Blood Source Era

Chapter 638: :change

But it was when facing what happened in front of me.

Aaron can be said to use a very calm and calm attitude to face what is happening in front of him.

No matter how monsters you see in front of you, how worthy of worrying others.

Things have changed without knowing that it is necessary to be judged by others.

The situation is just like what you see in front of you, you don't need to know that you are particularly worried about or thinking about it.

So this is Aaron's preparation for dealing with the problem in the face of what happened before him.

Why is there something other people deserve to be considered?

Aaron, he has already prepared and dealt with the problem he is most used to.

Things no longer need someone else and more good needs worth being considered.

This should be like what you see in front of you, no other worries are needed.

Other attitudes that worry about the problem or that it is too inappropriate to consider also become meaningless.

And Aaron decided to take his most routine approach to the problem.

Why should there be any other delicious food that people need to further think or judge.

Only recognize what kind of monsters are in front of you before you see.

There is nothing else, there is anything else that makes people feel inappropriate and thinks more about the problem in front of them.

Only facing the situation understands what kind of attitude has been dealt with and resolved.

There will be no other meaning that people think and judge more.

The situation is as simple as saying what happened on the surface.

Perhaps this is like what you see in front of you, you should have a preparation for things.

Since this time, there are no other things that need to be considered by people.

Then the situation should be like the problem facing me.

Any other thoughts that are too inappropriate for the problem, or too many that should not be considered.

It should be like what you see in front of you, and there is no need for questions that need to be judged and thought by others.

This is a very natural thing seen in front of us.

The situation itself is just like what you see on the surface. You don't need to have too many good things that need to be understood and removed by others.

Then there should be other, what kind of understanding of the problem?

Perhaps this should be like a situation seen in front of us.

The other party will never have such a situation that people can call it reasonable.

There is no need to worry about other issues.

So when faced with what is seen on this surface, should there be other other thinking or thinking?

Everything has changed all the time. There are no more things worth thinking about or being guessed by people.

The situation itself is just like what you see on the surface, which is very simple.

Then any other, inappropriate concerns or ideas about the problem.

In fact, just like the situation understood on the surface, there is nothing else that needs special relationship or judgment.

The situation is just like what I saw in front of me.

Other inappropriate thoughts about the problem, or more inappropriate concerns about the problem.

Those are all people who feel that there is no doubt about the understanding of the problem.

So the situation starts to make people take for granted, and no other problematic concerns are needed.

There are other things that make people think that it may be more appropriate, and the idea of ​​the problem no longer needs to be worried more by people.

This is a fairly realistic situation in front of us, and we don't need to know the situation that people are worried about.

At this time, the opponent is facing himself very clearly.

When we encounter this before, we can say that it is quite complicated to judge or understand the problem.

Why do you need to worry about or think about any other things you need?

The situation itself is as simple as what you see in front of you.

There are any other ideas or considerations that are not suitable for the problem, as you can see in the situation just in front of you.

Or any more thoughts about the problem that you should n’t have, and those that have become nothing particularly worth worrying about.

The situation itself is like what is seen on the surface of self-study, presenting a very simple thing, as long as it is clearly understood and recognized by people.

Then any other things that make people think that they may be valuable thinking or judgments have changed and have no special meaning.

The situation is like what is presented in front of you, and it becomes a very simple thing.

So why not face the things you see in front of you, there are other things that don't need to be considered or cared for by others.

The situation presented in front of you is in itself a very simple understanding of the problem.

Then other thoughts or understandings that make people feel inappropriate are no longer needed to be understood, or any behavior that needs to be recognized.

When facing these things and seeing what happened in front of you, why bother to make too many thoughts about the problem that make people feel inappropriate.

At this time, all the questions have become very simple.

Regardless of whether the other party understands what the situation is at this time, he has such an attitude to deal with the problem, or this is a way to deal with the problem, and those have all become no longer worthy of the door. necessary.

In other cases, other people think that it may be appropriate to think or judge the problem, and they also begin to become something that makes people feel very meaningful.

The matter itself should be presented at this time, such a result destined to happen.

