Blood Source Era

Chapter 182: :carnival

No other thoughts or excuses are needed anymore, and everyone at this time also obeyed this guy's orders.

Although some people are children of nobles, they cherish their lives.

The same is true of being too lazy to work.

So when they go out, they naturally have to bring some followers and followers to work for themselves.

These guys were very diligent and quickly set up the tent and lit the campfire.

And these noble children, they seem to have completely forgotten that they are outside the dangerous city, but think that they are just outings.

So soon the camp actually gradually became lively.

While this was all sounding, Aaron watched it silently from the side, did not participate, but watched the flame sway slowly indifferently.

You can clearly see that the children of the nobles are just talking to each other and showing off.

In order to seek excitement, some people opened the bottles of blood of the high elves they carried with them, and poured them into the mouth.

The blood of those high elves possesses extremely powerful magic power.

And this powerful magic has caused these blood to be like the deadly poison that tempts the beast.

For scary monsters, the blood of high elves is far more delicious food than humans.

Therefore, since they dared to do this kind of behavior unscrupulously, it was tantamount to proclaiming to all the monsters around them, that their flock of lambs stayed here.

As long as those who exist can smell such a terrible and lethal scent.

Then they will definitely rush to this place from all directions, and what is the final result of this matter, then naturally there is no need to make any explanation.

Because such a thing really doesn't need any explanation, Aaron has vaguely guessed what might happen tonight.

In his eyes, he expressed concern, as if he could already see the tragedy that occurred in the next few hours.

It was Luna alone who noticed that Aaron showed such a gesture.

As Aaron leaned beside the carriage and stared at everyone, Luna came slowly from a distance.

Because all the people were already preparing to camp and rest, Luna naturally got off the carriage.

He realized that at this moment, Aaron was showing something wrong, so she decided to step forward and ask what happened to Aaron.

"Are you in conflict with that guy?"

She said this with a questioning tone, and the guy she said in her mouth, Aaron, also understood very clearly.

Regarding this matter, Aaron doesn't want to make the slightest explanation now, and feels that even if he made the explanation, it doesn't make any sense.

Because no one really cares about what he hears.

Luna asked further at this time.

"You know that I and you are standing on a boat, so you can tell me with confidence."

After Aaron heard these words, he turned his head, glanced at Luna, and then shook his head in regret.

"No, you don't know anything about this matter."

"That idiot actually joked about the contradiction between him and me, and took everyone's life as a bet."

"There will definitely be danger here, and they will definitely encounter the most terrible attack tonight."

Under such circumstances, Aaron made his own explanation very clearly.

Luna knew very well that Aaron was never a joke-like person, since he said that.

It also means that what he thinks is very likely to be true.

With a strong Aaron, he can't joke with himself on this matter.

Luna also realized at this time how bad things would become if Aaron's words were true.

This is also beyond doubt.

Therefore, under such circumstances, she immediately expressed her concerns about this matter.

Luna turned her head and looked at these guys who were still in joy, orgy.

These people simply did not realize that the danger was coming upon themselves at this moment.

As time goes by and the sky gets darker, the terrible things will approach everyone present step by step.

In the end, no one can escape the sanctions of fate, which will be a complete nightmare.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Luna took a deep breath and decided to say.

"No, I want to tell this thing to that guy, he can't take everyone else's life as a joke."

And just as she planned to do this, Aaron grabbed Luna.

He held Luna's arm, then shook his head silently.

Instructed the other party not to do anything, and instructed the other party to keep their silence at this time, just watching these things happen.

Luna became more and more confused at this time.

She couldn't understand why Aaron showed such a gesture, and she couldn't understand it at all. Why did Aaron just stand by and watch it?

For him, this has no benefits at all, and you have no benefits at all.

But he did this behavior, which is something that does not need any explanation.

Because that ’s Aaron ’s creed, but Luna desperately needs an explanation on this matter.

Because she could n’t understand why Aaron did such a thing, or why? To do this kind of behavior.

She frowned and showed her confusion, and Aaron saw such a thing.

Regarding this matter, I knew that the other party could not understand why I had to do this kind of behavior.

"I know you must feel curious because of this thing, and I want to ask why I did such a thing."

After saying this, suddenly, Aaron's eyes became very firm.

He stared at Luna in front of him, and then said in a questioning tone.

"If I tell you my explanation, would you tell those people this matter?"

As he said, Aaron's fingers pointed to those who were sitting around the campfire and carnival.

These guys Luna looked a little hesitant, she looked at it, and then looked at Aaron again.

"Just like you said."

In the end Luna came to such an answer, and Aaron leaned against the carriage, holding his hands in front of him. Epoch of blood

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