Blood Source Era

Chapter 135: : Heal?

Under the powerful effect of magic, this monster has no way of seeing exactly how things have changed.

Then the president of the hunter ’s guild cut off the palm of his hand with his long sword.

Different from the behavior of Aaron's second come, this president's aggressive means are outrageous.

Once you can get the chance to attack, you will use the most **** and violent means to inflict terrible damage on the other party's body.

The sharp blade directly cut off his limbs.

By the time he appeared his figure again, there was already a huge thing in his hand.

That is a hand that is twice as large as the palm of a normal human.

After cutting off the other party's body, the president directly took the cut off part in his own hands.

His face showed a cold and numb expression.

Is like this cruel behavior, he has done more than once, this terrible thing, he has experienced a lot.

Since so many things have been experienced, then there is nothing to be doubted, just let everything develop step by step as usual.

Aaron can see that although the severed palm has been detached from the body, the black blood like ink is still pouring out of the wound.

This is definitely not a human ability.

The reason why the other party spouts this blood is to repel it. At the moment of contact, the silver long sword caused toxic damage to the flesh.

But everyone knows that all the blood in the human body is supplied by the heart.

If one of the body's limbs is cut off, then only the wound connected to the human body can spout out blood.

The limb that was cut off is certainly not like the palm of this monster that keeps pouring blood.

However, things are not just that!

The huge palm began to struggle and twist like a claw.

Also suddenly began to burst out countless flesh and blood tissues at the wound, seemingly to grow again.

The terrible and amazing healing power possessed by monsters can be clearly seen after the extension of the other party's body.

This is what I saw in front of me.

Soon, looking at his own hands, the existence of this thing that will soon become distorted into flesh.

In the end, the president, who felt very disgusted, dropped the things in this hand.

However, it is not only the things he holds in his hand that have changed and started to change.

If the limb is cut off, it will inevitably leave a wound on the body. It was on the arm where the monster was severed.

The palm, which had been lost, changed into something like the one the president had in his hand, and began to proliferate countless flesh and blood.

Monster, he looked down at where he was growing new palms.

The wound seemed to have no way to cause him any pain. He watched silently as his cut wound began to heal slowly.

Eventually, the flesh wrapped in bones grew rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Perhaps this is the power that people have always wanted for eternal life.

The scene before is happening and happening in the sight of everyone.

Despite these monsters, they look very disgusting, and they sacrifice the beauty of their appearance.

But such sacrifices may be valuable and attractive to them without question.

Because everything in this world exists in the form of equivalent exchange.

If you just exchange your appearance for your eternal life, then maybe this is not a cost-effective deal.

And in the face of this cost-effective trading situation, for those who have this ambition, they will not feel that such a business, they seem to be very deprived of themselves.

However, it turned out that the person doing business did not tell everything and the truth.

The man who discovered this evil alchemy did not make it clear.

The blood of the ancient gods did bring them this closeness and eternal vitality!

However, look at their present appearance and posture!

The ugly appearance just looks barely like a human.

And their mental abilities were absolutely destroyed, this can be seen from the reaction they showed after they were injured.

If these monsters really know that they can heal at this speed and in such a state after being injured.

So with the human intellect and their identity as a hunter.

Extensive combat experience allows them to carry out this battle at the cost of replacing injuries.

Because no matter how they are injured, no matter how hurt their bodies are.

'S impact on them is not as great as the harm they do on humans, because humans do not have their horrible healing speed.

Therefore, this is the fact. Aaron looked somberly at this monster in front of him ~ ~ he quickly repaired his broken limb.

That amazing speed, the more you pay attention, the more you feel sick.

Because of looking at the posture that wraps around the bones and grows up again, it is really unprecedented and unheard of.

Even if it is a beast-like monster, it will not be able to grow back after being cut off like these three strange guys.

What kind of ability is this?

Did you say ... The blood of the ancient gods really possessed such a powerful and awe-inspiring power?

Aaron questioned in his heart, is this terrifying healing speed really the other party is still within a category of life?

At this time, the president of the Hunter Guild seemed to be aware of the doubts revealed in Aaron's heart, and he interrupted Aaron's thinking.

"No curiosity, I have seen a lot of such blame."

Aaron just shrugged and asked.

"Then what kind of weird thing is your Excellency? Seeing the recovery speed of the other party seems to be unkillable."

However, while listening to what Aaron said, the president showed a light smile.

"They are also living things, and even living things, even ancient gods, can be killed!"

Seems to be to appease Aaron. At this time, the president of the Hunter ’s Guild stated his experience in hunting such monsters.

"Just cut their bodies into several sections, and completely chop up all their soulmates, making them lose all their resistance, and then burn out."

He said this expression blankly, and then his figure disappeared again.

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