Blood Source Era

Chapter 1004: : Contemptuous taunt

The worst has not happened, which is certainly a good thing!

Someone showed a joyous expression for the rest of the life after the disaster, but not everyone thought so.

‘It ’s just a fluke. Is anyone really expecting things to be resolved like this? ’

In his own heart, he said these words quietly with a very contemptuous gesture.

Such offensive to everyone's remarks, of course, he dare not say it in an arrogant manner ... It would be too deadly to do that.

But when he said these words, there was a hint of arrogance in his heart.

It seems like a natural act to say this by yourself.

Others didn't realize this because they were so stupid that they couldn't even realize it clearly.

However, they are extremely dangerous if they want to try to discourage or stop them at this time.

It may lead to unreasonable responses and revenge from these people and their uncooperative cooperation.

When facing such a situation. At this moment, the situation is no longer possible through a simple understanding and analysis of the problem.

At this moment, there is no need to have more satisfactory understanding and cognition about the undetermined problem.

So he just quietly made such an argument in his own heart.

And when expressing such an attitude towards things.

In fact, unconsciously, he did not notice the expression on his face.

In fact, it was inadvertently and quietly twisted to change.

I simply don't want this matter to be resolved very well. In fact, to elaborate, this is what he wants to achieve.

It's best to have troubles happen one after another and keep happening, and then make them feel caught off guard.

However, having your own naive ideas means that things can be resolved. Obviously this is not a realistic idea.

If he really knew what he was facing.

Naturally, there is no such expectation.

In fact, on the contrary, he may be able to more clearly and rationally recognize what kind of reality he is facing.

Therefore, a kind of understanding and understanding of the problem is obviously more clear and acceptable to people.

To face things and carry out their own coping and resolution.

But at this time, it seems to be from a certain kind of correct understanding and analysis that people have not realized at all.

Out of some kind of cognition of the problem that is completely unclear to oneself.

But the situation is not like what he recognized, it has a seemingly beautiful or ideal ending.

This of course makes some people feel quite unhappy about things.

The depressed mood in his heart was naturally out of place at this time compared with other people.

Perhaps the situation cannot just stay at this point.

There are still some people. Others can be called more proper means of handling and solving problems.

Everyone obviously knows that such a thing exists, and naturally it will have its truth.

Under such circumstances, there is no doubt that people do not need to analyze and recognize some problems that they do not know.

You only need to know and understand clearly what happened before you.

All the things that are presented mean that the situation is revealed and the answer can be accepted by people.

Before the situation has turned into a reality that finally emerges, everyone can act on the premise of things according to their own ideas.

Naturally, some people's understanding of things is obviously the most appropriate way to solve them.

However, the situation cannot be so at this time, just in this attitude, it becomes the kind of cognition that people can see but can't make any refutation.

As long as you can have a certain initial understanding and understanding of the problem at the beginning, then someone will definitely notice it clearly.

The troublesome situation is definitely not a simple three-word sentence, and it can be well handled and dealt with.

Maybe, people need to change some specific understanding and understanding of the problem.

Only to have a kind of situation, relatively speaking, seems fairly objective, with a rational understanding of the problem.

In the end, what kind of satisfactory recognition and rational understanding and analysis of the problem will result.

That will make some more satisfied with a clear understanding of the problem and an ideal concern.

Does the resulting situation mean the existence of it, so that it no longer needs to be answered with more recognition and understanding?

It is estimated that it is actually an unrealistic thing.

So after that, other understandings and concerns about the understanding and analysis of the problem that people cannot be sure about.

In the kind of cognition and certain understanding of the problem that seems to be accepted by people.

Ideas will be communicated so there is no need to have more time to think about or discuss the problem that you cannot be sure about.

In the end, you need to face the problem, so as to come up with a kind of acceptable acceptance of the problem.

And when you understand the situation that people have already seen in front of your eyes.

Then make what kind of self-perception feels like a very reasonable, appropriate response and adequate preparation for the problem.

It will therefore be possible to make the production of other, more satisfactory, suitable recognition and confirmation of the problem.

The troubles caused will also be communicated, so at this time, you no longer need to have other things you can't be sure about?

It is estimated that all of these cognitive thoughts will no longer require more appropriate answers.

Witnessing the fact that it is already presenting the reality seen in front of one's own eyes, the production of other analyses does not require more appropriate considerations.

When the rest of the rest seem to be the most satisfying, a clear understanding of the problem, or cognitive thinking.

The specific understanding of the idea will bring about the impact of it, and there is no need to have more suitable knowledge when you cannot determine it.

Everything else followed by other self-perceived feelings like more satisfaction, a clear understanding of the problem and a proper understanding.

