Blood Source Era

Chapter 25: : Dwarf in the tavern

Alfred didn't look surprised like Link. The faint blue ghost fire suddenly appeared by the window, shining for a while, as if staring at Alfred.

During this period of time, Aaron and three others were thinking about how to respond.

Near the deserted manor, for the time being, only the sound of rain falling on the stone and the roof can be heard.

After he looked at the ghost fire and looked at each other with this thing for a while, Aaron opened his palm in front of him.

"Although I don't believe anything in this room is so mysterious ... but maybe I'm ignorant ... maybe."

Aaron said this, he did not take out the gold coins, he would not blindly participate in this bet without absolute certainty.

Walm did not believe at all. He took out a gold coin and bet against Alfred.

It was at this time that Link also gritted his teeth and pulled out a gold coin from his pocket with difficulty. He was sure that he was not wrong.

In this room, there is definitely a long and ancient existence that people do not know!

And Link will never let go of any opportunity for him to make money.

A game was completed, Aaron who did not participate put three gold coins in his pocket.

If Warm wins, it means that he will get three gold coins. If he loses, then one of his gold coins will be split into two 50-coin coins for the winning Link and Alfred.

Alfred, who had already won the ticket, invited four people to go to the tavern to drink.

In the only tavern in this town, except for the coachman who came in early in the morning, the only one left was the dwarf.

He was sitting by the warm fire, holding a large glass of ale, which looked like he had to drink it in one breath.

When this guy put down the glass, the red beard like a fire was covered with foam. He wiped his mouth and asked the store owner to continue to add wine to him.

Aaron and his party saw the place next to the fire stand occupied by this dwarf early. The driver in the corner held the wine glass in his hand and was drinking slowly.

The four of them invariably chose a table by the window.

The rain outside the window was still falling down, but Aaron's robe was impregnated with rain because of the special materials.

A liquor with a special wheat flavor, and the bacon that smelled fragrant under the charcoal smoke, Aaron ate quickly after eating and drinking, and his head became dizzy.

The dwarf sitting in the corner looked at the four people who walked into the room curiously. His eyes rolled, not knowing what he was aware of or what was wrong.

When Aaron didn't take care of this guy at all, he took the initiative to come up, holding a wine glass in his hands and greeted the people kindly.

However, his kindness was not accepted by Aaron and his party.

For hunters, all the strangers you might meet may be potential threats.

If the relationship is too deep to produce feelings, when he finds that this stranger may have a potential animal threat, it is not so easy to start.

So when faced with strangers, Aaron and his group always remain calm and restrained.

Although they turned their heads curiously in the greeting, they did not respond.

This is understood as arrogance by the hunter.

Although he had been persuaded by his family when he left the house, the dwarf was already prepared.

Although humans are arrogant, this is not without reason.

The dwarf smashed his mouth, comforting himself in his heart.

"I think you should not mind helping a lost dwarf." He continued in the indifference of the four.

"Dwarf of travel ..." Aaron took a sip of the ale and dizzyly put down the glass in his hand.

"Do you need help."

Alfred looked at Aaron strangely, and from his red cheeks, Aaron should have been drunk.

"Um ... I always like to find something unusual in my travels ... like the kind that everyone understands."

The dwarf shrugged, so he said in mystery.

At this time, he did not directly clarify what he wanted.

"Oh, I think I probably understand why you came to me." Aaron raised his own finger and pointed at the dwarf.

This guy smiled slightly, and raised his hands as if opening his arms to Aaron.

"Oh, that's great, I mean, did you find any magical presence in this town."

His expression suddenly became mysterious at this time.

Aaron couldn't help turning his head at this time, his eyes revealed suspicion.

Does this guy know anything? Or, has this guy already guessed the identity of his own group ~ ~ Otherwise, why would he send such an invitation for no reason?

Aaron suddenly became suspicious at this time, and he felt something seemed wrong.

It was because of something wrong that Aaron didn't respond to the dwarf's suggestion in the first time.

Despite the haunted house, everyone can see and be discovered.

He recalled what he saw near the haunted house, where there was no trace of being stepped on.

The plants on the iron fence did not leave broken scratches due to people's overturning.

Maybe, the dwarf in front of me had been coveting the haunted house for a long time, but only in view of his ability, he never went alone.

As for what he said, he is a traveling dwarf.

Although in the small town on the edge of the imperial castle, he is indeed far from his hometown, which makes his words somewhat credible.

But is he really trying to enjoy the scenery and get the pleasure from the soul, or is it to explore the hidden treasures around the world and make his pockets happy?

The dwarves' greed and longing for wealth are obvious to everyone.

The stranger is an unbelievable existence. This has long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of all hunters and has become the truth.

Therefore, even if Aaron was drunk at this time, he still had not forgotten the dogma that had been inscribed in his soul.

"Did you find something terrible? Maybe, but why are you interested in that kind of thing?"

Aaron didn't choose to answer his questions anxiously, and asked him instead.

At this time, he began to doubt the real identity of this guy in front of him.

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