Blood Source Era

Chapter 669: : Master's choice

For this guy who suddenly came out of the shadows, he was not the only one who came out of this vision of heaven and earth.

It's just that the guys in the real world face the problems they are facing.

They do not yet have enough ability to understand exactly what the situation is when facing this problem.

The huge number of monsters is enough to make people in the real world now exhausted when facing the things in front of them.

So naturally, there are more people who feel that it is inappropriate, and the preparation for the problem becomes no more worthy of choice or consideration.

These things are just like what they see on their own surface. It is not like what they saw in the beginning, they will have a particularly simple ending.

Then, when it comes to problems, how do you think about them?

In other words, what is your particular concern and hesitation about the problem?

When these battles explode, the sound is like deadly attraction and temptation.

When faced with problems, people have no more choices to make.

Just rush to the place where the battle broke out, because there will definitely be a lot of monsters and a lot of disgusting blood.

Sometimes this kind of presenting in front of yourself is already something that there is no way to resist.

Why do you have to make something else that you think might be correct, thinking about the problem, or why do you have to make other preparations that are not suitable for the problem?

Aaron stood there, looking up at what he saw in front of him.

Faced with the matter in front of me, then I don't know what kind of more thoughts and preparations should be made for the problem.

The situation may be like what you see in front of your eyes, which makes people feel very realistic.

So how should you have your own thoughts on the problem, which can be clearly understood or recognized by people?

Unsuitable ideas for more problems, or preparations that you should not have for more problems, become too little, and people need to pay special attention or understand things.

The situation, therefore, in such a situation, becomes a very realistic thing.

Aaron, he did not have any behavior that wanted to take his own initiative at this moment in the face of what happened before him.

Aaron, when he was facing what he saw in front of him, he no longer needed to have any other thoughts or concerns about the problem.

In those situations, you will have no other ideas about the problem in this situation.

It seems that everything has become such a desperate reality in such a situation.

Sometimes it is very simple to present what you see in front of yourself, just like what you see on your surface.

So it was when Aaron faced such a thing and began to think cautiously about what kind of result this matter might have.

Suddenly at this moment, he heard a roaring wind.

What kind of person, or what kind of thing did he approach quickly at this time, he did his vigilant action for the first time.

And it was when I saw what I saw in front of me that I knew clearly what this was like for myself.

In the face of these, people feel that they can clearly understand from the beginning, that is when it is very simple.

The problem itself does not need to be there, any other is not suitable for the problem, more choices.

So maybe the answer is something, so it is precisely in such a situation that it becomes unnecessary to have more good deeds, and it is worth being thought or chosen by people.

The situation became very simple at this time.

That's what I saw when I first faced these on the surface.

What kind of consideration of the problem should one have so that people will not have any other wrong judgments about the problem when facing this problem?

Sometimes, what you see in front of your eyes can make people feel very sorry.

Aaron just used his most cautious attitude and the most cautious attitude at this moment to face all the strange things that might appear in front of his eyes.

Any other people who are not there will make people feel that there may be a lover, and feel that it may be a somewhat inappropriate idea.

Then it seems that in such a situation, the result may become quite simple in such a situation.

If it feels inappropriate, then there will be no more thoughts about the problem.

That will only cause some inappropriate things, thinking and judgment of the problem.

So Aaron, he was just facing the situation in front of him, he reached out for the first time and grabbed his weapon, and then came next.

I just waited and waited for what happened in front of my eyes, what kind of understanding of the problem might appear.

The wind finally stopped, a guy fell in front of Aaron, and then walked towards Aaron.

At the very beginning, Aaron faced this guy who walked over like himself, and also made a pair of very vigilant, and then what meaning the other party might make, preparation for action.

But soon, with the subsequent changes in what happened before him.

Aaron saw the badge about the family that the other party intentionally revealed so that he could see.

For Aaron, this thing is equivalent to proclaiming the existence of friendship and absolute reliability and trust.

And it was at this time that Aaron heard the five guys in black robes behind him, and they made the instinctive action they were ready to fight at any moment.

In order to avoid the conflict that might happen next, Aaron folded his arms and walked forward. As expected, the other party immediately knelt down on one knee after walking in front of Aaron.

"Master, what happened tonight has been separated from the family's fear of dangerous rain, so the elders please continue to retreat."

