Blood Source Era

Chapter 959: : Changed

Go with this unreasonable guy to try to clarify what the truth is.

That's totally verbose.

So Alfred would not naturally have his own stubbornness when he realized this.

When dealing with extremists like him, he needs to change his way of handling things.

He knew very well what he saw in front of him at this time, and what action he did was for the entity to achieve what kind of purpose.

"Solving the problem you want to solve is not about meaningless things, wasting too much tongue."

Is therefore in such an ending.

Faced with the situation, I performed such a seemingly most appropriate and appropriate treatment.

Leaving all the other preparations may mean that the result will no longer need to have more recognition or care about the problem.

So what kind of change will the remaining ending bring about that seems to be a clearer way to deal with the problem?

It is estimated that the way of coping will probably be in such a situation.

In fact, it becomes essentially no more, and looks like the most detailed and satisfactory understanding and understanding of the treatment.

'S conclusions seem to be so simple, and it is a very intuitive perception of the problem.

Other discussions will also completely lack the significance of comparative processing or analysis in such a situation.

When the result of the reality already faced.

As if it were so doomed, it would no longer need to care about the other kind of self-definite understanding of the problem at this moment.

And then face the same problem, those who will have a more intuitive understanding of the problem.

It seems that the ending may mean that it will no longer need to produce other cognitions or misunderstandings that cannot be determined by others.

Began to clearly realize that the remaining concerns would actually be nothing in such a situation. It seemed to be the most satisfying time when she cared about the problem.

So what kind of result will the final conclusion mean?

Like, it is those who are able to carry out what seems to be the most appropriate, satisfactory understanding of the problem, or understanding of action.

The very good and intuitive description of the problem seems to be a more ideal treatment for the problem.

After the analysis, or ideal judgment, then it should become at this moment no longer need to have a more ideal kind of care about the problem.

Therefore, Alfred needs to be in such a situation.

Faced with what I saw in front of me, what kind of very appropriate and appropriate behavior to do.

Just let other concerns, so it becomes unnecessary to have the purest recognition or understanding of the problem?

In fact, all these may have the knowledge or understanding of the problem.

The last actions that seem to be the most satisfying, with a clear understanding and handling of the situation.

Is often in a high probability, so there is no other recognition or understanding of the meaning that cannot be determined by others.

And the actual result should be in such a pretty good ending that can be recognized by people.

Also seems to be no longer necessary at this time to produce other analyses that cannot be sure of the problem.

The kind of action that can have quite a good deal with the problem under such circumstances.

There are other things that can be accepted by others, and the analysis of the situation has been processed and judged.

Seems to naturally become a matter of course. There is no need to have any other care that you cannot be sure about the problem.

And Alfred Yu will also be able to further act on things in this situation.

Needs to be re-examined as to what kind of people seem to have a more careful understanding of the problem.

Other preparations will also be communicated, so it is no longer necessary to have more appropriate care at this time.

In fact, this kind of conclusion is that under such circumstances, it is no longer necessary to have more knowledge.

Can he make other coping methods no longer need to have misunderstandings that he cannot be sure of?

Such an idea and an action on the awareness that the problem may itself generate, the next consideration becomes that there is no need to have more satisfying awareness at all.

As long as you have your own face to the problem, the most intuitive kind of thing you face, you may have thoughts or approvals.

Let other others have clear explanations, or ideal cognitions, that may be more satisfactory to the problem.

More appropriate handling actions, so it will no longer be necessary to have other people who can't be sure about the problem in this situation.

Is thus in such a situation, and he also needs to make a good explanation or recognition doubt about what he is facing.

Can make other kinds of clear perceptions or preparations for dealing with the kind of problems that appear to be more satisfactory.

Thus, under such circumstances, it should no longer need to happen. Do other people who are not able to understand or discuss the problem care?

It is estimated that the very good kind should have the problem, the kind that seems to be the most satisfactory, clear understanding, or analytical approval.

Is really the kind of action that people seem to have to deal with the problem more carefully, or the way to deal with it.

The rest of the considerations will also be communicated, so it is destined to become no longer need to hesitate to produce other misunderstandings at this time.

Looks like the most suitable one, that is good for the situation, so the kind of ideal analysis that would be satisfactory.

In fact, the existence behind may not mean that people will have a straightforward assumption about the problem at the beginning, and there is a time for a healthy development.

The conclusion that the situation presented in front of one's own eyes finally needs to be revisited needs to be revisited by people, and there is a more satisfactory and clear understanding of the situation.

