Blood Source Era

Chapter 147: :truth?

From the beginning to the end, no one dared to make his own conclusion easily under such circumstances.

Because no one knows what he is facing.

Is also derived from the inferiority that exists in everyone's heart at the beginning.

Is it true that what you can see with your sight?

Do you think that what you think is the truth?

Who gave the human such an ability made him have the courage to think that what he saw was the truth.

Who is, making people think that what they believe in is the right and the truth?

Is all this, can it be said that it is the gift of the gods, or does it come from the pride and complacency in people's hearts?

So what I saw and what I came into contact with was the fact and the truth?

If the devil wants to deceive humans, then he doesn't even need to lie!

Just let everyone feel proud and complacent in their hearts.

A proud human like a stupid pig will have very strong self-confidence.

He will think that what he has learned is the facts and truth, he will think that he can be very close to the facts and truth as long as he takes some actions.

Then, in such a situation, I tried hard to make such an action.

However, this is nothing but a pleasant poison that the devil has seduced.

Do people really need to know all the facts and truth from the beginning?

If we say that in a sweet greenhouse, everyone can live happily, why should we tell everyone that this world is cruel and brutal indifference outside the sweet greenhouse.

Surrounded by the demons and evil spirits, everything was already moving in the shadows.

May only need a small guide, or only a small key.

Then you can let the terrible and unscrupulous rush outside the greenhouse to plunder.

It was not their desire for the most original, but the rules of the pure, indifferent and ruthless universe.

So whether to make people and lives in a sober nightmare, or to indulge in a sweet fantasy.

Maybe at the beginning, this matter was not a decision made by human beings.

Perhaps from the beginning, the devil has made all the behaviors and final decisions silently.

Because of everyone's heart, some of them have such a talent for complacency.

Everyone is deep in their hearts, longing for the ultimate joy.

Some people may be addicted to the flesh and some people may be addicted to the truth.

No matter what the means are, these are not important. The really important thing is what kind of results this will cause.

So will anyone realize that such a result is correct.

Does enjoy joy in ignorance or suffer pain in sobriety?

So is this person a sober happy person or a stupid guy?

So what exactly is the real ancient god?

Why, when people see the ancient god, they will feel hysterical madness because of it.

There is no answer to all of this.

Because everything is meaningless.

"We have witnessed the ancient god, so that is to say, are we going to envy into the crazy desperate situation?"

At this time, Luna said this sentence like a prayer.

She doesn't know what she is facing. This is a collection of all the unknown things, so it is the position.

People never have a way to know what exactly they do n’t know.

No matter how hard you try to pursue, no matter how hard you try to get the truth.

Eventually all of this will become a futile resistance, and eventually all of this will completely become the pain of falling into the ultimate darkness and joy.

Because that is something that humans can never explore.

"Fear is because of feeling powerless, and then further evolves into despair."

As Luna used a trembling voice as if asking, Aaron gave her answer at this time.

"Do n’t forget what your identity is at this time, and do n’t try to explore things you do n’t know."

Aaron warned Luna with these words.

Anyone who wants to try to explore will go mad. This is a fact and this is also the truth.

Don't fight against your own inability, because then you will fall into deeper despair.

This is what these ancient gods really want to achieve.

The other party seems to have powerful power, and it only takes a glance to feel that things are so terrifying.

The opponent will be a terrible existence that he can never overcome.

Therefore, in the face of this bottomless despair, in the end, people will not be able to withstand this kind of stressful mental breakdown.

Allen said this in time. Almost like saving Luna's life.

Because of the suspicion of trance and hesitation, Luna has fallen into this cognitive trap of the **** unconsciously.

If she is more paranoid then there will be no way to pull her ashore.

Aaron can't be too risky in this kind of survival ~ ~ because the other party's last dying struggle is like a drowning person grabbing the last life-saving straw.

That would never let go, just hold on to this thing.

And in the end, the people who wanted to save him were dragged into the deep water.

Has no other way, so it can be escaped, so there is no way to get out of this dilemma.

Although this thing looks terrible, but don't let the behemoth in front of him tell him that the shape shown is terrified.

The other party is just using a bluff to make themselves look very powerful.

It was at this time that Luna heard again, and after Aaron said, he took a little fat back two steps.

Looked up again at the huge flesh hanging above his head.

Is unclear, like a deep and dark abyss, it is clearly that he is looking up at what he has above him.

But what he saw and the answers he got made him feel that he was looking down.

Is looking at what he has never seen, and is witnessing the deepest abyss.

This scene is really terrible, because the other party violated his own cognition.

And at this time, Aaron reached out and wanted to continue talking.

Hopes to continue to wake up the other party through his own words. This is not something evil.

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