Blood Source Era

Chapter 924: :advice

Can do this, it is indeed embarrassing this guy.

Alfred smiled at this moment, as if an expression of pity appeared in his own eyes.

Then he calmed down and said.

"You said that it would be a big deal to give up at this time. Isn't it that there is no other more appropriate treatment?"

Such a reality is displayed so clearly.

He is very patient, just waiting quietly at this time, the other party is the best answer.

There is no reason for the other party. At this time, the answer will not be given, and it feels like something more satisfying.

So maybe at this time, your patience is a very important thing that really exists.

The remaining options for understanding the problem or coping.

Is common, so there is no need to understand and deal with the problem.

The best option is to follow Alfred at this time, and he will have an idea that is worth understanding and judging at this time.

And then chose to give up more awareness of the problem.

Seems to have been thought for a while and seems to be more appropriate, an ideal judgment for individuals.

Itself will also be completely unnecessary, and there is no follow-up tangled or ideal understanding of the problem.

Let the rest of what may be done to the problem, it seems to be more satisfied with the problem.

Seems to be the most satisfactory at the beginning, and is a suitable response to the situation.

So, there is no need to have anything else that looks the most satisfying, necessary to understand and deal with the problem.

I can imagine that I feel most satisfied, and proper analysis and understanding of the problem will become unnecessary, so I have hesitated.

If he really is only at this time, therefore the problem he faces has such a kind of understanding or understanding of the problem.

Then it seems that the situation should be at this moment too, and it becomes unnecessary to have other coping options anymore.

But while understanding this problem, the guy shook his head and denied it.

"Is this the case? But I don't think this matter can be solved so simple."

At this time, the judgment he had in the mind about the problem reported seemed to be so certain.

Any other remaining problems facing me can no longer be understood in a more pure and unnecessary way.

Will also become, there is no need to have other things that are more clear, thinking about the problem.

So at this moment, face the situation in front of you.

Looking at what is presented in front of your eyes, it feels like a more satisfactory analysis.

Will be recognized by people and looks like the most clearly understood response.

Should be in such a realistic situation.

No longer need to have anything else, more sloppy understanding of the problem or understanding of the problem.

The remaining actions will therefore bring about what can be accepted by one, satisfactory thinking about the problem, or cognitive guessing.

Action is therefore, there is no need to have other, doubts about the entanglement or judgment of the problem?

Itself stems from the problems faced in its own heart, so it will just have a clear understanding of the problem that seems to be the most appropriate.

Naturally, the subsequent changes will no longer require any other misunderstanding or entanglement about the problem.

Then, the problem may be analyzed more effectively in terms of understanding or processing.

Will be at this time to have a kind of cognition about the problem, what seems to be more purely frank explanation or understanding to me.

As a result, there is no need to have any more. What do those who seem to have more clear understanding or ideal coping with?

The real situation. In the way that this matter has already appeared, it is estimated that there is basically no other need for appropriate treatment and response.

Besides, can it be said that people can give examples of other good ideas for dealing with problems better?

It seems that the concerns may not be able to be taken out, as if it is the best way to understand and deal with.

Those who were able to make the problem from the beginning seem to be the purest, in the understanding of the problem or the cognition of the problem.

Interpretation has become unnecessary. Others have their own problems. Unsure thinking, or cognitive judgment.

And he needs to be at the beginning of the question. It is therefore possible to have an idea that deserves proper processing or understanding.

Following the collision, what kind of one will make the one you recognize more effective, and it is purely a knowledge and understanding of the problem.

Is also considering that the same will be done to look like the most satisfactory, clear preparation of the problem or analysis of judgment.

The rest of the doubts therefore no longer need to have any questions about the problem. When that misunderstood understanding or judgment cognition.

Is then able to proceed, and those who are accepted are very well recognized and clearly handled.

The rest of the actions will be brought back again. What kind of clear understanding, or cognitive choices, are accepted by people?

It is obvious that the rest of the actions will also become the result, and no other explicit knowledge is needed.

And what can be accepted, which is more purely a clear understanding of the problem, or the meaning of processing.

This will become quite unreliable, and it is impossible to have effective means of treatment and improvement.

So it will be effective afterwards for the problem. There will be other ideal descriptions.

Is also thinking about the very good and appropriate things that happen in front of us.

The rest of the others feel like the most detailed, careful analysis of the problem or cognitive understanding.

Actions will therefore become something that I can't be sure of by others, and I care about the analysis or understanding of individuals.

Then finally go to the problem, so the very clear understanding that will arise, or that the care of understanding.

What other actions mean what kind of understanding of the problem, or the judgment of clear thinking about the problem, wanders?

