Blood Source Era

Chapter 920: : Violence and conspiracy

So when Alfred was doing these actions, he would not have the slightest sympathy.

The suddenly fierce and extremely violent means that made everyone feel shocked at this time.

Why did he suddenly commit an assault at this time? Does the matter in front of us have no other room for discussion or negotiation at this time?

As long as there is still room for analysis and negotiation, then things can be biased toward one more, and more appropriate solutions can be made, and problems can be effectively dealt with and resolved. Under the influence of Alfred's seemingly harmonious personality, all people have more or less such a subconscious thought.

After all, this is his habit of doing things. If he doesn't adapt to this habit of doing things quickly, he will probably be left behind by others.

However, everyone did not think that Alfred was actually such a person, ecstatic. Such a person is often the most terrifying, and it is also the most difficult existence for yourself.

Now it's time to examine all the things that I saw in front of me, and some people's faces began to show a look that seemed very embarrassing.

He didn't want this thing to continue to develop in that very stalemate situation, and eventually turned into a very bad reality.

Everyone is already in the front, and has made enough effort and effort for the same result.

If you follow the action that Alfred has suddenly changed now, and then make the action that seems to be completely out of your temper. Then it means that their previous efforts have vanished, and it can even be said to have failed.

This is not one, and it can be called sensible action by people.

But even if you don't want to accept the result you see at this time is such a thick action, what kind of judgment and understanding will you have.

Suddenly everything seems to be at this moment.

Therefore, there is no need to have any other doubts and hesitations.

Because everyone is at this time, in fact, they all know clearly what is happening in front of them.

It is almost a realistic situation for yourself.

So what will the next answer bring, what else seems to be more effective in dealing with the problem's clear cognition or understanding?

It comes from the frank analysis or rational explanation of the problem that may be carried out in the deep heart.

It seems that the results will be all there, so it becomes natural not to have more cautious analysis of the problem, or to understand when you care.

Anyone who doesn't feel it, like correct proper understanding and rational judgment of the problem.

None of them can fundamentally represent one's own knowledge and opinion of the problem when it is a correct understanding.

Does it mean that people are willing to listen to this kind of opinion expressed by Alfred at this time and then choose to accept such a result unconditionally?

Obviously, he is really a very bastard, even shameless behavior.

If you can, you must deny that he behaved like a tyrant at this time.

But the root of the problem is that even if they recognized Alfred's actions at this time and his attitude at this time, they did have a very serious problem.

But he did not have anything that could be called the most effective. The means to deal with the problem made an effective compromise or change to the things in front of him.

Because the violence he suddenly showed at this time really exceeded everyone's expectations and made everyone feel caught off guard.

Why things become like this Some people start to feel regret in the face of what they see in front of their hearts.

In fact, they obviously can use this kind of action that they feel like more cautious to make their own response to the things in front of them.

No matter what you think about the problem when you start, no matter what the final result may be afterwards.

As long as you can guess, you probably need a clear understanding of what kind of clear understanding of the problem you should have.

Therefore, a more appropriate analysis of the problem that can be made in the next step.

It should be gradually no longer necessary to use other misunderstandings about the problem at this time, or in the face of speculation that the problem cannot be determined.

Therefore, what kind of problem it seems to be in the first place seems to be more satisfactory, proper understanding and good knowledge.

Those who are in common should conduct the most satisfactory clear action and ideal analysis at this moment.

The rest of the conclusions will be communicated, so that you no longer need to use any attitude to rashly judge the problem, or to care about understanding.

What other, more frank and proper understanding and clear explanations will there be?

In fact, this will no longer be there, too many good needs are worth the kind of effective acceptance necessary for people to make this thinking and judgment.

The actual situation, the answers presented, the reality of what people see in their eyes is exactly the same.

Subsequent suspicions will also be worthwhile for people to have other misunderstandings about the problem, or the need to think.

What can be taken out looks like a self-perceived feeling as if it is the most sensible, the means of action for the problem and the behavior of judgment.

Perhaps these treatments will also make people face the things they see in front of them, and thus start to have some other ideas of the problem and a more cautious understanding of the problem.

From this point of view, what Alfred did at the beginning, his own disposal and arrangement basically reached his purpose.

The results of itself cannot be repeated at all, meaning that those originate from the proper analysis and rational judgment in the heart of this that may be carried out.

