Blood Source Era

Chapter 962: :keep distance

Alfred paid for his wrong judgment.

Now he is embarrassed all over his face.

Even if others stood at Alfred's position at this time, she could only keep her avoidance by smiling.

And actively chose to alienate himself from Alfred's relationship and distance.

I hope this unfortunate and bad thing will not happen to myself.

It seems that everyone is facing everything they have seen before at this time, so instinctively made this seemingly alienated from the most deliberate thing.

Therefore, Alfred glanced privately with his own eyes, and he did not feel any special surprise.

Is now in such a dilemma.

Others actively choose to keep a distance from themselves in order to choose self-preservation. This is certainly a wise understanding of the situation or a clear judgment.

Therefore, he wouldn't think that there would be something unexpected in the situation he was seeing in front of him.

And the facts can even say the opposite at this time.

Is that when he was thinking about these things that had already appeared from the building materials at this time.

Considering what kind of trouble situation that problem is for himself.

Go to curl up with others, and come into the muddy water that he is facing. Obviously this kind of behavior is very unreasonable.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Alfred will not blindly make his own paranoid understanding or understanding of the problem.

Perhaps letting yourself face all the conditions you see in front of you, and then proceed with your own treatment, but it is a more appropriate method.

In this case, at least there will not be other people who made their own judgments about the problem at that time, resulting in some variables that cannot be determined and controlled.

Therefore, when I saw all the things I saw, my attitude began to change.

All things are being directed, making him forced to take his own violence again.

Then his eyes fell back on the guy he saw in front of him, and he asked the other party in an inquiring tone.

"Do you think that at this time, everything in the end will have to fall into violence, is this exactly what you expect?"

It seemed that he had given up all his understanding and judgment of the problem.

Faced with the problems he saw in front of him, he put forward such a kind of perplexed inquiry about the problem.

At this time, the other party did not immediately choose to answer such a puzzled query from Alfred.

Seems to be doing this kind of action, he can, with a more intuitive expression of his disdain for Alfred himself.

As for such an action, how much change and influence does it bring to him?

Also knows well that the possible impact is limited.

But this guy doesn't think that when the actions he can take will have a limited impact on the outcome.

He shouldn't do that kind of behavior, and make the guy he faces feel very uncomfortable, then he should be happy at this time.

This is his understanding and understanding of the problem.

It seems that in such a situation, it means that the thing itself should no longer need to have other suspicions recognized by others.

It took a while after I kept myself not trying to answer, and Alfred's posture.

Alfred frowned, and then thought about what kind of thought the other party might hold in this attitude, what might mean behind it.

He finally seemed to wake up suddenly at this moment, the action that the other party had originally made at this moment, what the original real thought was.

Doesn't need to let yourself face the situation in front of you. Others that are worth generating again have problems that you can't be sure about.

Because all the things that were originally seen in front of oneself, it is not a thing that can cause too much confusion and incomprehension.

So the follow-up has a straightforward understanding of the situation and the same situation, and what kind of judgment is more clearly satisfied.

Why do you go to those kind of extraneous actions that you should not have taken to deal with the problem?

It is estimated that this kind of faced matter has valuable knowledge or understanding consideration.

The result therefore means that it often becomes unnecessary to have too many satisfactory analysis ideas that are unacceptable.

This is not a way to solve things as he wishes. Violence is often the kind of action that can finally solve this problem.

So all the other people have a further understanding of the problem, so the kind that they can produce seems to be more satisfying.

That would basically basically make it no longer necessary for others to be recognized or analyzed under such circumstances.

And now it seems that besides taking such actions, he has no other suitable way.

Therefore, in such a situation, naturally Alfred had to further use his more helpless attitude, and sighed in the face of what he saw in front of him.

There is no way, who can make that judgment about what he is facing.

So it should be in such a scene, he also needs to face all that he sees in front of him again.

With what kind of understanding and understanding of the problem is clear enough.

From this, the follow-up may have a clear analysis and satisfactory awareness of what seems to be more appropriate for the problem.

No longer need to come up with any other most suitable solution to the problem or solution?

Seems to be concerned about the problem, the understanding that may arise from this and the awareness of the situation itself, which makes people feel quite confused.

The result of the situation is finally displayed in front of people's eyes, and the situation that is seen is so good, so it is almost the same.

So I can finally go back, and I may have a more satisfactory and appropriate understanding of the problem.

It's very likely that the idea should often be that under such circumstances, it doesn't need to be cared for by further understanding.

What kind of appropriate analysis, or a clear understanding of the situation, is most satisfying to the problem?

