Blood Source Era

Chapter 630: :change

"Since this is the decision you made, then I think there is nothing to change." Alfred at this time showed a skinny smile, and the seeming acceptance gesture seemed to make it difficult. .

After all, this was Aaron ’s own proposal at this time. At this time, he did not have any proposals that he could refuse. He could only choose to accept it at this time.

Although at this time, he kept his doubts in his heart about what it meant behind this event and what kind of result this event might end up with.

But the problem has no other better means for people to solve the problem, these bad things, it is meaningless to want to make any own behavior to solve the problem.

So why do you have to make any thoughts and choices about things?

The thing itself does not have any other things that are too good to have some more thinking and judgment on the matter, so accepting the reality in front of you naturally becomes an act that does not need to be worried.

Aaron, of course, at this time, he saw the other person's gesture of smiling at the assassin, and he also knew very clearly in his heart at this time, what kind of meaning this might have.

For what you see in front of you, you do n’t need to have any other too much. One does n’t need a particularly appropriate idea of ​​the thing. All those self-righteous may be the correct means to solve the problem. At the beginning, it had lost a necessary meaning.

So the situation does not have to have any other thinking about things, and he has too much unnecessary hesitation about things.

The situation presented is as simple as what you see in front of you, so it feels very simple, so when facing this matter, Aaron knew it from the heart.

If, in the face of what I see in front of me, I do n’t clearly understand what kind of thing I should do, it is a rational judgment of the problem, then any unnecessary hesitation about the matter, then In other words, all of them have no value to be judged.

Everything is just like what you see on the surface. It is so simple that you do n’t even need people to understand the situation too much.

Then there is no doubt that there is no need to have any other things. You need to have some judgments on the problem. The thing itself should become the simplest thing seen in front of you.

"You seem to be very frustrated?" At this time, facing the situation before you, you no longer need to have any other other ideas about things.

But the situation is like what happened on the surface, if you really think you can make a rational and effective judgment on the problem by what actions you can take.

Then the situation has already become a thing that can be realized. It turns out that the situation is not like what is seen on the surface, there will be a very simple treatment of the problem.

When facing a problem, to make an inappropriate judgment on the problem, there is no need to think too much.

When faced with a situation, to make a judgment that makes people feel, perhaps feels right, that God does n’t need to think too much.

So why do you feel regretful when faced with things?

The situation is no longer becoming as simple as what is seen on the surface, and it can be solved with a very simple means.

"Nothing. If you think that doing this thing according to your ideas will be a reliable answer, then this is the reality you see."

Alfred made his most simple and straightforward example at this time.

In the face of such a simple and straightforward example, any other self-worry about the problem is meaningless.

"Well, since you agree, then I think we should act separately at this time."

Aaron, after getting his most basic judgment on the problem from him at the end, he no longer has any other self too much worry about things.

On this night of hunting, things are not as they seem on the surface. It can be so simple that there will be a solution to the matter.

There will always be a lot of things that can't have a clear judgment on one of the questions, and things that can't get a clear answer to the question.

He needs to make the other party understand what he is facing in front of him. If everyone finally agrees on the situation and finally gets an end, the matter may have a judgment on the matter.

Therefore, the question cannot be as easily as an answer as seen on the surface.

Anyone who wants to make what he thinks is a more appropriate judgment on the problem will become a Wade-less matter.

At this time, in the face of the problems that occurred in front of me, I knew clearly in my heart that the situation would not easily lead to a situation that made people feel clear and resolved.

Going to have other thoughts about things becomes meaningless.

And this is how Aaron wants to prepare himself for the problem at this time, when facing what is happening in front of him.

Any other thought that may be the correct judgment of the problem, or that it may be correct, and his own thinking about the problem will only cause the other party to have an illusion.

You must never underestimate the person in front of you, and you must not underestimate Alfred.

If you make a wrong judgment about the problem in the face of what is happening in front of you, then how bad the final result will be, it is no longer necessary for people to think too much about the problem.

Could it be that this is not the situation seen on the surface for the problem?

