Blood Source Era

Chapter 194: : Break!

A monster raised his head, and suddenly the panicked hunters fled, his own scarlet eyes glanced, looking for the next victim.

When all the people were trying to turn around and fled, Aaron, who passed them by the shoulders, walked forward with a firm face.

"The old **** recovers, the outer **** comes. This is the fact that no one can resist. This is the final song of destruction, but at least before it destroys me ..."

Aaron mumbled something like this in his mouth.

The ancient gods may eventually destroy all living things in this world.

But before they destroy all living things that exist here.

Not everyone, at this time, will open his hands and relax all his vigilance and weapons.

That's it.

At least for Aaron, she wouldn't just succumb to it and easily succumb to those terrible darkness.

Therefore, even under such a fact, there is no need for any other nonsense.

The monster looking at his next prey.

In the end, he gave up some things that turned around and escaped, and felt that the person in front of him who seemed to walk by himself seemed more fun.

He lifted the sky again and gave a roaring scream.

Then on all fours, he quickly ran towards Aaron.

Looking at the monster, who was running towards himself, his eyes raised a disdainful arc, and then shook his head boringly.

"It is obviously a person who can stand up and walk, but he wants to crawl and be a dog."

"In order to gain strength, are you willing to be a stray dog ​​like this?"

Aaron's murmured inquiry would naturally not get any answer from this monster.

The other party opened his mouth wide and flicked his tongue, looking like he was extremely excited.

And the more excited he was, the more Aaron felt disdainful about it.

Then, as the two sides approached a very dangerous distance, Aaron suddenly turned his body.

And at the same time, he raised his whip.

Facing the head of this guy head-on may not be a wise choice.

The sharp corners of the other party have already vaguely told everyone that this guy's head must be very hard.

Therefore, this is the case.

The head and the guy with the strongest defensive head are fighting each other.

Although it may not necessarily fall to the disadvantage, it is foolish not to harm the opponent effectively by doing so.

Aaron, is not a pure brute force to kill the enemy in front of him.

He is the one that almost took all of himself. Ability is focused on body and agility.

The swift action and dodge of the life and death line can always mobilize the pleasure in the depth of Aaron's soul.

It was an infatuated obsession in her heart. .

As if the other party were like a mountain, they rushed to themselves, just that moment, if Aaron hid, then he could directly attack the other party's weakness.

But if he didn't hide, the end is naturally a very terrible situation.

At that moment, I looked at Luna, almost as if for Aaron, I squeezed secretly in my heart.

But all this has long been in his calculations for Aaron.

He knows how terrible the opponent can't do to himself, and he has the ability to almost jump repeatedly in front of this guy without being hit by the opponent.

Therefore, it was under such circumstances that he dared to flash at the moment of contact.

The monster knew at the moment that he was empty, and he hurriedly stopped.

Then he turned his head and seemed to want to use his head to push the opponent up.

However, Aaron had lifted the chain whip in his hand, and the iron chain from bottom to top was wrapped around this guy's fragile neck according to inertia.

And knowing that the other party might use his head to push himself, Aaron simply his body, and then a slip.

He drilled directly under the monster's wide body, and then went around to the other side of the guy's body.

And at this time, the sharp chain whip had been wrapped around this guy's neck for two and a half times.

And this result is what Aaron wants to achieve.

Without waiting for the other party to make any movements and reactions, Aaron pulled it back as hard as he could withdraw his weapon.

The sharp blade, the edge of the slender metal, at this time used a very fast speed, cutting the flesh and blood of this monster.

Even the flesh has protection capabilities far beyond normal humans.

But in the final analysis, this is nothing more than a skin made of organic matter, so when the front is confronted with a sharp metal.

The answer is naturally self-evident at this time. Aaron can almost say that there is no hindrance. He uses a very relaxed method, but it looks like it is a very slender neck.

At this time, it becomes more slender.

The dark blood spewed out of the monster's wound, and finally only the bone was still barely supported.

But how can the whip that has been pulled up be loosened so easily? !

When only this guy's neck bone was left in the end, he was still doing his final resistance and struggle.

Aaron used his own hands. Then he pulled the chain whip hard to the other side of his body.

Then what happened in front of everyone was that blood fooled all the hunters who were escaping.

There are no unnecessary movements and no other boring behaviors.

It's just a very clean use of the weapon in his hand, and then just a blow.

In this way, the head of a monster in front of him was directly cut off.

Even in this situation, the other party doesn't even have the ability to respond at all.

Even the bones have been broken by metal, what else can I say? !

After Aaron made his own attack, he just showed no mercy.

As for the monster in front of his eyes and the scarlet glow in his pupils, he even had no chance to make any excuses for himself.

A very clean attack, from beginning to end, Aaron did not waste too much energy.

Almost entirely, he uses the inertia of the weapon in his hand and the actions of the other party.

Make your own actions that do not waste a trace of energy in the most appropriate and appropriate time.

Therefore, this is the case. There is no longer any other boring doubts. Epoch of blood

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