Blood Source Era

Chapter 112: : Chase and Trap

At first, the guy hiding in the shadows did not notice this fact.

He still thought he was in a situation where no one was found, so he was still hiding in the shadows.

But Aaron's action trajectory and pace have become very aggressive.

That is a step that everyone can see very clearly and clearly, the rhythm and speed are very fast, and the interval between each step of Aaron is also very large.

Destination is also directly to the person hiding in the shadow corner.

In the heavy footsteps, he paused and hesitated for a moment, and the man hiding in the shadows knew that Aaron came to himself.

Then he acted suddenly.

The man in black robe did not run in the direction Aaron rushed, but ran in the opposite direction.

Is obviously just a direct escape behavior.

For who it is, in such a strange place, suddenly a guy. Running hurriedly to catch up, you will feel the situation subconsciously.

And the man's reaction was not surprising, he chose to run away.

May be out of lack of confidence in his own strength, or maybe he is worried that conflicts and battles with Aaron will not benefit his own security.

So in the end the action he did was to turn his head and choose to escape without turning back.

Did so with little hesitation or hesitation.

If he was still hiding in the dark, then Luna, could not see the figure of this man.

But now this guy suddenly jumped out, then it is natural to see clearly under the fire light.

This man exposed his trajectory, which was the first mistake he made when facing Aaron.

Because he exposed his trajectory, Aaron was able to find a direction.

The two were chasing and running one after the other, and Luna understood what Aaron was chasing.

She observed what she saw in front of her, and then immediately set off and ran in the opposite direction.

Because in this huge library, this is a ring structure.

Can move only through the stairs, or the monster's biological stairs.

The guy who was running away frantically was running away from the stairs on this floor. It seemed that Aaron could not catch up.

But before this guy disappeared from his sight, Aaron still didn't plan to just give up.

He must figure out who this guy who suddenly got out of the shadow.

Therefore Aaron can be said to be running with all his might.

Luna, who was running in the opposite direction, was facing the person who was running away and narrowing the distance between the two parties.

The guy in black robe seems to be aware of the dangerous approach at this time.

His speed slowed down a little, and then looked at them one after the other, Aaron and Luna who came after him on both sides.

If you do n’t slip away quickly, then you may be caught.

Therefore, after slowing down a little bit, he ran wilder.

But in this dangerous place, there is a deadly trap.

If you are desperate and just focus on your own running, then you are likely to step into the trap.

Any small oversight or any small mistake here may cause catastrophic consequences.

This man in black robe I hid in the dark. He tried his best to escape in the chase of Aaron.

But such behavior led to neglecting the institutions and traps under his feet.

Another corner where he didn't notice at all, a very thin but very tough steel cable tripped him.

The organ is triggered very quickly. This organ is like a tailor made for human beings.

Because if you go up a little bit slower, you can break free from this institution by virtue of the speed of human reaction.

But time has not weakened the real power that this institution can exert.

In this man's frightened screaming and struggling, he wanted to grab everything around him that could be grabbed.

But the steel rope that tripped him. But tied to his ankle, and then dragged him up.

An iron cage hanging from the corner of the shadow was thrown out.

All angles are perfect, and the man who was suspended just happened to be locked in a cage.

He was locked inside without any possibility of struggle, and there was no way to escape.

The strong and thick iron chain, no matter how he shakes the cage desperately, there is no way to break this thing.

And this scene also hit Aaron to startle, Luna just stopped her footsteps.

Although the two people were far apart at this time, Aaron and Luna looked at each other on the ground.

This sudden organ reminds Aaron and Luna that this is not the wilderness, nor their territory, but a very dangerous academy of magic.

No one knows how many traps and organs have been touched in this strange building ~ ~ This chased unlucky guy is obviously. It was because she did not see this institution that she was kept in a cage.

And now he can't escape anymore.

At least in a little while, it looks like he will be trapped in this cage.

For safety reasons, Yawen took the initiative to slow down his footsteps at this time and began to carefully move the trapped guy underground.

At this time, you must be careful and careful, very careful.

The two of them have seen it, a sudden appearance.

This has proved to both of them, even in this uncle Curry is not without traps.

If you run desperately inside, it is likely to be like this guy who was put in a cage in front of them.

People always learn lessons to understand the danger.

And this is almost a **** lesson, enough to make Aaron raise his vigilance.

At this time, the guy who was suddenly trapped in the cage by the organ trap.

He had nowhere to escape, and was suspended in the mid-air nearly four meters above the ground, suspended by a long iron chain.

This cage is tailor-made to hold the original child.

So no matter how he shakes this very well-made iron cage, in the end, in addition to making a loud iron chain sound, there is no way to change his current situation.

This trapped person is like a mouse stepping on an organ trap, so he can only wait desperately and silently before Aaron and Luna walk in front of him.

After all, this is one of the most wrong actions he actively chose!

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