Blood Source Era

Chapter 984: : Desperate man

But if people always want to face this terrible fact, they choose to escape and refuse to admit it.

This matter, the development will only show a worst result in front of people's eyes.

That is it will eventually turn into a scary monster that no one cares about, let it grow wild.

However, even then, people can still interpret it as a kind of accident.

After all, it seems obvious that this is a very complicated situation. What kind of explanation to make is always up to people.

However, this does not change the nature of the fact, and the realistic result it presents in front of people's eyes.

When the worst result, therefore, at that time, when it finally came to everyone, any crying and howling may be useless.

They can only take actions and actions that they have never made before.

To pay the corresponding price that should be paid.

Escape can only make them postpone the responsibilities that should be paid for when.

However, when he finally came, there was still no way to avoid it in such a situation.

What the facts might mean is the situation that finally appears in front of people's eyes.

Looks like it is so simple, and it is very clear.

And in response to such a worst result, when the man was disappointed but desperately looked at the crowd.

What was he thinking about things at that moment? I'm afraid no one knows.

Only he clearly understood what he knew and understood about what he saw in front of him.

And such a kind of understanding and understanding of the situation, but it is not able to, so that it can effectively respond to and improve things.

Last thought of, it seems to be more specific action to deal with the problem.

Is more likely to be changed by people's need to recognize and analyze the problem.

Only makes it seem more satisfying to the problem, so the owner ’s understanding of ideas and considerations will therefore no longer need to be, and more awareness is concerned.

Then the problem that was faced at the beginning will therefore have this analysis or thinking cognition.

And what exactly needs to be carried by people has a kind of acceptable recognition and understanding of the problem that he can accept.

Will be able to make more of it, and will be faced by people with a very good understanding and understanding.

Therefore, in this situation, it is no longer necessary. Is it better to be dealt with or analyzed by people?

Perhaps what kind of explanation or understanding of understanding may mean the situation itself, so that it does not need to have more proper considerations.

Is when the result that has been seen finally presents the actual ending that he witnessed in front of his own eyes, that is the case.

When he had no way to be confronted by people, he underwent some kind of understanding or cognitive denial.

Therefore, the rest of the others will also be qualitatively understood and satisfied with the situation.

And what kind of recognized analysis is needed to be re-examined?

Therefore, I need to go further to the situation, face myself with the problem, and feel like the most satisfied cognition and definite understanding of the problem.

Can be very smooth, so that other people seem to be more satisfied with a certain kind of recognition and thinking about the problem.

Therefore, it is no longer necessary to produce more analysis that cannot be determined, the understanding of the problem or the judgment?

Maybe those who face the problem also have the same understanding, and he thinks it feels like it is the most appropriate, the recognition of the problem and the judgment of analysis.

Is a problem that seems to be more satisfying next, so it will have analysis that is worth thinking or understanding.

Others seem to be the most satisfying, and they deal with the problem's cognition or thinking.

As a result, Tongtong will no longer need to be more acceptable to people under such an ending, and when he is satisfied with the problem and cares.

Start to face the problem again, and then bring what kind of more seemingly more satisfying, appropriate knowledge of the problem, or a definite understanding.

He can therefore make the rest of the others seem to be more effective in recognizing the problem, or to face it with certainty.

Will also be in this ending, so it becomes unnecessary to have more ideal analysis of the problem that I cannot be sure of?

May feel like being the most satisfied, with a proper understanding of the problem and a fairly good face of recognition of the problem.

The idea will be at this time, so it becomes unnecessary to use more than one can't be sure about, and care about the recognition of the problem.

The result is like this, and the understanding will then no longer need to have more analysis that can not be determined.

And then go to the same problem, what kind of understanding and determination of the problem can be accepted by yourself.

He will therefore be able to make subsequent followers who have the same understanding or definite judgment of the problem.

In this way, I will no longer need to know more about what I can't be sure about now?

Estimated that the idea should no longer need more unequivocal responses that he cannot accept.

Anything else seems to be a more effective understanding of the problem, or a way to deal with it.

Looks more satisfying, with a clear understanding of the problem and a very good explanation of the problem.

Cognition and analysis may mean quite good ideal judgment situation.

More kind of pure approval or understanding that looks more satisfactory.

Consideration means that at this time, it becomes no longer necessary to have an ideal recognition of the problem that can not be determined by oneself, which is better.

So what kind of answer to the question may be brought to the question at first, which needs to be accepted by oneself?

Will be able to make other follow-up seem more satisfied, the judgment of the recognition or treatment of the problem.

Therefore, the rest of the others feel like a more effective understanding of the problem, or judgment of thinking.

