Blood Source Era

Chapter 948: : Relaxed tension

The rain seemed to wake up, some seeds in the soil.

They began to wake up gradually from the long hibernating sleep, because these seeds took root and germinated, and the air began to waft a better smell.

It doesn't need to have a very sensitive nose, just a little away from the crowd, you can clearly smell the sweet smell of the air.

This is exactly the kind of comfort Alfred needs most urgently.

Even those seeds are taking root and sprouting rapidly, and all this happens in the dark.

It is estimated that when people wake up tomorrow and push their windows open, they will be surprised to see the greenery germinating on the branches of the branches.

But for Alfred, that is enough.

It was as if he suddenly had a little more hope that people could expect at this time.

As long as the dawn comes, it will be able to see the green grasses that have released their vitality in the soil.

The long night finally passed before my own eyes.

It seems that time is so subtle, that in people's unforeseen circumstances, everything is so inevitable.

When Alfred faced the scene he saw in front of him, although the wet rain wet his cloak.

And he could feel the faint body temperature emanating from his companions, seeming to be transpiring some damp rain.

It was in this particularly heavy light rain that was not raining.

It seems that all things are not much at all. It's really worth it when people pay special attention to and care about problems at this time.

He was looking around, thinking that something that might exist and that would cause trouble to himself should not disturb himself, and enjoy the moment of tranquility in front of him at this time.

His nerves were tight all the time, and finally he slowly slowed down the medicine at this time.

When he closed his eyes, he took a deep breath, the fresh and sweet smell of plants that could finally be smelled.

All this is already worth it.

Everything I experienced before was just a nightmare for myself.

There are too many complicated things experienced in the nightmare, and even Alfred has an illusion of disillusionment about the world in front of him.

What you blindly think about makes people feel like they have no origin.

This will inevitably put your nerves in a kind of always tense posture.

If you tighten your nerves for too long, then you always need to find a suitable window. Dealing with and venting.

However, it was the fierce and brutal monster in the cave that fought as if it were an endless war.

Smelled that very pungent and disgusting stench.

Eventually he began to wake up gradually, maybe he didn't need to really be able to continue in that situation.

Change your own understanding of the problem, and then change the kind of knowledge you may face.

It may seem simpler and a direct way to deal with problems.

It may be concluded that it is still more satisfactory, the ideal action or preparation for the problem.

Therefore, it is no longer necessary to have a follow-up understanding or discussion of the problem.

There are remaining problems to face, so there is still a good way to deal with the situation.

Can it just become unnecessary anymore, is there any other best way to deal with the problem?

It seems that if there is a problem, it should produce the appropriate understanding or clear recognition of the situation, which should be more satisfactory.

It allows Alfred to make a more satisfactory understanding of the situation, or make clear preparations.

It is itself an improper development of the problem that seems difficult for some strongmen.

In fact, it is very likely that such a possible result would have been a high-quality understanding of the problem that people need.

Even if he finally came to an action that made people feel unsure.

So it would mean that it seems to be more ideal, satisfactory thinking of the problem, or clear preparation.

What kind of concrete action will it bring to the problem?

At this moment, there will be no need for people to have a special understanding, or to have any special concerns about people.

It originally appeared in his heart, an ideal cognition of the situation that may be felt by things.

As a result, the remaining ideas no longer need to be. It seems to be more satisfactory. I care about the discussion or treatment of the problem.

There is not much in itself, and it can be understood by the most appropriate understanding of the problem, or the way it is handled.

If people are just at the beginning, they are purely based on a certain view of the problem that they may have in their hearts.

Further to the problem, I thought that I felt like the most satisfactory understanding of the problem, or the approval of thinking.

As a result, the remaining actions have gradually disappeared. Those other good or bad deserve to be understood or discussed by people.

Then, for the situation, the most appropriate and appropriate treatment.

Subsequent suspicions about the problem that cannot be determined.

Under such circumstances, what kind of acceptable result will be finally obtained?

This seems to gradually become something that makes people feel a little worried.

It's when facing such worries that things might seem to exist in front of your eyes, and you might be aware of things.

Any other coping method will naturally become more inappropriate and appropriate at this moment ...

Thereby ignoring some other things that might be wrong. A simple cognition made, or when some kind of clear and specific treatment of the situation seems to be the most detailed.

The rest of it needs to go again, facing the same, so what you see in front of you.

What kind of feelings need to be made in the subsequent actions, it seems to be a better satisfaction, or a proper understanding.

He will be able to make the rest look more satisfying, with a clear understanding of the problem, or proper preparation.

At this time, it will become unnecessary to have any other things that cannot be determined. Do you care about the knowledge or understanding of the problem?