This guy made a warning about this matter.

Hearing the other party's words, Aaron raised his eyebrows subconsciously. He thought that the elders of the family had until now had all his controllable strength.

Do even the elders of the family face such a night, they realize that some problems have been separated from their preparation?

It should be faced with the matter that I see in front of me, with this accurate understanding of the problem, it becomes a person who does not need to have other other ideas or considerations.

It was after a little thought, before finally facing the things in front of him and what kind of conclusion should be drawn, Aaron very clearly got an answer at this time and said.

"I see, you don't need to talk more about this matter, I will know what I should do."

The guy in black didn't stand up. After hearing Aaron's reply, he just bowed his head and made his own response.

"I understand that this is your choice, young master, then I will not make too much intervention and will inform the elders of your choice."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and disappeared in front of Aaron just like how he came when he came.

Therefore, when facing the problem at hand, you should make this basic understanding of the problem.

Does this situation need to have anything? Other people think that there is no need to have more doubts or worry about the problem?

With the scarlet moon shining in the sky, Aaron couldn't help but breathe a deep series at this time. Sure enough, the bad results presented by the situation were beyond people's expectations.

Of course, this is not Aaron, he really will be at the beginning. It may be that in the face of this problem there will be such sensible thoughts on the problem.

In this world, there will always be some regretful understanding of the problem.

It is best to know clearly what this is for yourself, and it becomes the best method.

Only in the forefront, Aaron, can he believe in himself, and when he is faced with a problem, can he have a further understanding of what the situation is like than the family elders.

Sometimes it is not that certain problems are not qualified to be known, but whether they will choose to take the initiative to know.

The situation may be that in such a situation, there is not much thinking that is worth being made by people, or there is no room for choice.

Do you need to have more inappropriate ideas and considerations when facing the situation in front of you?

The situation itself is not worth it. When people face this world, what they can do can be said to be quite sensible. There are always some artificial emotional factors in the choice and judgment of problems.

When faced with these artificial emotional factors and bad things.

Naturally, all problems no longer need to have any other one's own thoughts on the problem, or any other one's own concerns on the problem.

So more inappropriate thoughts about the problem will make it unnecessary for people to think or choose.

Why do you feel that it is inappropriate and should not be in the face of things? What is the perception of the problem?

Why, when faced with the things encountered in front of you, think that the choices and actions you have made are really an answer that can be clearly understood by people?

In the face of these things, everything will no longer need to have more suspicions about the problem.

Aaron, he stopped facing the last thing he was facing, had more suspicions and should not be made, some inappropriate thinking about the problem, or some kind of something he should not Judgment.

The voice of the guy leaving at this moment is like a very clear price telling himself what kind of thing it is and what the final result might mean to him.

Why do you have to make the choices or judgments that make people feel hard?

It should have the most basic and common sense of things. Understanding of problems naturally becomes the best way to deal with problems when facing problems.

Why do you have other ideas or concerns about things that are inappropriate for you?

This reality is as simple as what you see on the surface.

Before finally taking his own action, Aaron turned his head to look at the five silent men behind him, but he radiated some kind of strong and dangerous breath from time to time.

In the face of these guys, all explanations and all guesses about their identity are completely superfluous. These people are the last ones that are hidden in front of people and see some inappropriate existence.

Aaron could feel the breath of incompatible **** that was completely incompatible with the world from them. UU reading books

He can also feel the situation from these guys at this time, and what kind of people might be inappropriate. Understanding of the problem.

So in the face of these guys, watching their cold, beak-like metal masks, when the rain smelled of disgusting metal rust.

All other self's more thoughts about the problem, and all other self's more inappropriate for the problem, hesitating about the situation, it becomes unnecessary to think and choose.

He already knew at this time that these guys were like idiots, they would only stand on the spot and face everything, as long as they felt dangerous, they would immediately take action.

Although it is still not clear at this time to understand what kind of people behind them are driving them to stand in front of them at this moment, there is no doubt that these people are just victims.

Although it is a pity, there may be a lot of understanding of the problem that people do not know about.

But now it's in front of my eyes, what I saw is gone, and more choices can be made.

The natural answer becomes that there is no need to have anything else. More about the problem is preparation and consideration.

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