Why do you need anything anymore? Others make people feel inappropriate and think more about the problem.

Maybe this is what happened in front of you, and there should be a result that should follow.

Others who worry too much about the problem, or think about it, become unnecessary to need more known relationships or think about it.

And this is what appears to be very simple on the surface.

All problems become the same as what is seen on the surface.

Others worry too much about the problem, or say it is inappropriate, and their own concerns about the problem will become less valuable for further understanding or judgment.

The situation itself has become less meaningful and needs to be considered by the door.

Both parties know what the situation is like and it has not been a pure waste of time to do that kind of behavior.

Rather than being in such a situation, continue to make those judgments that make people feel very indifferent.

Then it is better to recognize what kind of behavior is happening in front of you.

This is the best one who can have an idea of ​​the problem and should have an understanding of the problem.

Everything makes people think that it may be more appropriate to think and think about the problem. At this time, it has no more meaning.

Both parties now know very well what kind of situation is happening in front of their eyes.

Others make people think that they should have thoughts about the problem, or should have, their own concerns about things have changed, and there is no need for something that deserves people's attention and thought.

So why bother to think about the problem if you feel inappropriate.

What you see in front of you is like what you know on the surface, it makes people think it is very simple.

In the face of such a situation, other other people who have too much worry about the problem will become meaningless and need to be considered by people.

The situation itself is the one that you see right now in front of you at this time, which is very easy and simple.

Any other too many inappropriate ideas about the problem, there is no other passion for more understanding and judgment.

So the situation naturally no longer needs to have too many other ideas and too many rhetoric about the problem.

Perhaps the situation should be as simple as what you see in front of you.

So why is there something else that makes people feel that they should have a special idea about the problem.

What has been seen in front of the eyes has become very simple.

The situation seen in front of me does not need to worry about anything else.

Natural conditions no longer need to have anything else that is worthy of concern and pampering.

This should be what you see in front of you is something that you can be said to be accepted or seen.

In fact, all problems can be solved effectively by a very easy method.

Then the situation can have a good judgment on the handling of things.

And what kind of thoughts does this monster have about things, and such a lot of considerations about things.

Not everyone will know exactly what kind of solution should be there.

Any other worries about the attitude of the problem or should not have thinking, it becomes no ability to be judged by people.

The situation is like what happened in front of my own eyes. In this situation, any other too many ideas about the problem are nothing to eat and think about and judge.

Therefore, it becomes very simple.

As long as what happens next, according to all the circumstances that can be conceived, it can be developed logically.

Any other self who is worried about the suitability of the problem and the person or any inappropriate idea becomes meaningless that needs to be considered by others.

Isn't the situation just like what you see in front of you? Is it very simple?

Any other thoughts about things that are more worrying or unsuitable are no longer necessary for further understanding.

The situation that the thing itself presents at this time is just like what is seen on the surface.

Responsible for the problems that occur in front of you and other inappropriate ideas about the problem. I can't think of any other things that should not be considered.

Those results only make people feel very sorry, and they don't understand what kind of solution should be used.

Naturally, in such a situation, things no longer need to have any other worries about the problem.

What you see in front of you, love life is already as simple as it seems on the surface.

It is in such a situation that there are any other inappropriate ideas about the problem.

Or perhaps other issues that should not be considered.

It should be like what you see on the surface ~ ~ makes it very simple.

Then there are too many other self-concerns, or ideas, that are no longer necessary to be considered.

The situation turned into something as if it were seen on the surface, all very simple things.

Aaron had no possible fear of the things in front of him.

Because things are like what you see in front of you, there are not too many good things that need to be worried about by others.

Instead of just facing the monster in front of me, I do n’t know what kind of method should be used to be the most appropriate behavior.

Then it is better to change to an understanding of the problem in front of you.

This should make people feel more clear when facing the problem and solve the problem by themselves in an accurate way.

There is no need for anyone to hesitate any more.

The situation is as simple as what happened in front of you.

Any other question too many questions is not necessary to think about the problem.

So things have become nothing special that is worth being questioned by people.

Could it be that there are other times when oneself is too concerned about the problem.

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