Blood Source Era

Chapter 189: : Crushed soul

But now, Aaron has changed his previous thinking.

Even at this time, he felt that his previous ideas were completely wrong.

I feel that I should not have come to such a wrong conclusion.

He overlooked a very important thing. This thing that he ignored was what made Aaron feel very regretful now.

Where there is action, there must be a reason, and among these reasons, there is a very important one.

That is the person who did the wrong thing. Sometimes there may be more than one person. To a large extent, it is possible that the person who did the wrong thing and the punished person have the same error.

This is what he once ignored.

He always satirizes the guys who claim to be at the highest point of morality, and even despise those guys.

I feel that those people are just talking indifferent empty words and remarks.

Once Aaron felt that before he could reach an accurate conclusion, everyone was in an equal position.

No one will stand at the commanding heights of the so-called moral field.

Because he does not believe that this world is really guilty and deserving guy.

But at this time, the facts used his fists to tell Aaron the fact that the people who deserve it do exist.

At first he just held that since some people did wrong things, they had to pay for the wrong things they did.

Obviously, for anyone, this is a very fair and reasonable thing.

But Aaron completely underestimated who the enemy he was facing and how strong the enemy he was facing!

At this time, he saw the ugliest aspect in front of him.

That is, there is a guy who deserves it!

After drawing such a definite conclusion, suddenly Aaron squeezed himself and pinched the palm of the ancient god's neck.

At that moment, the powerful force directly made this invasion into his own shallow conscious ancient god, and the other party's soul was turned into countless fragments.

Aaron, who kept his eyes closed and pondered, also opened his eyes.

I do not know how much time has passed and how long it has passed in the subconscious battle just now.

Aaron also didn't know exactly what the reason was, he would suddenly close his eyes and fall into that indifferent dispute.

He shook it subconsciously. He was in the subconscious, squeezing the palm of the ancient god's noise with his bare hands.

I feel like I was holding something before?

That is a terrible monster. There is no way to use any vocabulary at this time to describe its gruesome gesture, beyond the darkness of the human heart.

It was that thing, Aaron felt in an instant that his mind became extremely clear and transparent.

He knew what he was facing before.

I also clearly understood what kind of existence I encountered.

Sure enough, things would not be solved so easily, in the case where I just saw a monster.

The trance in my heart at that moment.

Aaron, he was dragged into his subconscious.

And the ancient **** did succeed.

Successfully delayed Aaron for some time, so that the other party did not have enough time to face the monster in front of him.

And almost controlled the spiritual will of Aaron in the trap.

Just a little bit, if it wasn't for Aaron's sudden squeeze.

Not to mention this, the ancient **** actually tried to continue to disturb what Aaron said at this time.

This is simply an impossible thing, because he had already failed just now.

Then Aaron continued his reasoning for his own initiative.

So before making any action, it is best to think about it. Have you done it right?

This is the most important thing to do. This is Aaron's only thought of those who claim to be moral highlanders.

Then he has all the opportunities and possibilities.

But now it's useless to say that no matter how much it was before, and that some topics before it's become empty talk.

This is the fact that made Aaron feel extremely frustrated. Aaron did n’t dare to tell anyone what he had just experienced. He could only accept this fact.

He felt as if he had been stabbed quietly in the back.

Now there is no other way, Aaron feels that he can only choose to have to believe.

He knows what he is seeing and what he is witnessing.

The most hypocritical light hidden in the depths of human nature was exposed naked at this time.

There is no trace of light or any attribute hypocrisy at all, I have to find a language, or a thing to comment on.

Then there is only one answer, which is to make people feel sick.

Aaron made sure that there really existed. The answer that someone deserved sin and deserved it, freed the ancient **** from imprisoning his own spirit.

At this time, almost everything happened just right in front of us.

This was shortly after Aaron had just recovered his mental strength and his spiritual will.

The thing that jumped out of the forest seems to have been rotted away. I don't know because the place where I stayed is too damp and corrupt.

It is still caused by blood pollution. The real answer may never be guessed, but the problem is not serious.

Because it just looks corrupted, like a corpse that just crawled out of the dirt.

You can even see its swaying bones exposed to the air.

Involving the last few flesh and blood, UU reading is just a little bit worse, and it may fall.

But it was so little, but there was no way to fall.

People can see the disgusting thing rushing at themselves, but they can't resist, although they all look like guys with weapons in their hands.

However, do these people really have combat power? Are these people really like what people think?

I'm afraid things don't seem to appear, and the facts have proved this, and the stench is clearly smelling on the monsters that threw themselves clearly.

The other party is not like the image of the monster they expected.

The big blood basin had a big mouth with saliva hanging next to it, and sharp teeth were covered with dirt, stuffed with minced meat and solidified blood.

It makes people feel that it is a roar like a hungry dog! Epoch of blood

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