Blood Source Era

Chapter 970: : Violation of habit

He will not underestimate at will, the kind of enemies facing him that may pose a potential threat to him.

Go as far as possible to kill all threats in the budding Zheng

That is the creed he believes in the face of problems!

However, the previous failure made him have to face a reality helplessly.

That is the chance that he can seize is not much, she must be forced to make a choice with all her strength and simplicity.

Is finally facing what he sees before his eyes.

He can hardly guarantee that all the actions he has done will be the correct behavior.

And he realized clearly clearly in his own heart.

Often mistakes, the impact may be more terrible than what kind of judgments and predictions made about the problem before.

Therefore, it is natural that such a situation is underground, and it is necessary to make him again. What kind of problems he faced by the same things may bring him analysis or definite understanding.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is also necessary to let yourself come up with a means of dealing with problems.

Thus can change the frustrating reality encountered before him in the potential threat that may be faced next, or looks like a very undesirable situation.

For him at this time, it was actually when he was facing this terrible thing he saw in front of him.

He may really not have much to be able to reach, it is more appropriate, and can be called a more appropriate coping method.

It seems that all the actions taken on things are displayed in front of him.

It was all in such a situation that he kept pressing what kind of behavior he was facing in the face of trouble.

Even if he saw something that he felt was unacceptable, and he also thought that it was a irrelevant thing for himself.

It seems that the pressure gives it all the feelings it has.

Made him have to face this pressure at this time.

Then think that it seems to be an action that needs to be taken by yourself, or a trouble to deal with.

Whether the facts really look like this. He thinks he may have nothing at this time. Too many can be said to be appropriate means to deal with or judge the problem.

Will allow other ways to deal with the problem.

In such a situation, there is no need to expand any more.

On the surface of understanding and facing things, I think I feel like the most appropriate treatment, or coping.

It should also be up to him. He needs to adopt a more appropriate method to deal with the problem when facing things.

Thought that he had enough opportunities to change, the kind of situation he was facing was quite bad.

But the actual situation, it is impossible to be as imaginative as the exposed understanding of the problem.

Can have a long-term development that is really beautiful and can be recognized by people.

So it is natural that the follow-up everything else may produce more understanding of the problem and the kind of situation.

Looks like a relatively intuitive expectation of the problem.

Generally speaking, the idea will often be doomed to such a situation, and it is no longer necessary to have more thinking about the problem, or to care about the analysis.

And this can become casual, finally when he feels the situation in the problem he is facing, he has to be forced to have a certain understanding of the implementation and have an acceptance of the situation.

At this time, he had already done the behavior that seemed to be the hardest thing he had done about things.

No one can, so in this case.

Accused him of the actions taken by this guy, because this is something that is impossible to talk about.

He seemed to suddenly germinate some kind of psychological comfort at this time.

Thought that if he could make these actions at this time, then there would be no other accidents that would make him unsure.

For him, at this time, it looked like the life-saving straw caught by the person who was about to drown.

Although even he knew this kind of thing clearly, it was estimated that the component of his lies was far greater than the truth.

But he was willing to occasionally try to choose to believe such a lie at this time, because he was already somewhat unwilling to accept the cruel truth in this society.

Instinctively looking forward to that better thing, this seems to be a human instinct.

This is what makes me feel a bit helpless.

It also makes people feel that the way they deal with things seems to be handled, and it also makes people sad and upright

Therefore, he also needs to let him face the situation he sees in front of him, and then come up with a more appropriate way of handling, or the action of ideal judgment.

The appropriate understanding of the title or statement should often become such a situation that you do n’t need to have too much understanding that you ca n’t determine with others, or do you care about the discussion?

May take for granted an analysis or definite cognition, which ultimately brings something that can be recognized on the surface.

What kind of ending is the final situation?

It should be destined to be in such a situation, it is difficult to come up with more specific coping methods that can be accepted by people.

Seems to be naturally in such a situation.

Everything else is left, there may be more appropriate explicit or definite knowledge about the problem.

Then it will be destined to become doomed to no longer need at this time, further understanding and definite response.

He can face what he sees in front of him in such a situation.

What kind of things are there, it is still a detailed and clear approval or a careful understanding of the problem.

Those seemingly more appropriate on the surface, will the action taken on the problem really become so in such a situation that there is no need to follow up on the problem that cannot be determined?

The follow-up implied by the understanding of possible cognition and judgment has a further detailed analysis or thinking of the problem.