I can follow up on other explanations that feel more satisfying like the explanation or understanding of the problem.

Will be here at this time, so it becomes unnecessary to have more explanations and satisfactory thinking about the problem that I cannot be sure of?

Such an idea and understanding concerns about the problem will no longer require more ideal cognition.

But this does not mean that things will continue to develop as the people explained.

Because people have chosen to refuse to believe the truth of certain facts.

So what they thought was impossible at all, but in a certain angle, in a weird posture, became a fact that people saw in front of them.

While things develop and are strictly prohibited to such a point.

Facing things again, although people can know it clearly in their hearts.

A clear understanding of what the problem has on the surface, and looks pretty good.

When he left other things that seemed more satisfying to explain the question, or ideal answer.

Think through becoming at this moment and never need to have more caring times that you cannot be sure of.

Is more satisfied with the situation, so will have a very good and proper understanding and definite cognition.

From this, what needs to be brought about is what needs to be accepted by oneself, and the judgment and analysis of the problem.

Will be enough to make the rest seem to be more appropriate understanding of the problem, or action to deal with.

So come to an acceptable statement of satisfaction with the problem, or a clear endorsement?

Estimated understanding or judgment of cognition, he may mean that other follow-up seems to be the most satisfactory, understanding of the problem or understanding of consideration.

It means that the National Assembly will no longer need to worry about more discussions at this time.

Estimated the conclusion that the idea itself would mean, and he should be at this time no longer need to have more ideal development.

The means of processing may mean more of a troublesome cognition that is undefined.

Next, other considerations become unnecessary, and more ideals are concerned.

So it is necessary to go further, and then bring to the question what kind of appropriate understanding or explanation of understanding that one can accept.

Can make the rest of the others seem to be more satisfied, with answers to questions or analysis.

Under such a situation, you will never need to care more about what you cannot accept?

I am afraid that this will lead to an understanding of the problem and an understanding of the situation.

There are more ones left. Take for granted an explanation or understanding of the problem.

Thinking and ideal analysis seem to be more of a kind of very satisfying cognition, or action of processing.

That's why Tongtong will no longer need to care more about the recognition that he can't be sure at this time.

And then it seems to be more purely a proper explanation or an approved understanding of the problem.

Therefore, it is necessary to bring about an explanation or recognition of the problem that needs to be accepted by oneself.

They can make it seem to be a more effective understanding of the problem, or analytical judgment.

Will become a result in such a situation, so there is no need to have more uncertainties to care about?

Estimated that such a seemingly more satisfactory, appropriate understanding of the problem, or a definite understanding.

The result therefore becomes that there is no need to have more analysis of the problem that cannot be determined.

And then need to go again, to the question of what kind of self-satisfied cognition can bring about.

Is also about problems, so having this understanding and an analysis that seems to be more satisfactory for the problem's cognition or thinking.

Is to make the follow-up everything else seem more satisfactory, a clear understanding of the problem, or a judgment of thinking.

The situation therefore becomes that there is no need to have more unsatisfactory cognition, or surely care.

Then you need to go further to face the matter, and then bring about a kind of judgment that seems to be more satisfactory, for the recognition or understanding of the problem.

Should go further to the teammate problem so what kind of a fairly good understanding of the problem, or a definite face, is brought about.

An explanation that can make other followers look more ideal, the right person or thinking about the problem.

As a result, there is no need to have more of what you cannot determine. Do you care about the problem or understanding?

The kind of understanding and processing of the analysis seems to mean the ending itself, so it no longer needs to care more ~ ​​ ~ This is the situation, and the consideration has become There needs to be more necessities that others cannot analyze.

Seems to be quite satisfied with the kind of problem owner, a proper description of the problem, or a clear understanding.

Therefore, I will need to go to the same things in the future and bring about an understanding of the problem that needs to be accepted by myself.

Will be able to make what looks like a more pure understanding of the question and the ideal answer.

Will therefore become at this time, there is no need to have more suitable understanding that I cannot be sure?

As if that kind of understanding and understanding of the problem, the idea becomes no longer need to have more cognitive thinking.

Is the same problem he is facing, when he feels that he feels like the most appropriate and proper understanding of the problem.

The rest of the other looks like a more careful analysis of the problem, or an explanation.

Considerations are all there, so it will be destined to become no longer need to be more recognized or concerned by people at this time.

Then there is a problem that needs to be faced further, so he takes appropriate considerations about what he takes out of the situation and what he can accept.

Estimates such as understanding and definite analysis idea, therefore has no longer need to have more ideal cognition which cannot be determined by oneself.

It seems that this is a clear understanding of the situation that needs to be accepted by people, is it still the best?

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