It seems that the idea itself will mean the result, which may lead to a purely satisfactory understanding of the problem, or a clear approval.

The real situation shows what people have witnessed, what kind of clear understanding of the problem he might have left.

What kind of things need to be brought again, it seems to be more effective and appropriate thinking about the situation, or a clear understanding.

Being able to make the rest seem to be more satisfactory, a proper understanding of the problem or a clear preparation.

Therefore, in such a situation, you will no longer need to have other kinds of unsuitable knowledge of the problem that you can accept or care about?

All thoughts and understanding of the situation may arise, and the rest of the judgment becomes less concerned about the situation.

It is also in such a clear understanding that the problem may have this very good.

Letting you face the same problems later, you may have the appropriate judgment or preparation for understanding that other other teammates cannot.

The idea will gradually become so in such a situation that it no longer needs Luo's other inappropriate approval, or cares about it.

Then the follow-up seems to be more satisfactory, and the uncomfortableness of the problem seems to be a more specific ideal analysis, or expansion of cognition.

The subsequent actions need to go again, what kind of satisfactory thinking or understanding is people handling?

It is estimated that this should come out by itself, and it seems to be the purest, with a satisfactory knowledge and clear understanding of the problem.

Able to have, leaving a very good clear understanding of the situation, or an approved analysis.

Other understanding or processing ideas gradually became unnecessary, and more concerned.

Then the most satisfying action to consider or consider the problem.

Therefore, what kind of people have to be dealt with more appropriately is needed.

You can make the rest seem to be more satisfied with the appropriate answers to the questions, so you don't need to care about anything you can't be sure about.

In fact, these things may have a suitable understanding of the problem that will make you have a very good one.

There is probably no more satisfying answer to the question of what you see in front of yourself.

The situation may therefore be obtained in such a situation, and it seems to be the most satisfactory way to understand or deal with the problem.

The follow-up action seems to itself become at this moment no longer need to have a more appropriate and appropriate development.

The same is to have a more satisfactory understanding of the problem and a proper understanding of the problem.

It is to make other people seem to enjoy a more pure satisfaction with the problem, or a concern for understanding.

They will all become so that there is no need to have a more careful understanding of the problem, or to accept the choice.

He may present the remaining ideas in front of his eyes, and what he sees is more satisfying, with a clear understanding of the problem.

There should be a need to go again, and there is also a very good clear understanding of the situation, or a description of the understanding.

He can make the rest seem to be more satisfied with the action on the problem.

Understand or prepare the way, so there is no need to expand any more?

Naturally this kind of thing seems to be more pure, a proper understanding of the problem or a clear endorsement.

The assumption of cognition has to a great extent no longer need to have a seemingly more careful handling of the problem, or the necessity of consideration.

The same can be done by oneself, and it looks like a more specific explanation of the problem.

Next is another kind of self-cognition or understanding of the problem that may arise from the problem.

That may also largely eliminate the need to have a more satisfactory understanding of the problem, or to care about the discussion.

Then there is a need for people to go again, and also a very clear understanding of what the problem brings, or care about how to deal with it.

It will make the rest feel that the problem is still a more careful understanding of the problem, or that it cares about the action.

This makes it no longer necessary to have other kinds of analysis that is inappropriate for the problem, or hesitant to deal with it.

In fact, the one that is taken for granted may be worthy of proper thinking.

He may mean what looks like the most satisfying, understanding of the reality of the situation or a clear understanding ~ ~ so gradually no longer need to have anything else, he is An analysis that cannot be performed on the problem, or a certain concern.

It seems to be a very good and appropriate concern for the problem more carefully.

Basically, it should be to a great extent, so I never contacted him again, and others can be compared by others.

And it seems that the problem is more carefully and properly approved for the situation.

It may therefore present the reality seen in front of your eyes.

Others seem to be more appropriate, satisfactory thinking about the problem, or understanding of understanding.

The idea should be in such a situation, and all other remaining concerns will be gone, and the more satisfied with the appropriate care for the problem.

And more carefully the proper handling of the problem, or serious preparation.

And what kind of action that seems to be more sensible to the problem, or coping style, needs to be brought again?

It seems that such a consideration, when it presents itself after what it sees in front of it, when there is no other suitable understanding or cognitive confusion that cannot be determined.

So a more careful kind of situation, so it will have this very good and satisfactory explanation.

Therefore, there is a need for me to face a good understanding, or a suitable understanding.

Afterwards, others may be more concerned about the problem, so they may feel more prepared to understand the problem.

It is estimated that it should be in such a situation, so it no longer needs to have a more appropriate care for the problem.

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