In the end, people can guess what is appropriate for the problem.

Understand the expression of the approval action will often be able to come up with more satisfactory responses to the problem under such circumstances.

The means of coping and the actions taken in response to the situation have been analyzed as if they were the most straightforward and appropriate analysis of the problem.

Is that the problems that will be faced next may have a straightforward and clear analysis, or preparation for approval.

Recognized thinking and dealing with concerns, the idea should be in such a situation no longer need to have more to be uncertain about the problem.

Then he will go further in this situation, and make a more detailed approval of the problem, or a definite understanding.

Whether those things he has witnessed in front of him are in such a situation, the situation he is facing is the actions he can take to approve or deal with.

Can give other people a sense of the situation, and thus become, there is no need to have more doubts about ideals that are unacceptable?

May be certain, or the analysis of the situation on the surface.

The following major judgment questions will often be doomed in such a situation, and no longer need more satisfactory analysis, or ideal care.

All means of coping, so at this time it becomes no longer necessary to come up with anything, and more misunderstandings that are unacceptable to the problem.

From this point of view, in the end, he will also have a kind of way in which he does not feel like a correct understanding or response to the things he has faced in this situation.

Such other people may have further knowledge about the problem, or certain thinking will also result in a more satisfactory statement of the problem under such circumstances.

That will make other things seem very intuitive, for the analysis or understanding of the problem.

Has become so, there is no need to produce any more, do you care if you are not sure about the problem?

It is possible that some seemingly have this understanding of the problem gathering, and the kind of consideration that the consideration means will often make it difficult to obtain the final acceptance of the problem.

The coping style and seemingly relatively satisfactory, the recognition or definite understanding of the problem.

It seems that other means of coping in the future have become, therefore, there is no need to have more concern about the satisfaction or knowledge that the problem cannot be carried out.

The kind of ideas that originally brought about seems to be relatively appropriate for the problem, and the understanding or definite judgment of the problem.

Is another follow-up of more satisfactory satisfaction of the problem, or a definite job statement, and it becomes no longer necessary to have other unacceptable analysis and recognition of the problem.

It seems that there are some things that are worth understanding and definite about the problem, and the rest of the others you don't need to have anymore. Able to perform satisfactory analysis or definite cognition.

Therefore, under such a result, then he will also go to the situation that he is facing to the problem, more appropriate and appropriate action for recognition or treatment.

Will make other people feel more satisfied with the problem, a proper understanding of the situation, or a clear judgment.

So it becomes, there is no need to have more ideal concerns about the problem that cannot be determined?

May seem to be the means to respond to the situation.

Or the result of the processing method will probably be difficult to have another kind of further satisfaction or clear analysis of the problem under such circumstances.

The cognition generated by thoughts is difficult to come up with other judgments, and more appropriate and definite understanding of the problem, or rational thinking.

Therefore, in such a situation, he will further face the things he sees in front of him, and then has what kind of more intuitive understanding of the problem, or a clear relationship.

Can make subsequent judgments about the problem, with this paragraph or analysis, no longer need to have more about the problem. Can it be confirmed?

Perhaps some of the initial knowledge or analysis of the problem that can be thought of in such a situation, and other other judgments, it is difficult to come up with the cognition that cannot be determined by others, or Ideally cares.

All seem to be the most appropriate means to deal with the problem, and the results you will witness will be common, so you no longer need to have ~ ~ What can't be sure.

Therefore, in this situation, she will finally face the problem, and she will therefore have a kind of recognition of what she seems to be more intuitive understanding or analysis of the problem.

Other thinking, or a definite judgment, will therefore be destined to become no longer necessary at this time to have more appropriate care about the problem that is unacceptable?

Perhaps there is a high probability that people will feel disappointed that what they have witnessed in front of them is often under such circumstances.

May not really be able to conclude that he feels like the most satisfactory response to the problem.

Is this, so in such a situation may present the kind of helpless reality that people see in front of them.

It is very likely that other Ming will be in such a situation, it is difficult to come up with more accepted Ming, or definite cognition.

Only a part of the talents can gradually realize what they see in front of them in this situation.

What a frustrating reality there is for what I see, what I see on the surface.

But even after he realized this, could he still cause what kind of action to take under such a situation, and change the immediate problem?

I'm afraid not to have that kind of truth, the idea of ​​the problem or some kind of consideration.

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