mother fucker didn't tell me anything and fucker must've disappeared to fool around with girls! I chop off his bones when I find him!" 

'Lady Tara! Calm down! You are scaring me!' I never saw her like this,

"Forgive me, let's head to the domain and join with the others." She calmed down and started walking abruptly again,

'You are also going to hide it from me? About my mother?' I was looking down all this time, I don't how will she react.

"Sorry, Aaris but we have our own reasons, it's for the sake of both you and your mother, and I'll be honest here, I don't give much fuck about what do you and whatnot, but I can't let Lady Cara and Lady Tara down, but now, I am your teacher first so I'll do my best and give everything I have to offer, to help you grow, that's all I can do." Her tone changed and got furious.

'You don't need to apologize, I understand it's funny that you remind me of my mother so much.' I chuckled and peeked at her, and my steps stopped at once.

Historia was biting her lips and trembling, and tears were flowing down from her eyes, 

"I am sorry, I am sorry we weren't there when she needed us! I am sorry we weren't even present when she needed protection! I-"

I walked up to her and handed her my handkerchief. I don't know for some reason I wanted to cry too but I held back.

'I told you, don't apologize I don't know who you are to my mother and me but, I am sure she is happier seeing you well and successful, and if you really cherish my mother, then, please smile, she doesn't like tears much that's something she told me.'

She stared at me for a while and took my handkerchief, she wiped her tears and suddenly she started laughing, 

"You really are their son! I am sorry I was a bit rude earlier, well then let's go!" She pumped up and grabbed my collar, 

"Let's speed up, shall we?" 

I don't have a good feeling about this, 'What do you-'



From a magus circle below our feet, yellow clouds appeared and sparked.


The clouds accelerated from the ground straight in the direction of Melvi, Zia, and Styrmir.

Fast! This is way too fast!

'Lady Hebbb…' air-filled my mouth as soon as I opened it.

In a minute, we found the three of them.

'Meliiii….' I screamed and they turned to us in a daze, and started running!

"You think you can run away from me?" She smirked and the cloud expanded and swallowed them in an instance.


"What? Save talk for later! We are here!" The cloud boosted its speed and in just a few minutes we reached a big copper gate.

[ HALT! ]

Suddenly the cloud expanded into a huge fluffy cloud and crashed with the gate, but we weren't hurt rather the soft sensation of the fluff was heavenly!


She chanted and the cloud dissolved into water, Zia, Melvi, and Styrmir fell, and water was absorbed by the land in just a few seconds.

'Just what the hell was that?!' We all yelled at her, 

"Hehe, just took short-cut!"

She used another spell and dried our clothes, we catch our breaths and then stood up.

"Now, shall we head inside?" She looked at us smirked, 

"Are we here?" Melvi was shocked.

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