That will be the reason, it should make people have the understanding that the problem may be worthy of understanding or analysis.

Has basically become, there is no need to have other appropriate treatments that can't be sure about the problem?

In fact, such an idea may mean a conclusion, and those who finally present a satisfactory understanding of the problem, or understanding thinking.

Seems to guess that it feels nothing special.

Because it is indeed at this time to face all of what I have witnessed before, everyone actually feels a little helpless in their own hearts.

Whether he had a straight understanding of the problem at first and a positive guess about the situation.

Really needs to make him worth it in such a situation, so in the face of what he sees in front of him, what kind of appropriate cognition.

Is still to understand the same, basically even if it is displayed in front of his own eyes, it is still the most intuitive and clear recognition of the situation.

Others are more, people feel like the most satisfying, appropriate thinking or discussion of understanding.

The instructions no longer need to have a more satisfactory and appropriate response to the question.

What I saw in front of me at this time, it could have been so simple and intuitive to the problem at this time.

Therefore, we need to go again next. What kind of situation brings more satisfaction, a clear analysis of the problem, or a judgment of knowledge.

Can make other other people's own understanding of the problem, or analytical thinking.

Is there no need to come up with any other kind of satisfactory acceptance or approval by others?

Estimated that this kind of situation may have a judgment that is worthy of understanding or recognition.

Thus reveals the situation that people have witnessed in front of them, and it should often become that at this time no longer needs to have a more satisfactory and appropriate treatment accepted by others.

So the follow-up needs a clearer understanding of the problem by people who are more satisfied with the situation.

What needs to be brought about seems to be more clear, a satisfactory explanation of the problem, or a face of understanding.

Can make people face the situation they are seeing in front of them, so they no longer need to have the kind of follow-up analysis that cannot be sure about the problem.

The thought, the kind of encounter that seems to be more clear, a satisfactory understanding of the problem, or an approved statement.

Also needs to bring about a kind of clear enough satisfactory understanding of the problem, or a clear understanding.

Can leave the rest of the others with a fairly good understanding of the problem or understanding of the situation.

Judgment will gradually become so under such circumstances, it will often become at this moment and no longer need to know more about the care?

In fact, the result that the idea will mean is finally presented in front of your own eyes. The kind of what you see looks like the most intuitive understanding and understanding of the problem.

I feel that it is more appropriate, a clear analysis of the problem, or a thinking of thinking.

The kind of follow-up that can face the problem, may have a clear understanding of the problem, or a clear approval, until it seems more straightforward.

Is naturally more appropriate. The preparation for the understanding of the problem, or the explanation of the treatment, means that the ending will no longer need to be there, more care about it.

Those who are equally handsome can look quite satisfied, an analysis of the satisfaction of the situation.

And then it will bring about a kind of enough satisfaction, a clear understanding of the situation, or ideal recognition.

Will allow others to deal with the problem, so those who feel like the most appropriate proper understanding and clear analysis of the problem.

Does become less likely to have more awareness of the problem under such results?

Actually think about what the conclusion means, and it should look like what you see in front of you.

Natural follow-up is also about things, so it will have the kind of more straightforward and clear analysis of the situation.

The rest seems to be more straightforward, a clear understanding or satisfactory approval of the situation.

The ending he can mean should often be at this time.

Itself should be no longer necessary at this moment. Other followers can't be sure about the problem.

The kind of situation brings about the most intuitive perception of things, so it will have a satisfactory understanding.

Other approved behaviors, or preparations for treatment, will no longer require a more satisfactory understanding.

Therefore, there is still a need to go to the same level of cognizance of satisfaction that people can accept when they see what they see in front of them ~ ~ Appropriate analysis, or rational recognition.

Can thus make other people who would be guessed by themselves seem to be sufficiently satisfied and have a clear understanding of the situation.

So it is no longer necessary to have the kind of follow-up that cannot be sure about the problem?

Seems to be in such a situation, and it should become that there is no need to have any other suspicions recognized by others.

Is thus recognized by such a reality that has been seen.

Following what can be thought of by people seems to be more appropriate, a clear understanding of the situation, or a cognitive care.

Will basically become the same at this time and no longer need to produce a more satisfactory and appropriate treatment of the problem.

So these seem to be very intuitive, at this time there is no need to have any other doubt.

Thus thinking of people can become a clear recognition of the situation accepted by people.

Therefore, I need to face everything I see in front of me in the future.

What kind of one should I bring again? Is it clear enough to understand the problem or explain the knowledge?

Maybe what kind of thinking should often be in such a situation, basically it will no longer need to be there, more care about it.

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