Blood Source Era

Chapter 673: : President's necklace

Aaron, he had never thought that someone would just run in front of him and find his own trouble.

The other party looked disdainful and arrogant, his hair curled up in the rain and cold wind exuded a foul smell.

That is the **** stench on the monster, which means that he is a killing monster, and there will be no cold and efficient killer with the slightest pity.

When dealing with such a guy, you should never take it lightly.

If you choose to ignore, then this will only have an impact on yourself, that is, this guy will be killed by chopping melons and vegetables.

Looking at his indifferent eyes, Aaron absolutely didn't believe this guy would have this slight hesitation or pity!

What kind of mentality is he in? What exactly is the motivation? Aaron knew nothing about the things he faced at this time!

Perhaps the situation, in fact, has relatively clear answers that can be understood by people.

But it is not as simple as what people understand.

The other party looks like a pure human and a pure hunter, so as a hunter, you should know that you are the president of the Hunter Guild.

But this guy does not seem to have any respect for the president.

A lot of confusion, at this time backlogged in Aaron's mind, as if he had to face the question in front of him quickly, and then come to an answer that can take action.

Time does not allow him to have more of his own consideration of the problem.

So should there be an idea of ​​how to respond to the problem, or is it simply taking violent action at this time? !

The metal was already ripping through the violent rain at this time, and the sweeping air gave Aaron no choice at this time.

Attacking on the direction, then Aaron thinks again. At this time, there is no doubt that it is an unworthy act.

There are more thoughts or considerations about the problem, so it is at this time that there are not many things that are worthy of being chosen by people.

Putting the judgment on the problem that Aaron can make is actually not a very rich option.

All that's left is to respond to the other party's attack with violence. Either beat the other party down first, or just think about the problem while fighting.

The simplest method is to adopt the former at this time.

At this moment, the metal and the blade collided, bursting out the flames of the metal at that moment.

The sparks of the interlaced metal at that moment were like flames ignited in the dark!

It may be for two reasons. The first is that the other party does n’t know his identity at all, or that the other party is just fighting with his own feelings.

Seeing this as the fire that he is now like a blooming flower, Aaron quickly took his own means of coping and attacking.

But what kind of thoughts should you take, can you feel more appropriate?

When facing the things that are encountered in front of your eyes, what kind of considerations should be given to enable people to face the problems without having to make wrong judgments.

As if those problems were at this time. It is no longer necessary to have more things that people pay special attention to or understand.

Aaron began to have a relatively clear answer at this moment.

The most terrible thing is that this guy is completely mad. Since he is already a beast, there is not much to discuss.

To understand this, Aaron was also at this time. Yan'an City, written by Yao's words, continued to increase the rhythm and offensive of his own offense.

It does not give the other party any chance of resistance and respite.

Any opportunity for this guy to take a breather on the train will only be a choice that makes people feel wrong.

Anything that people should not have when they face things.

It's not as good as putting the other party at first at this time, which can bring more pure and intuitive feelings to the problem.

Attacking insanely, what you see in front of you is the most basic choice and the most basic behavior mode of a madman.

The result has become so obvious.

So for Aaron, why not have any other thoughts or judgments about the problem.

It seems that everything should be the answer to the question at this time.

Naturally, there are more people who feel that it is just inappropriate, and the idea of ​​the problem is likely to be something that is very regrettable.

But at this moment, Aaron completely underestimated the ability of the other party.

Although he blindly accelerated his offensive rhythm and pace.

But this guy seemed to be able to accept his own offensive rhythm without any effort!

Therefore, when faced with the form seen in front of oneself, it may become unnecessary to have any other more choices.

This result made Aaron feel as if he was insulted.

The situation seen in front of people may be, to a certain extent, a very simple thing that can be clearly understood by people.

So what kind of thoughts and considerations should I have to deal with the problem better?

"You are such an asshole. Since you said I am a monster, then why can you keep up with the speed of a monster's attack."

Aaron, he made his wisdom at this time.

The situation itself does not need to be more, so it is something that is worthy of people's thinking and judgment.

The other party laughed a little arrogantly.

"Why do you think humans can't keep up with the speed of the monster's attack ?!"

Anyone who feels inappropriate thinking and judgment about the problem, it is also likely to cause insufficient understanding and understanding of the problem.

So when I have more other ideas about the problem, it seems that I no longer need to think more.

Aaron could only take a deep breath at this moment to accept the fact stated by the other party.

So things still need me to be more hesitant to be hesitated, or to think more than people should think?

This guy is not as simple as imagined. At least in terms of his strength, he has surpassed some human hunters to some extent.

