Blood Source Era

Chapter 479: :alert

"Excuse me, this lady ..." Aaron approached the other party and smelled the faint fragrance from the other party's body for the first time.

This light fragrance made him lose his mind briefly, and then he was stunned.

Compared to monsters full of foul odors, this smell can almost be described as a fragrance only found in angels.

Because Aaron often fought against all kinds of eccentric monsters, he was used to the dirty and filthy existence.

Because of the habit of being dirty, he will ignore the good things. Although this is not what he expected, Aaron will ignore the nightmare he has experienced.

It took him too long to deal with evil and horrible things, so that he would soon forget the true goodness hidden in human nature.

So in this case, he suddenly came into contact with this kind of beautiful taste. He didn't know what kind of means he should use to face the good, and he didn't know what kind of reaction should be made.

For a while, this made Aaron feel that he lost his mind, that is, he didn't know what he should say, what he should do.

He stood there dumb.

"Oh, sir, hello." The lady noble made a look of being scared, as if doing so would cover up her previous peeping.

It's just a pity that all this did not escape Aaron's sight. He believed that when the woman first looked at herself, she had already discovered the other party.

Aaron also turned back to God in her reaction, and no longer looked like a country boy who had never been seen before.

He knew that the other party was doing this, it was just a cover-up. Therefore, Aaron felt that although the other party peeped at him secretly, in general, he did not perceive the maliciousness in the other party's eyes.

So in this case, what he should have done did not happen the same, pretending to come to take the initiative to talk to him and asked.

"What book are you looking for?" He said politely.

Among the hunters in the Imperial City, only the Xi Jian Jian would be able to do so, so this is actually Aaron's poor imitation of the Xi Jian Jian.

Although this behavior is useless, especially when hunting monsters, it is impossible for humans to use the noble etiquette to deal with monster luggage.

However, when dealing with human nobles, especially when dealing with human nobles, there are extraordinary effects.

He tried to make himself look like a noble through such means.

In such a situation where both parties have equal status, this means that they can communicate normally.

But at this time, Aaron also clearly realized that the other party was not that kind of arrogant and noble lady.

From the beginning to the present, the other party is in a humble manner.

She looks like she should have the education that the noble lady deserves, no matter whether the other party intentionally made this gesture or just just pretended to be.

What is meant by this is naturally self-evident, and does not even need to be analyzed.

Through such behavior, Aaron guessed roughly what kind of communication the other party wanted to do, and the two respected each other very much.

Everything looks so polite, just like a noble etiquette class.

Even Aaron himself felt that what he said was nonsense at all. Did n’t the other person come to the library of the Academy of Magic to find a book?

In the library of the Academy of Magic, the other party has only this possibility. Aaron does this only because it is a non-error way of talking up.

If the other party really wants to take care of themselves.

At this point, he has enough self-confidence, this is not because he wants to take the initiative to chat with each other, in order to find a conversation with this noble girl.

The beginning of everything was picked up by the other party first, because the other party peeped at him, so he came here to use this kind of bad talk.

But listening to Aaron's inquiry, this time it was the noble lady's turn at a loss.

Things will develop to this point now, far beyond what the noble lady can imagine.

The girl stared at Aaron dullly for a moment, she stared at each other as if she had lost her sanity.

There is no doubt that this is a very rude behavior. If she really asks like the etiquette of the nobility, then she should not react in this way.

Perhaps it was because of the previous pretend stupidity, or perhaps because of Aaron's hasty behavior.

In short, at such a close distance, Aaron would feel uncomfortable when the other party looked at him with such naked eyes.

"Uh, sorry, I ..." Sensing his rude behavior, the noble girl's face emerged with two blushes.

She stepped back a few steps and pulled away the distance between herself and Aaron, so she seemed to be awake again.

"I'm here to find a biographical book. It's my subject about the relationship between animalized monsters and creatures," she said.

Then she asked Aaron curiously, "Your Excellency is here ..."

Recalling the painful experience of searching for information about that nobleman, if someone helps, it might be.

Aaron thought this way, but he immediately woke up again and couldn't do it himself.

In this conversation, he almost forgot his thoughts, and even his vigilance was relaxed.

This was a situation he didn't expect at all. Relaxing his vigilance meant that he might make mistakes.

Making mistakes means the beginning of failure.

If you blindly trust a person who has just met for a short time in the Imperial City, this is a mistake that cannot be lowered.

Who can guarantee that the other party's approach to themselves will not have some intentions?

In a flash, Aaron was shocked by what he thought and discovered.

His previous experience ~ ~ seemed like a dream, so he did not expect that he would actually do such a thing.

He knew exactly what it meant to find his family in the castle.

The question is not what kind of value that castle has, the key to the matter is that he is actually looking for that castle.

This is enough to explain many problems.

For those who are interested, it can even be said that it is possible to directly push what kind of purpose may be behind the performance.

And according to what was written in the letter, the castle should have been abandoned by man for a long time.

A castle that has been abandoned for a long time, unless it has its own purpose, who would go to that kind of ghost place?

Moreover, I was still looking for information about the castle in the library.

If it is not true that you have your own purpose, who will come to the library to investigate relevant information?

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