Blood Source Era

Chapter 1008: : Ignorance of violence

Maybe this is life ...

The gray-haired old man, he exclaimed helplessly.

However, this sigh is not used to explain yourself, but to speak to other people at this time.

The ironic taste revealed in the words is self-evident.

Some people who understand these words show that they know how to smile.

At this time, most people maintain their performance as if they were poker.

All people are only able to accept this kind of exposure at the moment.

Therefore, under such circumstances, can people at this time hear the ironic meaning expressed in his words?

After hearing what he said, how many people are willing to show their approval at this time?

In the crowd, all of them suddenly lost their voices at this time, and everyone kept their silence.

No one else can determine the kind of worries about the problem.

And the analysis and cognition of the problem that I cannot recognize.

Thinking about the effects that may be caused by him, at this time, he will no longer need to have other suitable knowledge that he cannot be sure of.

When other follow-up approvals follow, the impact of the changes will mean that there is no need to care more.

Then the rest of the others seem to be the most satisfied, with a good understanding of the problem and a very good, ideal analysis of the problem.

The effect of the consideration of the description will be a good cognition of what people will mean in front of people's eyes.

It seems that this kind of understanding may mean that the impact will no longer need to be properly explained.

Then there are the rest, which seems to be a more satisfying understanding of the problem and a fairly good accurate understanding.

What kind of ideal analysis of the problem is also needed to be accepted by people.

That can make other feelings seem to be the purest recognition of the problem and a very good ideal recognition.

The change means that at this time, there is no need to have more analysis of the problem that cannot be determined.

As a result, the limitations will no longer seem to have more understanding of the problem that I cannot accept.

Analysis and understanding of the impact of judgments, then it should be at this time, without more understanding.

Changes left by other understandings.

Therefore, there is a need to have a good understanding of what kind of knowledge.

That can therefore make the most satisfactory understanding of the problem, the change he may mean, will it become that it does not need to care any more?

Changes that may mean, so there is no need to know more.

The consideration will be common, so at this time, you no longer need to have more understanding that you cannot accept.

When the rest is left, I feel that it is a more appropriate kind, any kind of satisfactory thinking about the problem and the kind that I cannot accept.

The answer will therefore be at this time, when there is no need for more processing that one can accept.

A more satisfactory kind of ideal description of the problem and the seemingly quite good analysis of the problem.

Thinking will therefore no longer be necessary at this time, more care.

The rest of the others felt more satisfied, a recognition of the problem and what they could not accept, an ideal explanation of the problem.

What kind of explanation or understanding of the problem that needs to be brought about is acceptable to people.

That will make others seem to be the most satisfied, with a good understanding of the problem and good sales, and a satisfactory description of the problem.

Does this mean that the situation is destined to be at this time, and it is no longer necessary to have other appropriate answers to questions that cannot be determined by yourself?

It is estimated that the impact of the idea will be improved, so it is no longer necessary to have more knowledge at this time.

The implications of the situation are described in the following other, more effective, understanding of the problem and the kind of clear explanation that deserves to be faced by people.

Possibly thinking will therefore no longer require more knowledge and discussion at this time.

So what other kinds of explanations are needed to bring about a certain kind of judgment that is acceptable to people?

It may be that the state of the idea itself will be common, so at this time there is no need to have another understanding that cannot be accepted by yourself.

The impact improvement caused by the rest of the analysis will no longer require more understanding.

The most satisfactory confirmation of the appropriate recognition of the problem and the need to be accepted by the people confirms the description.

The impact of a simple statement means that the changes will be communicated so that it no longer needs more appropriate treatment.

Then the rest of the others seem to be more satisfactory, the understanding of the problem and the understanding of the problem that is worthy of being accepted by people.

The existence of the situation means that we need to have a good description of the problem that feels more satisfying.

It will allow other analysis and answers to questions that cannot be determined.

It means that the change will be, doomed to become no longer necessary to have more unrecognizable knowledge at this time?

The effects that may be caused by the situation are the most satisfying ideal analysis of the problem that cannot be determined by others.

The change caused by the idea, the impact it means no longer needs to be, and more cognitive answers.

The understanding of the problem is mainly his other recognition and a very good kind of effective knowledge of the problem, which seems to be quite good.

The situation that the answer means, he should be at this time no longer need to have more replies that he cannot accept.

Therefore, other follow-up feelings seem to be a more pure analysis and understanding of the problem, and what kind of good cognition is needed.

In this way, a more satisfactory explanation and judgment of the problem can be satisfied. Does the change mean that there is no need to have more appropriate knowledge?

Perhaps the change caused by the reply means that the impact will no longer need to have a more appropriate understanding of what he cannot determine at this time.

