Blood Source Era

Chapter 295: : What can you do with your head behind?

All the actions and gestures that they did look like Aaron's next intention to kill this guy mercilessly.

And he does have someone's ability, if he doesn't answer questions well.

The other party may be really, it will die at this time.

It is not a pure answer that can solve the problem by virtue of a problem and contradiction between her and Aaron.

Everyone can see the facts in their own eyes and know very clearly that this matter will never easily have a conclusion.

Under such a situation, should there be a certain idea, or that judgment is a correct and reasonable thing?

What kind of ideas do people have when they face this matter in front of them, they think everything is very reasonable.

Therefore, in this case, he does not need Qilu's other other excuses for this matter.

This skeleton monster, although he knew clearly that the magic did affect the relationship between the two of them.

But this relationship is not something that is set in stone and will never change.

There is still a way to solve the problem between them.

It only takes a little thought and consideration on this matter.

For this skull monster. He knew that the facts he stated at this time were the best, a situation that could change his situation.

So in such a situation, there are other things that should not be judged by more thinking.

Because of the mess, what other other ideas can make people feel very funny.

He was lying quietly in Aaron's palm at this time, and it looked funny enough.

A guy with only a soul and a skull in his head appeared to Aaron in this embarrassed gesture at this time.

What other means can this use to better explain such a thing in front of us?

This is absolutely irrational and absolutely unwise thinking.

Everyone knows exactly what kind of thing it is in front of me. Magic affects everyone. At this time, the emotion of handling things.

So he used this fact to explain to Aaron.

"Your Excellency, I was influenced by magic just now, so I did that."

"It's definitely not from my own intention, it's all because of the influence of that magic."

At this time, he seemed to want to use this method to shirk all problems and all responsibilities to others.

It is indeed possible to make such an action.

There is no other thing that deserves more explanation or other things that deserve to be explained.

But Aaron is not so easy to be bound.

Aaron, even when he was very sensible, what happened in front of his eyes, even if it was a kind of thing.

Facing these dilemmas in front of him, he has his own thinking and his own judgment.

What the other party stated is indeed an unchangeable fact to some extent.

When faced with facts that cannot be changed, everyone must not only choose to accept them, but also must be included in one of their own ideas.

And we must incorporate such an existence into our own thinking of the problem.

The results of things may be mutated as a result, and may even make people feel that the results of things may make people think that there will be completely different changes.

This is an almost inevitable result. It does not need any other thinking at all, nor does it need any other hesitation.

When facing this matter in front of you, you don't need to have such an idea in order to clearly see what kind of situation you are in front of.

It was because he could clearly see what was happening in front of him, so Aaron took a deep breath.

At this time, it is also very clear what kind of behavior you should make to have an accurate impact!

I still underestimated the ability and guess of the skull monster in front of me.

So in such a situation, although you no longer need to have any other hesitation or thinking.

If. Born to control power, some desire to control is a noble virtue.

Then Aaron will undoubtedly be a person with a very good character.

It is absolutely impossible to draw a specific conclusion or judgment based on what you see in front of you.

If the fact that the other party said bears it.

Regardless of what the other person instinctively thinks in his own heart, then the result of the matter is likely to really become like this.

Therefore, in such a situation, Aaron said with a suspicious tone that the other party asked.

"Is this really the case? I don't think it's necessary."

"Does it mean that you really don't have a little bit of inner thought when facing a thing?"

Aaron stated such a fact, and this skeleton man, he was silent for a moment.

This guy already looks very funny and makes people feel very ridiculous.

He nodded very positively at this time, and then said, "It is indeed your Excellency, I assure you."

Then his soul floating in his mind seemed to want to find his own hand.

At this time, his body had already turned into a gesture of crushing bones, and it became impossible to find his own hands.

Those bone racks are scattered on the ground like this ~ ~ won't have any other ability.

So no matter when he raised his hand, he vowed to promise.

The result will only make the other person feel very funny.

Not everyone can be easily deceived at this time, especially for a guy like Aaron.

It is very clear what kind of thing is facing in front of yourself.

So it is precisely because I know exactly what kind of thing I am facing in front of my eyes.

At this time, he raised his hand and poked the skull's head, and then said.

"Let me think about it, like you just wanted to find your hand?"

Aaron he spoke of this skeleton man, something he had thought of in his heart. Epoch of blood

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