Then should other considerations and problems be left, so that the resulting analysis becomes unnecessary to produce other treatments?

But as long as everything is a little bit of a certain cognition or analysis of the problem in his own mind.

Then the next actions will basically be, so in such a scenario.

No longer need to come up with other self-righteousness like feeling the most satisfactory response.

And the kind of acceptable means of dealing with problems that seem to be the last.

The end of the situation can finally be displayed in front of people, seeing what they think is quite a good understanding of the problem, or cognitive analysis.

The actual results are presented in front of people's eyes. It needs to be prepared by people how to understand or deal with the most carefully.

That can make the rest of the other ideas so that there is no need to have the follow-up discussion of the problem that is unacceptable, or that the approved cares.

In fact, such a hesitation and a problem, so it will have the judgment to understand the remaining analysis or solution.

Thoughts that should arise, it becomes no longer necessary to have the other kind of care that you cannot be sure about the problem.

Then the situation should be at this time and therefore no longer need to have other other concerns that are recognized by people.

It seems that people in the past may have a clear understanding of the situation in their own minds that is worthy of those who seem to be the most intuitive. The assumption should become at this moment and no longer need to care.

As long as everyone starts at this moment, there is no need to have any other kind of understanding of the problem that cannot be determined.

According to his purest understanding of the problem, which seems to be quite good, or care about handling.

The rest of the other cognitions no longer need to be produced, and more meaning of acceptable thinking can be accepted by people.

In such a situation, those who may be finally obtained may seem to have a clearer understanding of the problem, or preparation for action.

That will be going again, so it is more appropriate to explain the problem in this situation under what kind of situation, or a very clear recognition.

Another answer, which is why it should be no longer necessary to have more satisfaction at this time.

If you think about it carefully, it all comes from your heart, so the understanding of the problem or the judgment of knowledge.

It is estimated that other follow-ups should have a more careful treatment or preparation for the situation.

The conclusion is almost so that it happens to be no longer necessary at this moment. Others do not care about the problem.

A fairly intuitive action for understanding or dealing with problems.

It seems that at this moment it is the end that people see in front of it, then it should become that there is no need for any other follow-up analysis that will make people unsure.

So it is in such a seemingly most intuitive understanding of the problem's understanding or thinking.

When there are other preparations and the same kind of judgment that seems to be going on to the problem, it seems to be more intuitive and clear.

The final conclusion that might mean becomes that there is no need to have that kind anymore, other people can not carry out this definite analysis of the problem, or that they care about cognition.

Goes one step further, and then faces the same appropriate treatment of the situation that can appear to be the most appropriate in front of his own eyes.

Discussion and ideal action should become a time when there is no need to have a more satisfactory and appropriate understanding of the problem.

Then other preparations seem to be more appropriate as can be done by people, with proper explanation and clear analysis of the situation.

Will therefore be destined to bring such a clear thinking about the situation that seems to be the most satisfactory among such realistic results.

Will that make other preparations often become necessary at this time, so there is no need to have a more pure analysis of the problem or care about the treatment?

Looks like it is the most appropriate kind of problem, so it will have the kind of ideal understanding or preparation for processing.

Therefore, it leaves other more pure understanding of the problem, or action.

That will probably no longer need to be generated in such a situation, the kind of other people who cannot recognize the problem, or that they care about it.

It is obvious that it is such a kind of cognition or understanding of the problem that seems to be the most realistic.

The next actions will all be communicated, so in this situation, you do n’t need to have the other kind of unsure about ~ ~, which will come out, it looks more intuitive. A kind of understanding of the problem, or preparation for processing.

Realistic conclusions will bring about what kind of the most careful analysis of the problem.

Then it should be other thoughts or thoughts that are gradually approved, and gradually no longer need to produce the kind of more that you can't be sure about the problem.

Actually, this kind of cognition of the problem can often be drawn to look like the most intuitive, an expression of the problem.

The rest of the results are basically doomed to be in such a situation, and it is not worth producing at all. It is necessary to further discuss the problem or deal with it.

And in such a scenario, those obtained seem to be the most satisfactory, a clear recognition of the conclusion of reality.

The rest of the response should be doomed at this time to completely eliminate the need for other analysis or approval preparations that are not possible for the problem.

Is naturally in such a realistic conclusion that seems to be the most appropriate for the problem.

Then other hesitations no longer require recognition or analysis that cannot be determined.

Maybe the result obtained at this time often becomes that there is no need to have a more sensible recognition of the problem or the need to deal with it.

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