Chapter 9 - The Guilty

I doze off after that...

The next day my mother prepared to return to work...

"mother you should rest today take a day off," I said while eating breakfast she made,

"don't dwell on it dear, it is not me who was hurt, you saw that with your own eyes right and also lord Nulim who helped us out that time, so we have to return the favor right, so let's not make an excuse" my mother while making her hair then after kissing my forehead she put a hand on my head and said gently,

"I know you are worried but let me tell you something I was thinking of telling you on 21st June on your birthday but I think now is the best time, we are moving out on your birthday," she said,

I can't describe how glad I was at that time, at last, we will be able to start a new life without any restrictions without anyone who mistreats us for his satisfaction, I hugged my mother in sentiment,

"Really!?" I was really excited and then,

"very well than just a month please take care of yourself," I said,

"Okay, but till then I have to complete most of the sophisticated works lord Nulim has on his hands now you see it's very important, so until then be patient" she chuckled,.

"hmmm," I agreed with a smile,

"Alright, I am off taking care of yourself, I'll be home soon" she on the doorsteps and slowly she vanished behind the tall walls of the mansion.

Thanks to what my mother just told I started creating fantasies, where will live, where will hang out, the time we will spend together, the new people we are going to meet I was living in the wildest dreams, finally.

then suddenly I thought if she is doing her best I should work hard also I picked up the book she gave about old and lost magics, I picked that up and went to my usual place to read it I was indulged in that book that I almost for that there is an injured wolf seeking vengeance.

I heard some footsteps reaching toward me I turned back then I saw Ulious ready to punch my face in he was mad so mad I could see his vein popping out of his face, but directly Crius held his arm and interrupted before he could hit me.

"brother why did you stopped me only one punch I swear I am going to make him regret his birth" Ulios complained while clenching his teeth,

"brother did you forget about what aunt Erza said, we will not play with him from now on and if you think that brother Crius has pardoned him then, think for a second does he look like a son who will remain silent after seeing some maggots harming his father and his pride" winter said like saw restless for his brother, but his sly words took effect I could really see the bloodthirst in the Crius's eyes.

"let's go I don't want to upset my mother anymore and for him let him enjoy his good days and Aaris don't worry we play with you ever again." Crius without changing his expression he released the arm of Ulios and glaring at him then he turned his back on me returned to the mansion I thought I was saved because of what happened yesterday and after when my heartbeat got settled I changed my place to the forest and continued to study, I think because of them constantly dragging me to the forest to beat me up I have become fond of this place I felt cringy at that moment. then the day got settled I warmed up the lunch with Blacksmith's stone,

(firestone whose heat only takes effect on non-living things) my mother made before she left and waited for her return and in the night we had dinner together and went to sleep.

A week passed by following this regular and they never came again after that day I was hoping that everything remains the same until we leave this place but in reality misery never left our side...

3rd June my mother returned home after work fatigued she took a bath and started preparing dinner,

"So how was day dear, what did you," she said I was reading a book while eagerly waiting for the supper,

"It was okay but to be honest I am really restless I cannot wait any more," I said with a smirk,

"my-my well you know me too but what can we-" my mother then unexpectedly she got interrupted by wild knocking on our wooden door,

"who must be there now at this time must me beth I hope lord Nulim is okay" she washed her hand and went toward the door I followed her behind out of curiosity and then she opened the door.

It was a night outside and in front of the door, three huge men were wearing a black cloak covering their body from shoulder to feet and they were wearing a crow head like a mask, accompanied by Dustin, Husre, and Erza.

I didn't know what was going on but seeing these three aristocrats in front of our cottage it was clear that they are here with some bitter intentions, I hid behind my mother skirt,

"Ravens," she said "Aaris dear go inside I will return shortly," she said in a strict but assuring tone I went into the bedroom and reclined myself on the wall close to the door to listen to what was going on there,

"Are you miss Cara Ralkier" one of the masked men,

"Yes I am can please state the reason for bothering us at this time" my mother in the same strict and calm voice,

"I am sorry for the inconvenience we have caused you but you see we have apprehended some criminals that may have some kind of relationship with Shaytins, they were roaming inside this domain and after inspecting them we obtained some crucial information and documents that could cause problems to our kingdom," the masked his voice sounded somewhat fabricated because of the mask as ravens work in shadows and keep their identity as hidden as possible.

