Blood Source Era

Chapter 252: : President ’s Mark

"This thing, it is mine originally, just. For most people, he is not very clear, nor well understood."

"What about Andrew, the last president of the Hunter Guild?"

Faced with such an inquiry made by the other party, it is clear that the old mage in front of him is not completely ignorant of the world.

Really mastering and controlling the president of the Hunter Guild, he still knows exactly what this guy's name is.

So in such a situation, Aaron sighed and said after a moment of silence.

"Everyone who faces the ancient gods, if they are not crazy, they are already dead."

"I think about this matter, you should not be interested in learning more about it."

Listening to such a sentence as Aaron said, the old wizard was silent.

It was like the tragedy and curse passed down through the dynasties he knew.

"All the presidents of the Hunter Guild will eventually die with those ancient gods, and even say that they will be sealed with their own flesh and blood."

"I think you should know exactly what kind of situation this is."

Aaron, he had never heard of such a sentence, nor had he heard of such a legend of evil doors.

Where did the other party hear such a sentence, and how did they understand such a thing?

Aaron suddenly felt a little decadent at this time, he didn't want to know more about the truth.

Even if he really knows the truth of things, he really knows the truth of the universe, what is the final result?

Isn't the situation like this?

Therefore, under such a situation and situation, Aaron had no other words, and he had no other words to discuss with the old mage in front of him. .

The other party can even say that at this time they have expressed enough of what they should express.

Maybe just stop here, it can be over.

So Aaron was quick again, as long as the topic got back on track.

"So I can assure you at this time that I will swear in the name of the president of the Hunter Guild that no one will disturb your cleanliness."

This old mage, he bowed his head in silence for a long time.

Faced with this matter, he said.

"If the person who said this to me was any other imperial hunter, not yours, then I would never believe it."

"But since you are the next heir to the Hunter Guild, then I believe you will keep your contract and curse."

"What exactly do you mean? That is a curse. Why do I feel like I can't understand what you are saying."

He had listened to what the other person said and felt a little vague.

Not all people will have a good temper when listening to the discouraged words of others in English and telling themselves.

At least for the vast majority of people, Yazi is already a person with a fairly good condition and performance.

You are at this time when he can no longer control his anger, after expressing such emotions.

The other party took a deep breath in this situation and shook his head.

"You don't need to know, anyway, you will know about it sooner or later, but as the price I don't need to answer you, I can let you two live."

That's how she started her fingers.

For a moment, Aaron felt his body seemed to be torn.

What happened? What kind of results have happened?

Aaron, he had no way to draw a correct and accurate judgment within a time.

The other party teleported himself to a deserted path with magic that kept him from fighting back.

He stood back again with the skeleton man with his hands in his pockets, humming and humming Xiaoqu who wanted to leave.

At this time, the other party's jaw widened, and the jaw almost fell off.

"My God, what the **** is this? Oh, it's not a hunter!"

Aaron, who felt that he was still a little dizzy in the magic of teleportation, had no idea that he would reappear in front of this undead skeleton.

It seems that the power of the mage is far beyond what he can imagine.

The other party can teleport themselves to this location, which means that the other party can teleport themselves deep underground.

Under that there is no doubt that he will certainly be directly suffocated.

Even the work of digging graves can be saved.

Perhaps those unfortunate and poor hunters were subjected to such an attack before, and were buried directly in the mud.

Without the slightest resistance and rebuff, he was in a desperate situation.

Aaron, he covered his head and looked at the skeleton man in front of him.

The other party wanted to continue to say something at this time, but found that his chin could no longer close.

It seemed that the sudden moment just appeared scared the guy in front of me.

His jaw was dislocated just now.

So, therefore, in such a situation, he had to stretch out his hand and put his chin back again.

This time asked Aaron in a surprised tone.

"I thought the two of you were dead. I didn't expect to see both of you alive before me."

And looking at this one in front of him, it seems that he has a happy posture, or attitude of the undead skeleton.

At a time ~ ~ Aaron didn't know what kind of reaction he should make, it was a reasonable situation.

In the face of a sudden and extremely excited, what kind of reaction should happy Wang Lin himself make?

Aaron, he was a bit coerced at this time based on the experience he had learned in the past ten years.

But one thing is definitely not wrong, that is fortunately survived.

At this time, he turned his gaze over the skull's shoulder, and then fell to the distant graveyard.

Feeling the breath of death so clearly at a close distance, Aaron never wanted to try that thing a second time.

No wonder the skull in front of you will be so afraid of such a fact.

Fear always gives people an instinctive situation that they want to refuse. This is undoubtedly a certain situation! Epoch of blood

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