Blood Source Era

Chapter 150: : Past

I don't know how many times Andre clenched the long sword in his hand.

As the president of the Hunter ’s Guild in this world, he has too many things and responsibilities to bear.

So, even if it was just a small thing that did the wrong thing.

This is also very likely to bring about extremely terrible consequences.

That is even something that can't be repaired at all, even if you use your life to make up for it, you can't do it anymore.

But even if it is a matter, this has developed to the point where there is no way to repair it.

If this is the case, so I choose to ignore it, so what kind of thing is this?

Is he still qualified to become the president of the Hunter Guild?

This is a question worthy of consideration and reflection, and also a question worthy of his practice.

This heavy long sword passed to him, not just the weight of the long sword itself.

It still bears the weight of himself as the president of this hunter's guild, but can he still shoulder this responsibility?

This problem made her feel confused and doubtful.

Because how can we give a clear answer to this question, what kind of means should we use to achieve our own success?

This is a question that does not know how to draw conclusions and answers.

Because there is no end or answer to this matter, as long as there is still a day in this world, the ancient **** has not been completely killed.

Then as hunters of monsters, they must take up this responsibility.

As long as there is such a day, the external **** still threatens all humans, then he must act as the last wall and barrier.

If you die, use your own flesh and blood to fill the wall and prepare.

Because in this world, there always needs to be a person who pays the price of his life and flesh and blood for this.

If not, who else can stand up?

Therefore, rather than saying it is a glory, it is better to say it is a curse, a curse full of killing and tyranny.

No matter who the enemy is in front of him, no matter how strong the enemy is in front of him.

If she does not stand up, then she can only let others sacrifice and sacrifice.

Andre turned his head at this time and looked at Aaron who was ready to fight.

He is very optimistic about this young man and feels that he must have enough strength to take over his responsibilities.

Because in this young man, Andre saw himself decades ago.

Seeing that insidious and deceitful, but decisive self.

So maybe it's time to put everything together at this moment, or to say it's over.

It is not for no reason that he appears here. In a stricter sense, he is the beginning of everything.

If you do n’t use flames to completely purify evil, then in the shadows, darkness will still be able to breed.

Eventually they will rise again, wanton teams, causing the most terrible slaughter in the world.

That was a mistake he made, a mistake made a long time ago.

That was also the fact that he had become the president of the Hunter ’s Guild from that day. This time he had to start with the invitation letter received by Aaron.

The first letter was not given to any other people, but appeared on the table only for the president of the Hunter Guild in a trace-free way.

The other party used extremely euphemistic and noble flamboyant words, and invited him to ask what he had done for decades and make a final and complete end.

If such a thing is successful, then the whole world, or rather, everything will become completely quiet.

There is no more darkness, no more evil.

But at the beginning, Andrea did not take this matter seriously, he even understood the letter for a mischief.

After all, how many people can remember things from decades ago, and how many people will come back to account after a few decades.

At this time, he was the president of the Hunter's Guild, saying the existence of the imperial royal family.

He has great power and huge wealth in his hands. He can kill any unsightly guy he sees in the dark alley.

He can also gather a team that is far more powerful than the regular army of the empire.

If anything subverts the royal family of the empire, he just needs to turn over his hands to do such a thing.

So who is the president of the Hunter Guild, who has the courage to challenge him?

So at the beginning, he did not take this matter seriously, or even understood it as a pure naked joke full of malice.

That person must be very angry with himself, so he would do such a thing, but he did not investigate who the person was.

Then in the first month, he was warned.

The number of imperial hunters began to decrease, and the elites one by one, one by one, disappeared without any reason.

They did not suddenly evaporate from the city. All the people left the city and never returned.

These people are the last line of defense in the shadows. Innocent civilians need them to use their swords in their hands to resist the terrible monsters.

These guys should not have chosen to leave the city and venture outside the city.

But now that he has become a hunter, and after taking a lot of blood of the high elves, the arrogance inscribed in the depths of the human soul made them choose to fight.

So when one invitation letter after another appeared in front of them, they had no reason to refuse.

It was only after they set off that they could never return from each other ’s ‘dance party’.

What happened? Whether that letter is a prank ~ ~ All of this must be considered from the beginning, at least Andrea can no longer easily ignore such things.

If he still did the wrong thing because of it, he must bear a heavy price.

A mistake that has already been made once can never be made a second time. For a long time, ease made him proudly ignore everything.

So he reacted again, and hurriedly went back to look at the letter.

That has been sealed in the memory, and the long-forgotten past once again comes to mind.

The nightmare once came back again, it was a battle against the ancient gods.

At the beginning, a few decades ago, everything was as calm as it is now, without any difference.

But I don't know why, the Imperial City began to have a large number of people missing. Epoch of blood

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