Blood Source Era

Chapter 568: : Unattended

Regarding these conditions before him, Aaron still had some doubts in his heart that he could not speak.

In the end he chose to use a calm gesture to deal with what he saw in front of him.

The situation no longer needs to be anything else, and I think too much about things.

When faced with these things that you see in front of you, any other person thinks more about the problems that you see in front of you.

Or to say something about what is happening in front of you, which should not have been there, and you questioned the matter yourself.

At the moment, the attitude shown by Aaron is completely useless.

So the situation naturally no longer needs to have any other needs that are particularly worthy of hesitation or concern.

It seems that it is the election itself, and therefore in such a situation, it becomes something that is just in front of you, and what you see is so simple and acceptable.

Therefore, in such a situation, Aaron, he chose to carefully open the door in front of him.

Although he still cherished these things in front of him, there was some kind of distrust in his heart that he could not explain clearly.

But at the moment, facing such a situation before him, he had no other choice.

Choose to calmly accept the facts that you have seen and faced before you built it. This is the best way to deal with problems.

It is when facing these problems that you see in front of you, that there is too much hesitation of any other self to the problem, or any other self to think about things.

At the beginning, it was something that did not deserve special attention or needed attention.

At that moment, the situation itself had become something like what I saw.

Therefore, in the face of the things encountered in front of you, all problems, any existing self, other one's own things to face an attitude of thinking.

In other words, there are other people who have a more idea of ​​what is happening in front of them.

It just causes people to have no way to make a right choice.

And in such a situation, why face such a problem in front of you, in any other own ideas.

In fact, these have become completely meaningless for themselves at the beginning.

And when Aaron reached out his hand at this time and pushed open the squeaking door in front of him, somehow it seemed that there was a cold wind blowing from the door.

It was a bitter cold wind than the cold rainy day outside the house.

Although Aaron's perception of magic at this time has reduced his own sharpness to a minimum.

Facing such a situation that he saw in front of him, he didn't have anything else, he had more choices he could make.

That is, in the face of these situations before me, there are no other needs that deserve special attention.

The situation itself became what he saw in front of him at this moment, and Aaron felt as if he had been noticed by something when he pushed the door open.

In such a situation now, she has no way to stop such an action in front of her eyes, so she can only take a deep breath and continue to move forward.

So immediately afterwards, he completely pushed open the false door in front of him.

After walking into the room, he suddenly realized at this time that he felt the different feeling.

This is not an illusion of the problem that exists in my mind when facing this thing happening in front of me.

What he ignored completely at the beginning was justified. Even if the door here is ignored, if no one guards it, it will at least be locked.

However, he used such a relaxed method to push open the door that no one guarded.

It seems that the situation and the things themselves have become very simple things at this time.

Then there is no need for anything else. One more question to the question.

Things have begun to feel very simple at this time, that is, when faced with such a thing in front of you, there is no need to have any other ideas.

The status of this matter itself has become so simple at this moment.

Faced with such a thing before him, Aaron, he knew that he had never arrived in a safe place, even behind him. It has also been shrouded in darkness.

Facing such a situation in front of him, even if he didn't want to fight, he could only squeeze his weapon at this moment.

Because at this time, in addition to fighting, he has no other chance to make a more choice of himself in the face of this incident.

The matter itself has now become such a reality as it is seen at the moment.

It is when facing these realities that one sees in front of oneself, any other one has more doubts about the problem.

Other things that should not exist for what you see in front of you, these have become too much reality.

He chose to walk into this black tower in this way, no matter what strange things might exist in it.

Unexpectedly, ~ ~ When he walked into the house with his second foot, suddenly even the stupidest guy could feel it again obviously.

It seems that magical power suddenly took effect in the house.

All the flame candlesticks that were originally extinguished became very bright at this time.

Despite these flames and candlesticks, their light can only illuminate a corner of the house.

But it was enough to give Aaron enough guidance.

So that he can roughly see what it is like in front of him, so he can understand what kind of thing he is in front of him.

The magical light illuminates what he sees when he walks into the house at this time. However, under such a bright light, it took a breath of breath because of such a scene he saw in front of him. .

He never expected that he would actually see such a thing in front of him. Epoch of blood

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