Blood Source Era

Chapter 645: : Clamp

It is at this monster that he wants to continue to take his more violent treatment of this matter in the next.

And even more violent, when you act on this matter.

It's definitely good to prepare for the problem before taking action.

And in fact Aaron did.

When he has a very accurate idea in his heart, he no longer needs to have any other, more concerns about the problem.

Take their own actions, and then quickly use their own execution to achieve such a result.

In itself, it is a good preparation for the problem.

So why should there be too many other inappropriate, one more thoughts or considerations on the problem?

The situation should be like what you see in front of yourself.

"Go to death, monster! Since you want to see how powerful the hunter is, then I will definitely give myself the most selfless kindness!"

Aaron made such a response by gritting his teeth.

The situation is just like what I saw in front of my eyes, and there are no other things that need special attention and concern.

And this is the most basic understanding of the problem that is clearly seen in front of people.

Then there are other things that you should not have more preparation for the problem, or you have to think about the problems that you should not have.

It has become so clear, presenting what can be seen in front of people.

Aaron took the lead in facing the situation before him, and adopted his own solution to the problem.

And this monster, at the same time, almost took a long distance and took his own action.

He took the gesture of flicking his head again, but this time, the power of each flick became bigger.

And even under this greater strength, obviously at this time its shaking rhythm also began to slow down.

Aaron, he could feel his actions changed by the other party.

It was at this time that he could clearly understand what kind of action the other party was taking.

Such a situation itself does not require people to worry about other people who are more delicious when facing things.

Although such an action, Aaron felt a little caught off guard.

But it was still at this time that he knew very clearly what he should do.

And in such a situation, try my best to get the state of the first hand.

In the state of being caught off guard, slowly swiping around and recovering the state in the device.

Although the monster was slow in rhythm, the second behavior happened again.

Then go to have other other one's more preparations for things, or go to have other other one's more thinking about things.

In itself, it becomes that there is not much that needs to be considered by people.

And Aaron knew the other party clearly at this time, and it really seemed like the behavior he had taken at the beginning.

With such an initiative, any other self loses more preparation for it, or has more plans for other things.

It becomes useless by itself.

The other party's method did not make too many changes, it just chose to take a slower, but more powerful method, trying to throw itself off.

But this is not a real thing.

What the situation presents before the eyes of people is a very simple reality.

No matter if there are any other people who have too many questions about themselves, they should not have this thinking about things, or say that they have one more consideration for things.

It is no longer necessary to have more things that are particularly concerned about or considered.

Isn't this what you see in front of you, and in the end it presents a situation that is clearly recognized by people?

And this monster did not expect at all that things would actually appear in front of their eyes at this time.

Why is it still like this! Why can't I get rid of each other?

Aaron actually took such a positive and active state of what happened before him.

In the process, every action he took knew very clearly what he was doing.

There are other problems with his teammates, too much inappropriate thinking, or too many people feel that he should not hesitate about the problem. In fact, it can be said that it is a completely worthless thing.

Because Aaron's actions were endless like tide.

When the monster just realized what was happening in front of his own eyes, Aaron's behavior had become free of things that deserve special judgment.

Because he has already faced what happened in front of him, there is no other change to things that he can make.

In addition to accepting what you see in front of you, any other self is prepared for things at the beginning.

It becomes a person who does not need to be straight, and thinks too much about the problem.

What Aaron did was his own behavior.

It's like being prepared for the problem at the beginning.

Immediately the weapon in his hand was turned into a whip again immediately.

Then this time, instead of tangling this guy's head, he threw it straight into the guy's mouth.

A radiant arc was drawn through the large mouth of the open blood basin, and then came up from the new wave, directly reaching out the palm, and then grasped the floating metal and touched the handle.

All of this has happened quickly in a very short time.

Aaron, after he finished this thing at this time.

The weapon in his hand. At this moment, it became like a very natural chain.

It was at this moment firmly controlled by the monster's mouth and Aaron's palm.

On the edge of the metal, the place where mercury and the filthy blood collided was making a creaking sound.

This is the sound of blood being corroded and burning.

The problem is that no one can guarantee that the monster will suddenly bite his mouth at this time and then cut off his weapon.

