Blood Source Era

Chapter 607: : 500 years ago

However, these things that Aaron had thought in his own mind, for this newly emerged guy, he had absolutely no thought of all this.

At this time, relative to Aaron, he was the one who entered this hunting night earlier.

Facing everything I saw before me. When he had already indulged in gunpowder and **** killings, it became difficult to maintain his reason.

It is really embarrassing for him to use his own careful thinking about things to make his own judgment about the situation in front of him.

So in the face of Aaron, he showed such a silent situation for a long time. Eventually he took a deep breath and then took two steps forward, raising the weapon in his hand.

"Do you still know what era it is now?"

"I don't want to listen to other messy things anymore. Answer me or I will do it now."

It was this kind of impatience flooded in the words that made Aaron stunned slightly in the face of the situation before him, and then clearly awakened.

"Well, since you want to know the time."

He opened his hands helplessly, explaining and acknowledging what kind of time he was facing in front of him.

Then it was at this moment that he raised his eyebrows again and looked at each other with a confused look.

The hunter, who had taken two steps forward in a moment, was full of fear and disbelief in his eyes. He shook his head, and then stepped back to each other.

On the one hand, at this time I felt incomprehensible about what I saw in front of me.

"What did you say? This is impossible."

"What is impossible, you look very wrong." Aaron said such an excuse on his mouth.

Using the same words as his own excuse, he took the opportunity to issue his weapon in his hand.

This is a thing that doesn't need any explanation and any guesses for the problem. Facing such a situation before him, he knows clearly what kind of thing he encountered.

Now that the other party is ready to fight in the face of things at any time at this time, he must also recognize such a situation in front of him.

No one can choose the means of evasion when facing the things they are facing at this time. When all people are facing such an immutable fact in front of them, they have nothing but acceptance. Better choice.

In such a situation, there is no other other concern about the matter that becomes a worthless thing.

For the hunter, the actions he made thought and judged things according to his simplest and most primitive.

It should quickly face the terrible situation in front of it and take its own action.

However, Aaron's words seemed to be filled to some extent with a message that shocked him, and he did not immediately react to what he encountered before.

After a period of trance, he shook his head and responded to Aaron's answer with his unbelievable tone.

"I seem to be here ... 500 years later." He stated the fact, whether for himself.

Or for Aaron who is standing in front of this guy now, the situation in front of him does not need any other things at all, and there is too much explanation for the matter.

Perhaps this matter itself does not need to be worthy of your thinking and judgment. You just accept the reality in front of you, and you have no other choices.

In the face of such a situation, what kind of thinking about things exists?

At this time, it has become something that may not really need people's special attention or judgment.

"I think this may not be a fact."

Aaron likewise, according to the situation that the other party thought about this matter at the beginning, finally came to such a conclusion.

The situation was like what was encountered on the surface. At the beginning, when I saw the dress on the other party, I already felt something wrong.

When this awkward situation is presented in front of his eyes in such a shocking gesture.

Perhaps the answer becomes more and more clear and visible.

Any other thoughts on how to deal with problems in front of what you see in front of you are not a wise choice.

"Do you think this matter will be true?" In this sentence, this guy, he repeatedly asked Aaron twice.

Then he did not give Aaron any time to make his own explanation and reply when facing this sentence.

After asking for a short pause, he stood there mumblingly about the matter in front of him, and gave him a clear judgment about the matter.

"This is simply impossible. There is nothing that can break time." His tone was so firm and clear, as if he must be firm in such a belief.

If he has shaken or doubted such a belief, it means that he has lost something.

But this is after all the question he asked, and Yawen is now more able to accept what he sees in front of his eyes than this guy.

And, from the analysis of such a situation at the moment, in fact, things are not too many people imagined at the beginning ~ ~ is not an appropriate judgment for all the problems.

The position that the other person and himself stood from the beginning is two very different concepts. This guy may have passed through 500 years before standing here to meet himself.

I just saw a weird existence between humans and monsters.

Is it a curse?

He thought of such a possibility in the first time, and thought of such a possibility and the kind of judgment that he showed in the face of this guy.

Aaron soon seemed to understand what the situation in front of him was, and then said.

"Obviously, you don't belong to this time, nor do you belong to this world, you should have already died in this time, and turned into a pile of dead bones that no one cares about."

There is no doubt that such words, once said, will make people feel very regrettable, but Aaron still expresses such facts without expression.

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