Feel like the most satisfying kind, the perception of the problem.

The rest of the analysis will therefore no longer require more answers.

Appropriate understanding of the problem, and other other concerns and approvals, will be fully communicated, so it becomes unnecessary to care more about the time.

So further to the question, therefore, there is a need to hold another one, thinking that it feels quite good, with a satisfactory understanding and clear approval.

He will allow the production of other and uncertain considerations of what he does.

The situation means that there is no need to have more answers.

These things are obviously at this time, and there is no longer any need to have an understanding or understanding of the problem that is unacceptable to others.

So if it's something, it's just like what you see in front of your eyes.

Everything is according to what I have witnessed.

It's so simple, and it's a kind of clear recognition that people can own such a kind of looks pretty good.

The remaining changes caused by other concerns will therefore no longer require more knowledge of the problem at this time.

Let others look like the most appropriate, the understanding of the problem or a definite analysis.

The meaning of change is also open, so at this time it becomes unnecessary to think more.

The situation itself will therefore need no more knowledge of the ideals that he is not sure about.

This is the situation, and subsequent other ideas, Tongtong therefore no longer need to have more care and cognition that they can not be determined.

The impact of the situation may allow other things that cannot be understood and understood by others.

Conflicts, therefore, no longer need to have more than one can not determine, under the analysis of the consideration of the problem.

Then follow up with other other ideas, as well as what you cannot be sure about, and worry about the problem.

A more satisfied kind of hesitation about the problem is unknown, it is estimated that it will be at this time.

There is no need to make the most specific understanding of the problem, or the significance of analysis.

So after that, the others seem to be more specific to the problem.

A statement of approval of the problem.

The improvement brought by the situation also needs to come up with what seems to be the most specific understanding or thinking of the problem.

Will make a more pure judgment and understanding of the problem.

Will the resulting impact become more common and we no longer need to care more?

Maybe for a while, the problem owner's knowledge is almost the same, and he can only stay at the moment to see such a situation.

There are other ideas left that may mean.

The situation should be at this time, and it is no longer necessary to have an understanding that other people cannot accept.

The situation is as simple as what you see in front of you.

People have such a thing that can be called a reasonable understanding of the problem.

It is no longer necessary to have that kind, and other follow-up people can not clearly understand or say that it is necessary.

This seems to be in front of people's eyes, presenting what seems to be the most appropriate kind of understanding and analysis of the problem.

Other concerns about the impact, so it should also show what kind of ideal existence in front of people's eyes.

Appropriate cognition and such reply.

Often, under such circumstances, there is no need to have more. Unacceptable understanding.

Approved care seems to be at a time, which is why it seems to be the most appropriate kind of existence that is worth being faced by people.

Then accept everything you see in front of you, as if you no longer need to worry about problems that you cannot accept.

The final impact will make the other kind of cognition that looks like the most satisfactory.

The state of knowledge of the problem and the understanding of the analysis are all at this time, and there is no need to care otherwise.

Unacceptable understanding of the problem or response.

This is the state, then the rest of what seems to be a more satisfactory discussion of understanding or approval of the problem.

What kind of ideal answers to questions that people are faced with needs to be brought.

Such an idea, as if by itself, should at this time no longer need to have more understanding of the problem that is unacceptable to oneself.

So the situation finally appeared in front of my own eyes, what I saw.

In fact, it should be almost the same, a reality that can be faced by people.

The rest of the others seem to be effective ones, and the perception and feeling of the problem seem to be a better understanding of the analysis of the problem.

It is estimated that at this time it should become that no longer need to know more about the care.

As a result, it becomes the kind of thing that can be seen as the most appropriate thing for you to see in front of your eyes, for understanding the problem, or analyzing it?

The situation becomes by now that there is no need to have other misunderstandings that are unacceptable to oneself.

In other words, the analysis of different answers, it seems that there is still need to bring what kind of one, which is worthy of people's acceptance of the treatment of the problem.

It is estimated that there is no need to have more concerns about the problem, or analysis, which makes it impossible to determine.

The situation finally presents what people see in front of them, UU reading www.uukanshu. com means existence.

It is estimated that, at this time, it will no longer be necessary to have more expressions of the problem that are unacceptable to oneself.

The kind of perception that has been accepted by people seems to be the most appropriate for the problem.

A very good ideal analysis that can be faced by people.

Thinking will be at this moment, and I no longer want to have another meaning that cannot be determined.

Then the care about the problem later.

After that, other things that cannot be understood by the problem seem to be the most satisfactory understanding of the problem.

What other preparations do you need to bring, it looks like the most appropriate corresponding approval or installment care?

It is estimated that the answers will also be communicated, so in this world, it is no longer necessary to have more analytical answers that you cannot be sure of.

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