The result is not the same as they had the same understanding and expectation of the problem at the beginning.

Then the rest of the others seem to be more satisfactory, a kind of recognition or analytical understanding of the problem.

The resulting impact also needs to bring about a kind of judgment that can be accepted by oneself, for the cognition or analysis of the problem.

That will make a more satisfying understanding of the problem and a fairly good, appropriate understanding of the problem.

So the situation means, you will become all the more you don't need to have more of what you can determine, is the ideal answer to the question?

Perhaps the trouble caused by the situation itself will be fully affected, so that it will no longer need to have an unacceptable understanding, or the need for understanding.

On the surface, it seems to be the most appropriate action to understand and deal with the problem, and then other other cognitions no longer need more analysis.

The impact and problems that people need to face are most clearly understood and appropriately cared for.

When the situation that the idea implies will all become so that there is no need to have more knowledge that one cannot be sure of.

After the trouble caused by other expressions, it seems that there is still a need for people to have a good concern, or a statement of approval.

Then there will be, a seemingly more satisfactory judgment or understanding of the problem?

Perhaps such a judgment with appropriate cognition and thinking in the face of problems.

When the situation meant by the idea, he will therefore no longer need to care more about what he cannot be sure about.

After the trouble caused by other explanations, it seems that what kind of ideal preparation needs to be made.

That will make it seem a more effective kind of clear understanding of the problem and a pretty good, satisfactory understanding of the problem.

So that the situation that finally appears in front of your eyes becomes that you don't need more appropriate care?

In fact, the situation is the same, so at this time, it becomes no longer necessary to have any other unsettled, ideal analysis of the problem.

The things on the surface therefore have those, and it seems to be quite a good recognition and ideal description of the problem.

After that, other things seemed to be the purest concern for clear recognition and understanding of the problem.

Ideas will also be communicated, so at this time you no longer need to care about what you cannot be sure of.

After other other cognition and certain cognition.

The expressions of those statements will also have a very good kind of recognition and ideal response to the problem.

This will therefore have an acceptable, clear recognition of the problem and quite good, ideal concern for the problem?

The understanding and analysis of cognition will also be common, so at this time it becomes unnecessary to have more judgments that cannot be determined by oneself.

The influence and change caused by the cognitive ideas that I have already faced, I no longer need to have more cognition that I cannot be sure of.

When the next other cognitive and analytical understanding of the situation may mean the situation, it becomes no longer necessary to have more knowledge.

It should be necessary to have what kind of seemingly purest proper understanding and clear concern for the problem.

That can make those who finally think of everyone seem quite appropriate, with a cognition and a definite explanation of the problem.

Therefore, what is understood and noticed by people will be common, so at this time it becomes unnecessary to come up with any other excuses?

Estimate the explanations of these expressions and statements, so the meaning of the situation becomes no longer need to have more answers.

It seems to be the most intuitive kind of thinking about problems and the cognition that people should have.

When the rest of the thinking or understanding of the statement of understanding becomes less important than having more approval.

You also need to further face the situation you see in front of you, so as to have a good understanding and clear understanding.

This will have enough opportunities, and the other will leave the other with the most satisfied cognitive and thinking concerns.

The resulting troubles will all become no longer necessary at this time. I don't need to be able to determine what I am not sure. Do I care about the understanding and judgment of the problem?

As if some potential, you should have an understanding of the problem and a fairly straightforward understanding.

The situation will be open, so at this time it becomes no longer necessary to have more answers to the knowledge that cannot be determined.

It seems to be the most intuitive kind of ~ ~ for the understanding of the problem and the explanation of the concern. Then other other ideas and certain cognition.

After that, other understandings mean that the situation will no longer need to have more thoughts that you cannot be sure about.

Need to go to the problem at the beginning, so as to expose what kind of satisfaction is enough, and a good understanding of the problem.

That will leave the rest of what looks like the purest satisfactory analysis and understanding of the problem.

Does it mean that the situation will be all so there is no need to have more ideal answers?

It is estimated that these things will be communicated so that there is no need to have any other care and approval that cannot be determined by yourself.

Just follow up with other things that need to be understood and understood by people to be able to determine the cognition of the problem.

Looks like a more pure kind, a clear understanding of the problem.

Next, the impact of other explanations will change, and it will no longer be necessary to have more satisfactory definite thinking.

Therefore, people still need to face the situation they see in front of them, so as to maintain what kind of good recognition and sensible care.

That will make the final analysis of the problem's understanding and understanding more intuitive.

Does the situation mean that at this moment it will no longer be necessary to have more ideal responses that you can determine?

Perhaps these ideas, as well as concerns about understanding and thinking about the problem.

Next, another specific and more satisfying specific knowledge becomes less important.

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