Aaron, he has seen some hunters who have been transformed to approach non-humans.

More powerful nerves are a calmer and firmer, relentless means of killing.

Just to be able to perform his pure duties as a violent killer, there is of course no problem.

But this guy in front of him is not like a transformed hunter. He is more like a guy with human wits who purely pushes his human ability to the limit.

From the beginning, the other party made it clear that in the face of their own situation, they no longer want to use this relatively good way to deal with the problem.

I believe this can solve myself by my own ability.

Of course, this is a very good performance, at least it gives Aaron to slowly apply his pressure, such a process to gradually enter a balanced state with the other party.

But the situation is not as simple as what is encountered on the surface.

Therefore, in such a situation, what kind of consideration of the problem should be a better way.

It seems that the answer has been presented to my eyes very clearly at this time, and there is no need to have more things worth thinking about or considering.

In this way, accepting the situation seen in the phenomenon of words is not a good way to deal with the problem?

Do I need to have some other inappropriate ideas about the problem, or inappropriate ones, do I have to guess more about the problem?

While briefly thinking about the problem and facing the matter again, when making a guess about the problem.

It seemed that all the answers that made people feel that they shouldn't have. It was also at this time that people felt that when presented to Aaron, there were no more options to resist.

The situation itself hasn't done much good, and it is particularly worthy of being clearly understood and understood by people.

Therefore, there is such a basic judgment and understanding of problems when facing things.

Then, what kind of thoughts about the problem can make people feel more appropriate and understand the problem.

All are not necessary to be particularly concerned by people.

It is more inappropriate to go further. It seems that the idea of ​​the problem has no special understanding or concern.

Aaron can say that at this time, as far as the situation in front of him is concerned, the more the other party presents such a state, the more difficult the result is to make people understand.

Things are not as simple as imagined.

When faced with the things encountered in front of your eyes, if there are, it makes people feel inappropriate, and some wrong understanding of the problem, then this will lead to no better solution to the problem.

Pure violence is not what Aaron thinks is the most appropriate solution to the problem.

But what kind of understanding of the problem should people be able to accept when they face things?

The result presented in front of his eyes was obviously an option for Aaron, which made Aaron feel very unhappy.

So, what should there be. The idea of ​​the problem can make people have a better understanding of the problem.

Being able to have your own consideration of the problem will allow people to not think too much about other things when facing things.

The problem has become no longer necessary at this time to have more things that people think or judge.

Suddenly, when dealing with the problem and the way to solve the problem in the face of the problem, Aaron suddenly slowed down his offensive rhythm.

At this time, the intention is to expose the flaw in front of the hunter who has surpassed the vast majority of people to some extent in front of his own eyes.

Seizing such an opportunity has already increased his attack speed to a certain extent, this guy will not have this easy to relax.

He made a smile that made people feel infiltrating, and then slammed Aaron's heart with a sword.

It was at this time that the necklace of the president of the Hunter ’s Guild was scattered.

In the light of the light, the holy silver reflected.

Of course, there are more inappropriate ideas about the problem, or worry, obviously there is no such need at this time.

After seeing the necklace of the hunter's guild president, his eyes tightened immediately at this time!

The situation was as simple as what I saw on the surface.

However, Aaron didn't suffer serious injuries because of this. He raised the corner of his mouth and saw the opponent's performance very clearly.

Although this was not unexpected, it still made Aaron feel very happy.

Sure enough, this necklace, which has been passed for thousands of years as the president of the Hunter ’s Guild, still has a certain deterrent effect.

More people feel that they think it may be more reliable, and the idea of ​​the problem may not have more options.

Some regrets about things that should not be done, and considerations about things that should not be done, are all people who feel very sorry for facing the situation.

So what should be the problem, the idea of ​​the problem may make people face the reality of things ~ ~ will not go back to me wrongly understand the problem.

"How is this possible?" After the action entered Aaron's heart again, all actions stopped at this moment.

He looked at the scene facing him in disbelief, released his gripped arms, and stepped back.

It seems that those other things, when faced with things, say that there should be no such idea, it has become meaningless.

It seems that those other things that make people feel regretful about thinking about the problem, that is, become no longer at this time, are particularly worthy of being thought or judged by people.

"Anything that surprised you?"

Aaron's tone of speech at this time seemed as if he was not injured at all.

Everything may be as simple as what you see on your surface.

Then make other things, which makes people feel inappropriate, and the idea of ​​the problem becomes meaningless.

When dealing with what you see in front of you, what kind of thoughts should you have about the problem, which will make people think it is more appropriate and proper behavior?

The smile from the corner of the mouth, so at this time, gradually began to become a very clear result.

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