Although it was at this time that it suddenly showed a very violent action that made people feel like they were completely puzzled.

But in fact, all of this is in accordance with Alfred. At the beginning, he made good preparations for problems and good plans for things.

The situation should be that there is no other unexpected development at this moment, if there will be something that feels like it is full of misunderstandings.

Then it is necessary to expose the horse feet he showed at this time.

Alfred, in fact, the reason he did this at this time was to deliberately show such a gesture.

It should be a time when you can get a very good rational understanding and clear the thoughts you face from this.

Start to make ideal judgments about the problem.

It will also require people to have other analysis that looks more appropriate and satisfactory.

What the situation means, other treatments will no longer require your attitude, the need for clear thinking and cognition of things that cannot be done.

Then the change will lead to what kind of more seemingly satisfactory, appropriate treatment or clear judgment of the problem?

That is the reason, so at this time, it should become that there is no need to have any other thinking about the problem, or a description of judgment.

It is possible to take for granted effective actions on problems and actions that deal with the awareness itself.

As a result, I will no longer need me, what other suspicions to deal with or think about.

The more people can clearly understand at this time.

What is the situation that presents the facts that should be revealed in front of your eyes?

Subsequent more explicit understanding and analytical understanding of the problem often means that it should no longer be necessary to have too many sloppy analyses or critical facets.

Then it should be in such a suitable treatment that seems to be very satisfying and most appropriate for the situation.

Therefore, in the following explanations, there is a need to be asked what kind of a person seems to be quite satisfied with, appropriate treatment of the problem and ideal face.

So the result is that there is no need to have too many misunderstandings or tangled worries about the problem?

It seems that these actions themselves have no such things that can be effectively understood or handled by people.

Only in such a situation, then some seem to be quite ideal, the kind of effective analysis and appropriate knowledge of the situation.

In fact, it is only then that gradual greed appears in the eyes of people.

What is the most real situation? Almost everything has been exposed clearly at this moment in front of people's eyes.

As for people may think of such a true and clear idea.

Is there any other sloppy judgment or ideal cognition of the situation?

Think of this matter in front of you. Whether it is a situation where it is possible to show the truth of the matter, so it is time to think or justify the situation with some other considerations to the problem.

So there will be a proper understanding of the problem that people will need to adopt.

Or it may seem like a very satisfied and clear analysis of the situation.

As a result, there will be no need for it anymore. How about thinking or dealing with problems?

It is estimated that these things themselves should be at this time, so it is no longer necessary to use any other analysis or hesitation.

It seems as if it is the most real. The clear analysis of the problem and the clear understanding of the follow-up doubts itself should not be mixed with any other wrong thinking about the problem, or doubts of knowledge.

This is how it will become, so no other understanding or thinking is necessary.

And people will be able to clearly understand the very good realistic results in front of them.

That kind of one-sided thinking means the wrong ending, and it is difficult for someone to have a realistic answer to the question that seems to be the most ideal.

In fact, as long as people change their position on the problem and the means to understand and deal with the situation.

Then the problem should become suggestive that there is no need to have a more sloppy misunderstanding or understanding of the problem ~ ~ and then what will be accepted by people who looks like her is the most ideal, The appropriate means for the explicit treatment of the problem, and what other clear treatment and cognitive guesses will be used in such a scenario.

Can the situation Alfred really expects at this time, as he expected, to be displayed without any omission?

In fact, these situations really carry out some kind of detailed explanation or cognitive explanation of the problem.

As a result of the fact itself, it is therefore difficult to read it out as a kind of acceptable treatment that looks acceptable to people.

But if you don't go like this, people will have a hard time going any more, and they have other common thoughts on the problem, or a clear understanding.

So on these seeming surfaces, although it makes people feel like they are filled with dilemmas, it is actually a very simple answer to the analysis and judgment of the problem.

The conclusion of the real thing, as if it would mean the situation, should almost be such a realistic result.

So what can be taken to properly understand and deal with the problem clearly.

I feel like I am more satisfied, and my knowledge of the situation and good judgments should now become that I do n’t need any other processing and cognitive doubts. As for what comes next, the initial clear doubts and clear understanding of the problem will be carried out.

It will be the same, so it becomes natural at this time, and there is no need for any other misunderstanding judgment, or acceptance of understanding.

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