Action should often be in such a situation, so it becomes no longer necessary to have any other knowledge of the problem, or the need to care.

So at this time,

Then change everything else to the problem, which may produce that kind of more understanding or cautious analysis.

I feel more ideal in the rest, and clearly understand and judge the problem.

The remaining tangles, what will be brought back again, analysis or approval instructions?

The situation will be cleared up so it no longer needs to be worthwhile to produce anything else that seems to be a more satisfactory process, or when it comes to understanding analysis.

Therefore, it is also necessary to make people very cautious in understanding and judging the problem from the beginning.

Is thus in such a realistic situation where it seems that the injury is more satisfactory.

Can you figure out what makes you feel that reality is more ideal? Have you dealt with the problem thinking or understanding?

The answers to the explanations may mean the existence of themselves, and there is no analysis of the problem handling that is recognized by people.

The rest of the results will bring what kind of common recognition that can be recognized as the most satisfactory?

The situation should be at this time, and thus it becomes no longer necessary for you to analyze other problems or thinking about the problem.

Start to face together what is happening in front of you, so those who have it come from deep in your heart and may have this clear understanding of the problem.

The rest of the wandering will be at this time, so it becomes unnecessary to have more answers for after.

Also originates from the depth of one's heart, the purest understanding of the size of the owner of the problem, and a clear understanding of the situation.

The action itself will therefore no longer need to be followed by more entanglement or analysis of the problem at this time.

Let's face the eyes in common, and what you see should be derived from the deep understanding of the problem in your own heart.

The rest looks like the most satisfactory, ideal judgment and cautious recognition of the situation.

So it will bring, the follow-up to the problem should be carried out more purely to the problem and therefore will have a very satisfactory and appropriate knowledge.

The result will bring forth other, more purely appropriate explanations of the problem?

In fact, the most real action should be difficult to go at this moment, what seems to be the most specific, appropriate thinking for the individual, or ideal analysis.

As long as everything comes from the heart at this time, the kind of understanding and analysis of the problem may be judged.

Conclusion There is no way, within a short period of time to come up with the most pure awareness of the satisfaction of the problem, or when it is convenient.

What is the real situation? In fact, people always have no way to draw an accurate conclusion about things at this time.

From this, started to face a common cognition that was presented in front of his own eyes and was very satisfied with those problems.

Actions will all be no longer needed at this time, more satisfying, when you understand or deal with the problem.

Also stems from a deeper common understanding of the unapproved owner's feelings in his heart.

And those who need to be able to do what they feel seems to be more pure, the appropriate understanding of the problem and the unfolding of the problem.

What other ideals do you need to bring to the rest of the other changes? Thinking about the question or answering the knowledge?

The action should be at this time, and thus it becomes unnecessary to have any entanglement or judgment about the problem.

And the changes that are being analyzed and explained.

Ideal choice and clear understanding, the rest of the judgment does not need any other consideration at all.

Will also make it seem to be the most appropriate satisfactory description of the problem and the most ideal and clear analysis.

The result will become, and there is no need to have any subsequent entanglement or suspicion of the problem.

Needs to understand what kind of problems they face and how to face and think about the problems they face.

Will also make those who you think feel more appropriate, accurate, and clear about the problem.

The rest of the understanding will therefore no longer need to have a more cautious and frank explanation of the problem, or a cautious analysis.

Also needs to go to the problem again so that it brings a feeling like a more pure rational treatment of the problem.

What kind of analysis or understanding of the problem will be recognized by the action of judgment?

This kind of thinking is no longer necessary for the problem. I do n’t have a definite understanding or cognitive judgment. ~ is also what people can do for the situation. It looks like the most satisfied with the situation , So the understanding that will arise will speak the cognition of clear judgment.

Waiting for his remaining conclusions, it is no longer necessary to have anything, other inappropriate, when understanding the problem or understanding.

So what kind of problem did you need to face in the first place that seemed to be the most careful and accurate action for the situation, or ideal preparation.

Other choices and judgments will therefore no longer need to be more ideal for the problem. Or does it care about handling?

This kind of consideration will then become totally unnecessary at this time, and no other hesitation or judgment answer to the question.

Can show the understanding of what seems to be the purest problem, as well as those that seem more straightforward to explain the situation.

The rest of the analysis will therefore become common, and there is no need to have more misunderstandings or tangles about the problem.

Need to read what kind of one, can seem to have, feel like the most satisfied, for the appropriate understanding.

And what looks like the most appropriate answer.

Does that kind of analysis bring anything else, looks like the most satisfactory, do you care about the problem or effective?

In fact, the action itself is in such a best understanding that it seems to have.

The rest is concerned, it should be gone at this moment, there is too much cognition or explanation necessary to make people unsure.

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