But obviously, at this time, I have this kind of worry about things, or at this time, I should not think about the problem.

Aaron, in his own heart, is completely free of these too many good things that deserve special consideration and concern.

To care about whether your weapon will be bitten by the other party at this time, or not to consider what kind of means you should obtain at this time, can solve the other party better.

This is a real thing that needs to be dealt with and resolved in particular.

If there is no way to face what you see in front of you, you can clearly understand what kind of means you should take, and you can have a better solution.

Why go there any other, too much thinking about your attitude to the problem or worry about yourself?

It is better to take the most direct and decisive action at this time.

To be able to make people more aware of what kind of reality is happening in front of their own eyes.

Therefore, under such circumstances, naturally, there is no need for some people and other people to think and judge more about the problem.

Presenting what you see in front of your eyes is like the situation you encounter on the surface. It makes people feel so simple. Then you can make other inappropriate solutions to the problem. means.

It was at this time, under such carelessness, that monster almost seemed to be poked by Aaron.

He felt very angry about the situation he was facing right now and his embarrassing situation.

It's just that people feel very sorry for their understanding and understanding of the problem.

This does not have a good accurate judgment of the problem.

Aaron's own actions he took at this time no longer required any other better preparation for the problem.

This in itself is a very real situation seen at the moment.

When you have other ideas about the problem, or when you are facing something, you should not have your own consideration of the problem, but it will cause a bad thing that makes you feel very sorry.

Fortunately, not all problems are as bad as people realize at the beginning.

Therefore, there is no need to have any other concerns about yourself.

The monster felt very uncomfortable at this time because of Aaron's actions. He tried hard to get rid of Aaron's shackles.

But no matter how he made his own resistance, or how to make his own struggle, it also showed a very futile behavior at this time.

Because the situation is not worthy of people having too many questions about the problem, so it needs special attention or worries.

The situation itself does not require any other self-thinking of the problem.

Isn't this a very simple thing in itself?

And any other situation that has too much worry about the problem will no longer require special thinking.

The thing itself is just like what you see in front of you,

Why is it necessary to show such ignorance of the problem when facing such a thing before me?

With this understanding of the problem, it has become a very simple understanding of things.

The answer presented, he himself is just like what he was seeing right now, it should be like this.

So any other self has too much inappropriate thinking about the problem, or some too many should not have the consideration of the problem.

At this time, there will be no more things that need to be understood or cared for by people.

That is the situation, the one he presented makes people feel that there is no way to refuse, or something that is completely irresistible.

For this factual situation that you have witnessed in front of your eyes, take an inappropriate thinking, or judgment, of the problem.

That's just causing, feeling regretful about the result of the problem and people should not have this awareness of the problem.

Why go to have those other people should not have, have their own more thinking or worry about the problem?

This naturally shows itself, and what you see in front of your eyes makes people feel very realistic understanding of the problem.

Others, you should not have any worries about things, or any other hesitation when facing things.

It was at this time that there was no much need at all, and people deserved special attention or concerns about the problem.

So it becomes a very simple understanding of the problem.

Why not have any other self too much inappropriate for the problem, more thinking or judgment on the problem.

Aaron at this time. The actions and plans you have prepared for all the problems before you are as simple as what you see on the surface.

So why bother to make those, too many people feel inappropriate to understand the problem?

This itself is like what you see clearly in front of your own eyes, and it finally appears.

Faced with what I saw in front of my eyes, I no longer need to worry too much about other issues.

Things are just like what they saw on the surface at this time ~ ~ There is no need to have too many other teammates who have too many problems, which makes people feel inappropriate about their concerns.

There is no need to have anything else, more of your own thoughts or considerations on the problem.

The situation itself at this time presents what you see in front of your eyes is already a very realistic thing.

What's the need to make the thinking or judgment about the problem that makes people feel it shouldn't be?

The situation itself is as simple as presenting what you see in front of your eyes at this time.

In the face of what is seen in front of people, since it has been clearly presented is a very simple matter.

One more idea of ​​other teammates' problems is that they no longer need to have more good needs, which are worth worrying about. Epoch of blood

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