Blood Source Era

Chapter 650: : Restless heart

Once when he was facing this bad and troublesome thing, he finally made up his mind.

There is no other thing. One more worry about the problem, or one more guess about the problem.

Things happened very quickly, and people almost ended in a flash.

And in the end when facing such a disgusting **** picture created in front of my own eyes.

Aaron, he raised his eyebrows, and for some reason, a very strong impulse suddenly sprang up in his heart.

But this impulse was quickly restrained by a certain mentality in his own heart that could be called self-discipline.

Soon faced with the problems encountered in front of him, there was no other other thoughts about things.

Aaron, when he restrained his unnecessarily unpleasant emotions, he first sensed an instinct deep in his heart.

In the face of such a situation, you do not need to have other ideas about the problem yourself.

Perhaps the situation should be the same as the actual situation seen at this time.

Aaron went on to have other other thoughts or concerns about the problem.

It is very likely that in such a situation, there will be no more room for people to think or choose.

Does n’t it mean that things are just like what you see in front of you, does it make people feel so simple to understand the problem?

Why go there any other suspicions or considerations that you should not have when facing problems?

Everything is as simple as what you see in front of you.

So accepting the reality in front of you and having more other concerns about the problem will make you have no choice.

When faced with what is happening in front of you, you should not have other considerations that are inappropriate for yourself.

So in the second round, he shook his head, thinking that the impulse that had sprung up in his heart was just an instinctive desire deep in his heart.

He cannot be a person controlled by his own desires, or controlled by his own desires.

At least when faced with the matter in front of me, I have other ideas that are too inappropriate for the problem.

Or too much, people should not have this understanding of the problem.

That's all, but it makes people feel very sorry for understanding things.

The situation itself is not worthwhile for people to conduct some further discussion when facing the problem, or to make some kind of consideration for the problem when facing the problem.

And in the night when the rain didn't stop in the middle of the night, soon, the **** smell that made people sick was quickly washed by the rain.

When the cool cold wind blew across his cheeks, soon, the restlessness in his heart seemed to be completely taken away by the cold residual temperature.

Aaron, he raised his head and looked up at the sky, and then took a deep breath of the cold air in front of the rain dripping directly on his cheek.

Afterwards, all the things that happened next became like what you saw in front of you, which made people think it was a matter of course.

He knew that he no longer needed to make any other unnecessary and worthless choices at this time.

When faced with the things encountered in front of you, you should not have any other things, more of a more idea of ​​the problem.

The answer has been presented in front of his own eyes, telling him what he should think when facing such a reality.

In the face of such a real situation, then I have any other ideas or considerations that are too inappropriate for the problem.

It's just something that makes people feel totally meaningless.

Then everything else has any other attitudes to the problem, or has concerns about the problem that make people feel inappropriate.

It just makes people feel very sorry, and then go to have other other own ideas about the problem.

In other words, there are other other considerations that are too inappropriate for the problem.

Maybe the situation itself is just like the situation you face, which makes people think it is a very simple thing.

Why should there be other worries that are inappropriate in the face of what you see in front of you?

Don't you worry that after doing this kind of behavior, you will feel that it is a very heart-wrenching thing?

As if it were the situation, it is no longer necessary to have other other ideas or concerns about the problem.

And if there is anything else, I think it may be more appropriate.

Perhaps that in itself, from the beginning, it will feel very regrettable.

All of them have some kind of thinking about the problem that makes them feel inappropriate.

It will only give people a more accurate understanding of the issues that are not there.

Such a thing, why go to have other one's own more judgments on the problem or inappropriate thoughts on the problem.

Aaron, suddenly at this time in his heart, it seemed that the cold rain was pouring on his face, making him feel that he should face his own face with his cold attitude. all.

But when facing these things in front of you with a cruel gesture, you don't need to have any other inappropriate ideas about the problem.

It seems that what happened in front of the eyes itself is a very simple understanding of the problem at this time.

Then go to have another more inappropriate idea, or think about the problem.

Naturally, there is no need to have more guesses about the problem.

Everything becomes so simple at this time, and when faced with this so simple thing, there is no need to have too much other thinking about the problem , Or doubt.