Things in this province do not need to have too many other judgments about the problem.

Aaron's own suggestion at this time, for Alfred, this is also a thing he can't refuse.

But even in the face of the troublesome problem he was seeing in front of him, he still didn't plan to choose to change or say to give up so easily at this time.

To some extent, there are actually some better ways to deal with the troublesome things that we are seeing.

If you chose to agree with Aaron's suggestion at this time, this is a judgment that is not particularly wise in itself.

If he can, when facing the things he sees in front of him, he is looking forward to it in his heart, maybe things should have a better way to solve problems than himself.

At least let yourself know what Aaron did when he faced the bad things, which is better than knowing nothing about what he is seeing.

So the problem itself has no other good judgments about the problem.

When faced with what he saw in front of him, although somewhat helpless and bitter, he seemed to decide to agree to Aaron's arrangement for this matter at this time.

But this does not mean that all bad things may become something that makes people think it will be realistic.

There are always things that are unclear, and there is an unreasonable hesitation in judging the problem and what happened in front of me.

Under such circumstances, do you need to have any other hesitation about the problem?

Anyone who is faced with what is happening in front of him, feels that things should be as neat as they are seen on the surface. Of course, there will be more and more of them. These are not true. know.

He also knew very clearly that if he did this behavior at this time, it would make Aaron feel angry to some extent, but this is what he saw in front of him.

Any other self has too much concern about the problem, or any other self has too many ideas that are not suitable for the problem, and there is no need to be judged. In the situation, when faced with what happened before me.

Alfred, he was ready in his heart, and he began to say that he was prepared for something very bad.

"That ... since you don't need me to support you ... can you tell me where you will go next?"

It was at this time, he said, to Aaron.

In the face of what is happening in front of you, any other thought that may be more appropriate is your own preparation for the problem, or any thought that may be considered correct.

In fact, there is nothing like what you see on the surface, people feel that there will be a simple solution to the problem.

Everything is just like what is seen on the surface, and there is no longer any need to have any better one. He is too hesitant about the problem or thinks it is more appropriate to consider it.

Aaron felt shocked in his heart when he faced such words from the other party.

On the one hand, in the face of what he saw in front of him, he felt that it seemed that he needed some preparation for the problem. On the one hand, he did not expect that the other party would actually face the situation he encountered at this time. Things make such a direct approach to things.

Now all the troubles can't be as easy as the things seen on the surface.

In the face of what I see in front of me, make any judgment about the problem that I think might be more appropriate, and then it is very likely that there will be natural mistakes.

Therefore, on the one hand, he had doubts about Alfred's actions on things.

On the one hand, at the same time, I started to feel that what I saw was not easy to be solved easily. Maybe the problem will change in the next night, which makes people feel unimaginable nightmares.

Since the other party has made this kind of judgment on himself at this time, he has other considerations for the problem and may not have much value in thinking about the problem at the beginning.

The situation is just like what you see on the surface, and it starts to make people think that there is a very simple answer.

Aaron had a smiling expression on his face. There was nothing else that questioned the matter before him. He also knew clearly that if he did something rough What kind of nightmare consequences may ultimately result from a reasonable judgment of the problem.

So he was also facing this guy in front of him ~ ~ when he had no reason to handle the request of things, he also began to use his most straightforward interpretation of things.

"The Valence Bridge, I think you should know where it is."

Aaron, he actually answered his question at this time!

Alfred, on the one hand, at this time, he felt excited in his heart because of the answers he got in front of him, because he felt that maybe this was some kind of explanation for what happened in front of them. It means that there is not much distance between them.

But to explain from another aspect, in fact, there are still many problems in the situation itself. There is no way to make people really understand what is happening in front of them.

So even at this time, I have a clear understanding of the answer to this matter.

But he is still at this moment, and there is a vagueness in his heart. This uneasy emotion is brewing in his heart.

Perhaps this is only when Aaron is waiting to explain his actions, and in the end will everything have an answer that can be clearly understood or understood by people.

He was thinking sadly in his heart, and he no longer had anything else that could almost be called courage.

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