I didn't catch what they were talking about, but it was something really formidable that Ravens came to our door,

"so what does it has to do with me," my mother said,

"look how innocent she is acting after doing such nefarious work how unfortunate of father that he was betrayed by someone he does much for-," Erza said with a pitiful expression but my mother interrupted her in between,

"Lady Erza I believe now I have retained a good understanding of this matter and I think you have some wrong idea I don't know what you are trying to prove but let me assure you I never done such disgraceful thing through all of my years and I need. to talk to the lord about this crucial matter"

What? are they blaming my mother,

"don't you dare to think to show your face to my father he is already in great concussion because of today's events and because of you" Husre with anxiousness and with a mad face,

"Lord husre I believe you were the last one who was holding on works in the last I know they go through me but in the end, they always end up with you" my mother without even batting her eye,

"so are you saying that I was the one who treason against our kingdom you know you are blaming a Tresguy, even knowing how devoted and loyal we are to this land" Husre,

"Enough we investigated and found Tresguys innocent and that leaves and proves that only one who could pull this despicable feat is none another you Cara Ralkier, you are the only one who is involved in the official and confidential work except Lord Nulim and Lord Husre and nobody insignificant is exposed to information after you all so to ensure the safety of you and the kingdom, and by the words of his majesty, we are taking you in custody" the masked man spoke.

Are they arresting my mother when I came to this conclusion I lost the feeling of legs and ability to speak?

"How can you? I want to Lord Nulim on this matter" my mother was now sounded angry and restless,

"please co-operate with us it is better for both of us" That masked man,

"I won't you can't comprehend someone involved in official works without any proof and consent of their superior, and either you look at it I am always assisting lord Nulim while being in the mansion so no matter how you look at it, there isn't any tough proof that reasons your accusations" my mother in rage,

"Oh we have both for your kind information miss Ralkier and also what you are saying is also right" Dustin finally spoke,

"Hmm... how can I overlook such a thing but still we are eligible to arrest you but with what you have just said is quite true so how did you pull it off

.... hmm mm...

oh...I think I got it with help of your son Aaris Ralkier" Dustin like he was playing with his words.

When I heard this I was really afraid of what are they saying what are they trying to prove here are going to take my mother from me for a crime she didn't commit and punish her for it, many things were coming to my mind,

"no, I don't want to lose her no she didn't do anything bad she can never do such a thing you are lying" I came out of my room and jumped in front of her, and tried to protect her.

"why you came out dea-" my mother

"This is her son Aaris Ralkier she must've done this with his help poor child he was used by his mother" Husre interrupted her,

"Hmm no one is different in front of the laws made to protect this land... now when it comes this we are afraid we have to arrest him also and interrogate him in the same way we do with others" Dustin wearing a wicked smile he looked at me.

"No! you can't he is just a child you can't arrest him he didn't do anything, if you try to lay finger on my child I will make you regret it" my mother yelled, she was holding me tightly and her wrath now was like she will slaughter anyone who tried to take another step forward,

"Please don't make things difficult for us we are also troubled we also don't want this child to go through the same thing criminals go when they refuse to in-cooperate with us. you see we can't take any chances when it comes to our kingdom's safety." Dustin slowly stepped forward.

The methods used by Ravens for investigation were infamous for their brutality my mother told me about it I knew I won't even survive a single day if they do the same with me.

"please detain the child and for her mother, there is no need to investigate what she said was true only confine her in prison, the only one that needs interrogation is this child" Dustin with a big smile.

And suddenly two men came forward and grabbed me snatched me away from my mother, she tried to save me but one of the men restrained her with spellbound cuffs and then they also put a cuff on me and my mother was crying and begging them to release me,

"No please don't I beg you he is just. a child please let him go". she was crying... and screaming and suddenly

"Release him, I admit it was me I did it, it has nothing to with him release him I am the who is Guilty"

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