There is a kind of suspicion that makes people feel inappropriate, and it becomes a thing that makes people feel very regretful.

Then there are other things that oneself should not have more about the problem, or that there are other things that oneself should not consider more about the problem.

At this time, therefore, to lead things to a worse result, it is something that no one will be willing to face.

Why should there be no other considerations or thoughts when there are other things that are faced by oneself?

Present what you see in front of people, and then have any other thoughts about the problem that make it inappropriate.

In other words, there should not be more hesitation about the problem.

It also makes people no longer need to have more necessities that deserve special attention or consideration.

The situation does not require anything else at all, too much for a further understanding of the problem.

Aaron, the actions he took in response to what happened before him were also very clean and decisive.

Why go there any other way that makes people feel inappropriate, and have more thoughts or concerns about the problem?

Any slight hesitation, at this time, there is nothing that deserves attention, or that deserves attention.

So things don't need to be any more, so I have no other concern about the problem, or care about it.

When faced with what you see in front of you, you have other ideas that you should not have.

It becomes no longer necessary to have further consideration of the problem.

These conditions are as simple as what they see on the surface.

So why do you have too much thinking about the problem when you are facing what you see is very simple.

Faced with this, people no longer need any other time to think and judge the reality of the problem more.

Those are just things that cause people to have no more things that deserve attention or attention when facing problems.

Therefore, the situation is that in such a thing it becomes unnecessary to have any other worries about the problem.

So, here is a very simple thing presented in front of people.

When faced with something very simple in front of you, why not have any other self to think more about the problem.

The situation becomes, it is a very simple understanding of the problem.

Then go to have any other one's own more thoughts on the problem, or have any other one's own more thoughts on the problem.

Therefore, at this time, things will become a thing that no longer needs to be guessed or noticed.

The situation that people see in front of people is like what they see in front of them, which makes people feel very simple.

When faced with something that makes people feel so simple, why not have other thinking or worries that are too inappropriate for the problem?

Accepting the reality in front of you may feel like it is a bit difficult to some extent, but to some extent it is not a very difficult thing.

The question is only whether people can make up their minds to make such a choice when faced with the problem.

Therefore, the situation will become such a situation that it will no longer be necessary to have any other hesitation or worry about the problem.

In the face of this, what happened in front of the eyes, all the results and answers have been presented in front of people's eyes can be seen so simple.

Why bother to have another more own thoughts on the problem.

This is what makes people think it is very simple to understand the problem, and faced with this is a very basic understanding and understanding of the problem since it feels very simple.

Any other self's thoughts about the problem, or other hesitations he should not have.

It is no longer necessary to have too many things that deserve special attention or concern from people.

The answer at this moment presents a realistic situation that people see in front of people's eyes, which makes people think it is a very simple thing.

Then there is any other idea of ​​the problem about what you see in front of you.

As a result, there will not be much value worthy of concern or consideration.

Aaron knew that he had to take a decisive approach to all the situations he encountered.

And in fact, he didn't have anything else. He was more inappropriate about the problem and hesitated about the problem.

Why do you have to think that you should not have this idea about things?

Those thoughts about the problem only make people think that the situation may eventually show the situation is very bad.

Otherwise, it is very likely that what will eventually be presented will only make people feel very sorry.

Since it is between these two, there is nothing else that can be made more, or something that can be chosen more by people.

Then there is no need for any other self to doubt one more thing.

The situation that people see in front of people no longer needs any other guesses.

So there are other things, too much thinking about the problem, or skepticism.

In fact, for Aaron, there is not much meaningful.

Then do something else, and your own ideas about the problem have changed. You no longer need to doubt more. Something meaningful.

So the situation becomes a very simple thing?

Then there are other ideas that make you think it might be more appropriate for the problem, and that is all meaningless.

Aaron has accepted such a reality, what kind of thing it is for himself.

The situation is what you see in front of your eyes, which is a very simple understanding of the problem.

Therefore, this is a very realistic result that is seen in front of people.

It is also necessary at this time that the gestures seen in front of people no longer need any other ideas about the problem.

He moved his wrists, and eventually overcame his actions.

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