Blood Source Era

: Everyday (on)

And everything around was shrouded in thick water vapor and white mist.

It is impossible to see farther away, and it is impossible to realize that there is something farther away.

The flame that had been burning overnight had become very weak at this time.

Some tired Aaron rubbed his eyes, he yawned deeply, and then. Looking at the flame that was not so warm in front of my eyes.

He froze for a while and then snapped his fingers.

The faint flame that was about to extinguish suddenly became strong.

And after a long night of rain water, the clothes on him were already full of damp smell.

If you don't dry it quickly, you might get moldy soon.

In this wilderness, only the ignited flame can bring a trace of relief and comfort to people's hearts.

The heat dissipated the haze, and dispelled everything that made people feel unhappy and gloomy.

In this fire-like burning, Aaron seemed to have slept too peacefully for a long night.

Therefore, it was in such a situation that he looked at the flames, which was an extraordinarily empty and powerless.

Even the hunter noticed Aaron's attitude very clearly at this moment.

They didn't say anything else, but to thank Aaron for his actions during the night vigil.

So soon some fresh barbecues were put on the fire rack, and the oil and water in the gravy was on the flame, and immediately made a booming noise.

Just listening to this sound seems to have made people able to eat fresh barbecue.

So Aaron's empty eyes gradually recovered at this time.

And those hunters are very dedicated to making such a breakfast.

Although I experienced a slightly chaotic battle last night, it was nothing for these hunters who lived in the wild all the year round.

Relying on the capital and vigorous energy that the person had when he was young.

As long as you can sleep steadily for five to six hours in the long late night, then it is enough to regenerate your energy and stay awake for the next two or three days.

And Aaron wasted too much energy in that castle.

Therefore, he had no other way, when the mental power he possessed had largely dissipated.

Even under such circumstances, he gained through battle, a little bit of improvement in strength.

But in fact, the energy he consumes must rely on sleep to recover.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it can be regarded as a strong spirit to maintain this look.

The aroma of the barbecue and the sound of the oily water, with the rendering of such foreign objects, can finally let Aaron force his spirit.

He took a deep breath, and at this time, the hunter handed almost the right thing on the fire to Aaron's hand.

It should have been a long time since Aaron hadn't had a good meal at home. When faced with such a delicious barbecue, there will naturally be no rejection.

Only Luna was still doing such a thing with caution and vigilance, just like a wild cat.

And for all this, Aaron pretended to be like he hadn't seen anything.

He just needs to focus on looking at the things in front of him, looking at the food in front of him, and then solving them all.

And it was in such a situation that soon after two pieces of roasted meat came down, the heat from the food made Aaron feel warm in his stomach.

With this light sense of fulfillment, Aaron once again forcibly raised his spirit.

As if nothing had happened just now, it seemed that at that moment, he was taking some strong special effect medicine.

But in fact, all this is just that Aaron ate such a decent piece of food.

After having simply eaten his own breakfast, and once again recovered all his mental strength and his fighting will.

Aaron felt as if he was alive again.

Although at this time he already felt a slight tingle under his scalp, it was no big deal.

These things are actually very easy to solve.

Looking at these things in front of them, soon, the three hunters continued to sort out what they should prepare for their actions.

I don't intend to deal with everything, or get rid of it.

In the face of things, all the problems should be solved realistically. This is the last time they have added food in the context of the next adventure.

Because after entering the dangerous field, no one is angry to ensure that anything they come into contact with may be safe.

And their destination is very clear, that is to go to a very dangerous place.

This is what kind of result will be brought, although it is not known, but obviously, with the strong willpower they showed at this time.

These people will certainly not give up these things so easily.

Therefore, Aaron was only able to watch them prepare for their departure.

Check all your weapons to make sure the gunpowder is in a dry state.

Then, before leaving, the three hunters set off after briefly thanking Aaron.

At this time, Aaron paid special attention and noticed the change in the smell of the air before they left and after they left.

Sure enough, when there were no strangers here, in the air, that made Aaron feel unbearable, and there was no way to even sleep.

In such a situation now ~ ~ dissipated immediately.

Things or the world seems to be restored to a peaceful situation at this time.

Aaron couldn't help but take a deep breath in this situation.

This time, he will never absorb it again. Any unpleasant smell, rain and the forest that exudes vitality, the faint sweetness left in the air.

If you don't think seriously and pay attention to it, it is very light.

At this time, the world is showing her kind of light elegance and beauty.

Aaron didn't feel abnormally relaxed in such a situation, and then he said to Luna.

"When these three people left, did you notice a little change in the surrounding environment?"

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