Blood Source Era

Chapter 270: : Action of the monster

However, at this time, time will not give people too much to think about.

Everyone has their own way of thinking and solving problems when facing things, but this does not mean that those monsters will not do it.

Therefore, in such a situation, Aaron was actually wasting time when he was thinking about these things.

Wasted those precious time, all these progresses are very fast and completely unexpected.

Then all things happened under such a situation. In addition to accepting what happened in front of yourself, there is no other way to improve the predicament in front of you.

Therefore, in such a situation, when faced with this matter, when Aaron didn't know what kind of action he should take, it was a more appropriate behavior.

Naturally someone will stand up at this time to help him make the choices he has to make.

Those are traces that people under the purple smoke cannot notice.

Among these traces, some things are hidden inside, as long as you try to dig carefully, you can roughly find out what you want.

It is not such a difficult thing, it takes so much effort to do it.

At this time, all of these creepy changes occurred before someone's eyes.

Even in the face of this matter, there is no need to have any other ideas at all.

Because at this moment all things are presented to everyone in a very simple and clear way.

Look closely at these things happening in front of you, all of them look very reasonable and reasonable, people can not find a little contradiction.

Everything seems extremely elegant, making everyone feel completely consistent with common sense.

But things seem to be more than that. Everyone should pay careful attention to what is going on here.

Therefore, in such a situation, naturally there is no need to have any other extra and boring thinking.

Everyone can clearly see that there are some things that should not exist or should not appear in those places in the town that are covered by fog.

At this time, he staggered and walked on the street, naked and very intuitively displayed in the place where everyone can see.

And when everyone notices this, instinctively produces a little feeling of fear in their own psychology.

It was an extremely intuitive, extremely pale fear, and even using any other words to describe and describe it was a waste of emotion.

Why is there such a situation? Why is there such a concept as you?

It's best to first figure out what kind of situation it is in front of you, and then consider what kind of thing you are facing.

Aaron, he felt the most intuitive and naked feeling of fear in his heart.

It was very obvious in his heart, like an image that didn't need to be repeated, it was revealed deep in his heart.

Under the purple mist, the pale bones slowly and tremblingly moved forward.

They are blessed at this time as if they are under the control of human beings, just like puppets, they are slowly carrying out activities.

But things are definitely not just superficial phenomena that people see.

Therefore, in such a situation, all problems are very seriously controlled by everyone.

Things shouldn't be like this. For the skeleton man, when he saw such a terrible scene in front of him, he felt more horror.

This is a kind of hard to describe in words, and it is also an indescribable feeling of fear that can only be understood in one's heart.

In other words, only Zhi Jiahuo, she herself can clearly feel what kind of emotions and mentality it is.

Not all people can possess such an ability, possessing, the perception of these terrible things,

That is one. There is no need for double speed books and no need to have responsibility and description at all.

Everything is based on what you see in front of you, and the final result is obtained, so it is in such a situation.

Naturally, there is no need for any other hesitation.

I just want to see what kind of thing this is. For this kind of skeleton man, he has seen what this thing is like in front of him.

He didn't want these things to understand. He even wanted to forget his original knowledge of these things.

This is a kind of almost instinctive thinking that he did when facing this thing, and a kind of almost pure instinct that he reflected when facing this thing.

Under such circumstances, it is natural that the state he exhibited can be supported, which is an extremely abnormal performance.

For any normal person, he will not do such a thing like this guy in front of him, Ge attitude and performance.

It looks like a stupid guy who has no idea what he is doing.

Almost everything is done by his own instinct, as if controlled by his own instinct.

In your case no matter whether he is a person or not, when he starts to use instinct to conduct a behavior, there is no difference between him and an animal.

If people start to have right. You must be prepared for the sacrifices you have to make, then everyone must accept the reality in front of their eyes ~ ~ You must clearly understand what kind of situation this is before you can continue Reasoning down and drawing a further result.

Therefore, it is also in such a situation that naturally there is no need for any other rhetoric.

Everyone is actually a person under his own control. In fact, everyone knows exactly what he can do and what he cannot do.

Not because of such a situation. Consider more deeply whether you want to do this thing.

For yourself, what kind of situation does this matter really mean?

Could it lead to a better ending or an unacceptable worse ending?

All the final results and answers are worth thinking, or worth thinking about. Epoch of blood

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